The Extraordinary Urban God of Medicine

Chapter 245: Big Sister (Fifth Update)

Chapter 245: Chapter 245: Big Sister (Fifth Update)

Translator: 549690339

The crowd of onlookers finally had some who could no longer stand idly by.

An older woman finally burst out, “I was right next to you just now, I clearly saw that it was you who ran into other people over there. But now you insist that they were the ones stumbling into you. Isn’t this just twisting the truth? Oh, I see what’s happening, you’re trying to con someone. So young and what are you doing, resorting to such devious tricks?”

“Shut up! What the hell are you talking about? You believe I won’t smack your face?” The purple-haired girl threatened, pointing at the older woman.

This brazen act of the purple-haired girl incensed the crowd like a bomb dropped in latrine. Many people started to side with Father Song and Mother Song.

However, there were also some who preferred to sit on the sidelines, choosing to stay silent.

“This is intolerable!” At this moment, Song Yuru rushed forward, standing protectively in front of Father Song and Mother Song. “Let’s say, my parents did knock over your cup, what gives you the right to curse and threaten others?”

“Hehe” The purple-haired girl sneered at Song Yuru, a look of jealousy in her eyes, “Stop fucking talking! Pay up!”

“Eh How much do these cups cost?” Huang Xiaolong approached, grinning.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong standing there in his simple farmer’s attire, a look of contempt flashed in the purple-haired girl’s eyes, “How much? You think you can afford it?”

“Hehehe, so how much exactly?” Huang Xiaolong glances at the shattered glasses scattered on the ground. “It doesn’t look very valuable.”

“Dumbass!” The purple-haired girl mocked. “Fine, fine, let me tell you, this set of glasses, it’s RIEDEL’s top-class crystal series from Austria… Each single piece costs 2000 RMB, a set would be 12000 RMB!”

The crowd gasped at this revelation…

12000 RMB?

That’s too expensive, isn’t it?

Casually knocking into it amounted to a loss of 12000 RMB…

Such bad luck!

“It’s in Euros.” The purple-haired girl boasted. Then she pointed her finger arrogantly at Father Song and Mother Song. “Looking at you country bumpkins, I bet you don’t know the exchange rate of RMB to Euro… Fine, I’ll tell you, 1 Euro equals 7.3027 RMB…”

As she rattled on, she pulled out her phone and tapped on the calculator. “Here it is, when converted into RMB, it amounts to 87632.4 RMB. You all look so shabbily dressed, I’ll let you off the change… Just give me 80000 RMB right now!”

“What? 80000 RMB?” Father Song was in shock. “Just for these few cups, 80000 RMB?”

Mother Song was brought to tears by this.

For a family like Song Yuru’s, 80000 RMB was a heavy blow.

Most of the onlookers were taken aback.

“Um… 80000 RMB?” Huang Xiaolong signaled Song Yuru to calm down, and slowly said, “I reckon… 80 RMB sounds more like it.”

“What? What did you just say?” Panicked momentarily, the purple-haired girl blurted out, but soon a vicious glint reappeared in her eyes, “Fuck! Are you a dumbass? 80 RMB? How could you even dare to say that? Fine! Just you wait, I’m making a phone call. You’re gonna regret this. A bunch of country bumpkins, poverty-stricken!”

“It’s clearly just a regular glass, at most worth a few dozen RMB, why would you say it’s a crystal?” Huang Xiaolong asked seriously. “Crystal is white and gleaming, while glass has a hint of blue or yellow in its white, and its shine is insufficient.”

“Crystal has a hardness of 7, and glass about 5.5. If you scratch with the edge of a natural crystal, it can leave a mark on the glass.”

“Also, there’s a simpler way to tell the difference,” Huang Xiaolong added. “If you lick a crystal and glass, the former gives a cooling sensation, while the latter is slightly warm…”

“I’ll give it a lick, I really don’t believe these inconspicuous cups here could be worth 80000.” The same older woman who spoke up earlier volunteered to step forward.

“It’s that simple, crystal feels cold when licked, glass feels hot… alright, I’ll give it a go.” A middle-aged man followed.

“Let me try!”

“I’ll do it, too!”

“I’ve had enough, this woman’s arrogance is off the charts, I gotta try it!”

Around a dozen spectators came forward to lick the shattered glass.

The purple-haired girl panicked!

“Get lost! All of you stay back! Don’t come near!” Snarled the purple-haired girl. “None of your damn business!”

“Heh starting to feel guilty?” Huang Xiaolong grinned. “Now, I present you two choices. First, I’ll pay you 80 RMB. Oh, no, I’ll pay you 100 RMB, giving you an extra 20, like a sympathy donation. You take the money and you disappear. Second, oh, the second choice, to report to the police, that you used regular glass disguising as crystal trying to scam people with false claims…”

“Alright, Xiaoyun, step aside, let me handle this.” Suddenly, a disdainful female voice sounded.

A woman dressed in a long violet dress, with her hair gracefully coiled up, radiantly glamorous, walked up slowly.

She cast a scornful glance at Song Yuru, then turned to look sympathetically at Huang Xiaolong.

“This… this is the girlfriend of the Hu family’s son…”

“It’s… it’s Murong Qian.”

“I wonder how Murong Qian will handle this. If… if Murong Qian sides with the purple-haired girl, it’s going to be trouble for the Song family.”

“Are you all idiots? It’s pretty obvious that Murong Qian is on the same side as the purple-haired girl. The Song family is in for it now. Ah Such misfortune!”

Murong Qian was well-known in the urban village.

She was once hailed as the most beautiful woman in the village, and later became the girlfriend of Hu Yang.

Now, Murong Qian manages several properties for Hu Yang in the urban village, with dozens of thugs under her command, truly an influential figure!

You could say that, thanks to Hu Yang’s power, Murong Qian rules over this area, freely exerting her dominance over whomever she desires. Those who offend her will face dire consequences.

For instance, some time ago, a girl who had dared to talk back to Murong Qian was gang-raped by more than a dozen men the same night, and committed suicide by jumping into a river the next day.

“What are you all trying to do? Lick the crystals?” Murong Qian sneered as she glanced around the crowd. “Sure, if you want to try, I’ll get some broken glass here for you to lick. But, be careful not to cut your tongues!”

With her words, the crowd who initially spoke up for the Song family all shrank back, each of them retreating, their heads down, and feeling a chill running down their spines.

Delighted by their fear, Murong Qian turned her gaze to Father Song and Mother Song. “These are genuine Austrian RIEDEL crystal glasses, no need for authentication.”

“Hahaha  You say they’re real, so they’re real?” Huang Xiaolong chuckled.

“Yes. If I say they’re real, they’re real.” Murong Qian sneered at Huang Xiaolong. “You want to report to the police? Hehe, you can certainly try, but I can guarantee that even if the police come, they are still the top of the line Austrian RIEDEL crystal glasses. There’s no other choice but for you to pay.”

Murong Qian’s words radiated dominance.

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