The Eternal battle

Chapter 179: Lowkey

Chapter 179: Lowkey

No one commented or thought it strange that they both gave the same answer, in this type of game among the great gamblers the tie might go on for many rounds before one win, after all it isn't surprising that both give the correct answer.

Du Wang raised the cup and showed the result.

" Actually, it's three high and two less, it's a tie. "

Du Wang picked up an extra dice and put it into the cup

" Wait " Suddenly Maxwell said.

" What's the matter? Is there any problem? "

Du Wang politely asked, but the indignation was evident in his eyes.

Maxwell, " yeah, there's a little problem."

Du Wang frowned and didn't like Maxwell's words, problem? how does he say there is a problem? Does he want to question the credibility of the game?

" Don't get me wrong, I just think it will be too long and boring if you add one dice every time, so I think you have to add five dice each time so the game doesn't last for long."

Lan Chen nodded and said, " I agree with him, Master Farren's skill is high so this would be a waste of time. "

" Since both of you agree, then we will add five dice each time. "

Du Wang picked up another four dice and threw them into the cup, then shook it and put it on the table.

" Seven less and three high "

" Seven less and three high "

Du Wang raised the cup and said, " Indeed, seven less and three higher, tied again. "

This game lasted for another eleven rounds, and the number of dice reached sixty-five, forcing Du Wang to bring a pot instead of a cup.

" Wow, that's amazing, the Gambling King really lives up to his reputation, he can still guess correctly even with sixty-five dice, he must have piercing ears. "

" Yes, but I'm the Farren is really amazing too, he can still keep up with the Gambling King, it seems his previous win was not fortunate "

" Yes, it seems that the Gambling King had finally met his opponent "

The nineteenth round with a hundred dice.

" Sixty-three high, sixty-seven less. "

" Sixty-two high, sixty-eight less. "

" Finally different answers! it seems that the result will be resolved in this round "

" Don't be too hasty, they are both probably wrong. "

Everyone was excited because the match was nearing to end. Will the Gambling King take revenge and prove that the previous defeat was a fortune or that the Gambling King will be defeated for the first time?

Du Wang raised the pot very slowly until the results appeared.

Du Wang announced the result loudly, " Sixty-three high, sixty-seven less, the winner is Maxwell Farren. "

"No way!! the Gambling King lost again?! "

" Is this the birth of a new king? "

" It seems we have seen a historic moment hehehehe, it is worth to come "

" Hehehehe, I've been lucky only hehehehe "

Despite the humble words, Maxwell didn't seem humble at all, on the contrary, he was proud, very proud.

Maxwell asked, "Your Majesty will not break your promise, will you? "


Lan Chen didn't hear Maxwell's words as if he was in his own world far from people.

Maxwell didn't care and continued, " Your Majesty, you are not planning to intentionally lose to another person in order to not fulfill your promise, right? Don't forget, in this case, this person will have to defeat me and as long as I defeat him, I will remain a winner "

Lan Chen regained consciousness and roared hard, " Maxwell, don't go too far, I'll never do something like this. "

" Then you will fulfill your promise and join us? "

Lan Chen gritted his teeth and said, " Certainly, the word of this king can't be undone never "

" Well, finish what you have to do while I'm waiting for you haha "

Maxwell was so happy, he came down with a smile on his face and returned to the side of his two brothers, with a smile of pride on his face.

Max and Alex didn't skimp on him and applauded him.

" Well, who's next? "

Du Wang asked.

At this moment, there were only two people left, Shi Tu and Arcana.

" I'll go first "

Arcana stood up and quietly ascended the stage.

Du Wang politely smiled towards Arcana, without turning to Lan Chen

Du Wang turned and turned the turndisc and interestingly enough, the turndisc stopped again at Russian roulette.

Du Wang pointed at his men to bring a gun, but before Du Wang said something, he spoke Arcana.

" Get the other two guns, we'll play with the same rules as the previous ones. "

" This ...."

Du Wang hesitated a little because Lan Chen was extremely angry in this situation and he would definitely release his anger on Arcana because of his grudge against Shi Tu.

Du Wang had no doubt that Shi Tu could defeat Lan Chen, but he didn't have this confidence in Arcana, Arcana is skilled enough and it is clear that she is a natural leader, but that means that she is an ingenious gambler.

After all, where is it easy to find someone who can defeat Lan Chen?

" What Mrs. Shi says is absolutely correct. You cannot change the laws as you wish. "

Lan Chen smiled, but a fire of rage was burning in his eyes. Doesn't this woman know what awaits her if she plays with these rules?

Thinking about it, Arcana said that she doesn't know him and may not understand anything about the gambling world and thinks she can win since Maxwell won.

This made Lan Chen extremely angry because Arcana underestimated him, even though his slightly deformed face looked funny because of the paint on his face, and no one could tell what kind of expression he was giving now.

Lan Chen didn't refuse this and agreed easily because this is a good opportunity to take revenge on Arcana and Shi Tu, he may not be able to do it for Shi Tu personally, but dyeing his wife's face after she defeated would be better.

" Mrs. Shi, are you sure? I advise you to think about it again "

Du Wang looked at Arcana with a meaningful look. She is Shi Tu's wife, and he had previously seen her oppressive temperament and she was definitely not stupid. Can she defeat Lan Chen? Du Wang didn't think so, and neither did everyone.

" Yes "

Arcana responded with one word and seemed uninterested.

Du Wang nodded, " Well, since you both agree, so be it. "

The three guns were placed on the small table

This time Lan Chen shamelessly advanced and took the first turn, checking the three guns very carefully before choosing one and running the bullet tank.

He aimed straight at Arcana's face and shoot, unfortunately, unsuccessfully.

Arcana picked up the same gun that Lan Chen had held and pointed straight at Lan Chen's face without any inspection and without running the bullet tank.

Lan Chen slightly frowned, is this woman really daring to aim at his face? However, he was not upset because he inspected that gun and is sure that it isn't the correct one, which means that it may end up with self-destruction and this would be better.

Unfortunately, this confidence didn't last long because Arcana shot, and Lan Chen's face became blue and yellow

The Gambling King is defeated again!!

The Gambling King was crushed!!

Arcana looked at Du Wang, who had lost the words, and said, " Hurry up and claim my victory. I don't have time to waste. "

Arcana's words awakened Du Wang, regained his senses, and declared aloud, ecstatic voice, "The winner is Mrs. Shi!! "

" Hahaha, as expected from the master's wife, cool, really cool. Hahaha. "

Lu Huang burst out happily and laugh at his loudest voice.

The faces of the Farren brothers pouted, they wouldn't be surprised by Shi Tu's victory but Arcana?

Maxwell looked carefully at Arcana, how is it possible that they don't know her exists? Not only that royal air around her but her abilities as well, is it conceivable that she cheated in the same way?

Maxwell quickly dismissed this possibility from his head, she seems like the proud type who would only rely on his abilities.

As he looked at her, Maxwell's face flashed a smile.

Such a woman, it would be nice if he could make her his woman.

' Hahahaha, head of the demon will die soon anyway, maybe I can ask the ancestor to spare her and give her to me '

Fortunately, Shi Tu was not attentive and didn't see Maxwell's face, if he saw him, he would know what he was thinking just by looking at the perverted smile on his face.

If this happened, it is estimated that a river of blood was flowing.

" What is going on? How is it possible for the Gambling King to be defeated three times in a row? Someone tell me what is happening "

Ji Ran couldn't believe what she saw and could only say

This woman has these abilities, so how can she not have any reputation? The most important is how can be poor? With these abilities, she could accumulate a fortune, so how could she wear such cheap clothes? Is this the legendary lowkey?

For the first time, Ji Ran began to feel remorse for opposing Arcana.

Everyone's thinking wasn't different from that of Ji Ran and they thought Arcana was the real mastermind behind Shi Economic Group and Shi Tu are just muscles.

Unfortunately, none of them can imagine the fact that Arcana came recently from another world and has not built any reputation for herself yet.

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