The Eternal battle

Chapter 282: Comprehension

Chapter 282: Comprehension

A voice rang in Shi Tu's mind, coming from the Darknessness Ring

" Again? who are you? "

Shi Tu asked in annoyance, but the voice didn't answer again.

" Don't bother, he won't answer you, after all, he's so arrogant even among us. "

Mu said sarcastically.

" Who is he? "

" If I tell you, he'll be pissed, but you just have to know that he's the creature of Sand of Time. "

" I know you don't like dealing with people who behave too arrogantly in front of you, but I advise you to be patient because he will definitely be useful to you. "

" Okay "

Shi Tu didn't hesitate because that's what he was going to do anyway and it's okay to get additional benefits.

Shi Tu put all his focus on Situ Lianheng's body, ignoring everything.

His consciousness seemed to isolate everything around him and not care about anything else.

Shi Tu quickly forgot who he was, what he was doing here, and was no longer able to see anything in front of him except Situ Lianheng.

" Demon Star Steps "

Shi Tu incorporated the Void Laws he had comprehended into his Star Demon steps to increase his speed.

Space distorted for a moment and Shi Tu disappeared to appear directly in front of Situ Lianheng.

Shi Tu grabbed Situ Lianheng's neck tightly and did nothing else

" Useless "

Situ Lianheng spat in disdain and punched Shi Tu in the stomach hard.

" Since normal attacks don't affect me, you want to strangle me? Nave! let me tell you, no matter what kind of attacks you give me you will never affect me because the time for my body is a billion times slower, you may not notice it but you never touch me because physical attacks take millions of years to reach me and ...."

" Six-Blades Buddha "

Behind Shi Tu, a gray Buddha shadow appeared with six arms holding what looked like Blades of Chaos in each hand.

" Buddha Blades Fury "

Shi Tu didn't waste time and didn't say any nonsense and started to strike Situ Lianheng very quickly.

But nothing had changed, despite receiving all those blows, Situ Lianheng remained standing and intact.

" Hahaha, without interest, didn't I tell you? I cannot dodge but will not get harmed even if I never I move Hahaha "

" It's bad, it's getting worse for him. "

Yingjun Xiye looked at Sun Jie and said, " Is everything really okay? No matter how you look at it, he doesn't seem to have any chance of winning. "

Sun Jie answered indifferently, " I have advised you and follow the advice or it will not return to you "

The couple hesitated a bit but eventually stayed.

In the end, Shi Tu stopped attacking and Buddha Shadow disappeared, even concealing the Blades of Chaos as well.

' I see, this is the law of time? But I feel that this is incomplete, I feel that time is not so simple, it is not only time that passes quickly or slowly, but it is something much deeper than that.'

Due to Shi Tu's unparalleled talent and possession of Primordial Energy and thus the ability to use the properties of all kinds of energy and practice all laws, he easily managed to comprehend the laws of time within the Sands of Time after clashing with the time changes in Situ Lianheng's body very quickly, he even managed to obtain extra enlightenment.

But all of this came with the price of receiving significant physical damage.

" What's the matter? Did you give up? Hehehehehe, just hand me the Blades of Chaos and I might leave you with a complete corpse and ."

Once again, Shi Tu rushed towards Situ Lianheng and punched and kicked him, trying to understand more.

At first, Situ Lianheng did not resist because he wanted to drain Shi Tu's energy but after seeing Shi Tu's indifferent face that made him feel for some reason that Shi Tu was not looking at him but rather looking at something else and that he had never put it in his eyes which made him feel angry and humiliated.

" How long will you keep ignoring meee! "

In order to vent his anger and after noticing the slowdown in the speed and strength of Shi Tu's attacks, Situ Lianheng gradually began to push back the attacks and was unexpectedly in control.

" Destruction Fist! "

Situ Lianheng directed several Destruction Fists towards Shi Tu who could not reply due to his energy being drained as his body became almost devoid of any Primordial Energy or Energy Poison, allowing the Destruction Energy to tamper with his body.

" cough "

Shi Tu spat out a lot of blood but resisted and pulled out his sword but it didn't look like he had the ability to attack.

" You are annoying "

Situ Lianheng was deeply annoyed and seemed to have run out of patience as he slashed at Shi Tu, whose body was riddled with wounds.

Because of Situ Lianheng's Destruction Energy, the power of his punches was so powerful that he didn't leave a single bone intact in Shi Tu's body.

From afar, Sun Jie is still not worried despite the confusion in her eyes.

It is impossible for Shi Tu to be defeated by Situ Lianheng, even if Shi Tu suffered some problems, escaping is too easy for him so why did he have to take all this beating?

Suddenly, Shi Tu's body started to crack and strange auras appeared.

The first aura is the Rampage Primordial Energy and the second aura is of course Energy Poison.

Although the two auras weakened because Shi Tu's body barely had any Primordial Energy or Energy Poison left, but as soon as Situ Lianheng sensed the Energy Poison, he immediately retreated and did not dare to approach.

Despite his confidence in the Sands of Time, fear and reverence for Energy Poison were etched into his bones and he couldn't resist.

" What's going on? What is this? Even though they are weak, these two auras give an oppressive feeling. "

" I don't know, but it looks like the two auras are battling, the gray aura is trying to escape from Shi Tu's body while the other aura is trying to suppress it, is it possible that Shi Tu has absorbed some kind of strange energy being? "

Before anyone could comprehend what was happening, the sound of lightning struck everyone's ears.

Everyone looked at the sky to see that the sky is covered with thunder clouds.

The sparks of Heavenly Lightning grow with every passing moment from baby dragon to giant dragon who can't wait to descend.

" Heavenly Lightning? T-This Heavenly Lightning? But how? Even I am a far cry ."

" What's going on? Is someone trying to break through to the Third Step? Only someone who tries to give up his mortal body to become immortal can attract the Heavenly Tribulation with such force. "

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