The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 36

Ofilis Hall Occupation (6)

“You know what Mr. Ellis? “It was that car.”

Ofilis Building 5th floor hallway.

Supplies warehouse and maids’ lounge. Other than that this space which consists only of a multi-purpose room is still quiet as if something happened to the downstairs.

In the first place students had no reason to go up to the 5th floor. The guest rooms are all located on the lower floors and most of the maids are confined to the staff conference room on the 4th floor so the wide hallway on the 5th floor can’t help but be quiet.

There was a commotion coming from downstairs. It looks like Ed Ross-Taylor was more splendid than expected. This is good news for Lortel the bigger the situation the better.

Soon something like Clevius’ terrified screams are heard so the students locked in the room will become more and more anxious as they go. If the situation becomes serious they will all break down the wall and escape.

Ellis stood quietly in the dark and looked at the girl who spoke.

“You know Mr. Ellis right? “He is someone who just looks evil and mean.”

“You mean Master Ed? “The person I met last time at camp.”

yes that’s right.

“That’s the type of person you like. “I didn’t know.”

“… “My appearance is decent but I don’t mean that in particular.”

Lortel Kecheln was sitting on a wooden cabinet in the supply warehouse drying his hair. He had just finished checking that things were going according to plan.

“I think I smelled the same scent on that man that I smelled on Mr. Ellis. “I made some inappropriately sentimental comments.”

Is that so?

“Then they threw it away without any hesitation. “You are responsible for your choices.”

Lortel smiled shaking his head and shaking his head.

“People like us have to live with hearing those words.”

When Ellis heard those words she could neither nod nor shake her head.

Ellis is the chief maid at Ofilis Hall and is a senior maid with over 20 years of service.

She started working as an apprentice maid at the age of 15 knowing nothing and eventually her abilities were recognized and she became the manager of the Ofilis building at a relatively young age.

Those people are all deeply hardened. Therefore such people cannot be easily bought with money.

If you want to act against the beliefs buried in your heart you have to spend so much money that it can even destroy those values.

This is the point where the most investment was made to reduce the scale of the Ofilis Hall occupation.

He abandons the job he has been loyal to all his life makes the situation bigger destroys the Ofilis building and makes him take responsibility for the whole situation.

If you were going to bribe someone to do something like this you had to make them pay for all their sins and still live the rest of their lives without worrying about money.

Thanks to this a large hole was created in the ledgers of the Sylvania branch of the Elte Company. Appropriate investment is essential for greater profits but the loss is enormous enough to buy one senior-level employee at Sylvania Academy. It won’t be easy to fix.

However Lortel was not worth the cost at all.

It is not simply an investment for greater profits. This series of actions is also an act of finding one’s kind.

I have seen countless people break their beliefs because of the attraction of shiny gold coins.

Such people are usually people who are stuck in a corner or who take the pride of life in simple weightless beliefs.

Such people are not even worthy of being called compatriots.

The true compatriots are those who threw away their firm beliefs and values which they devoted their whole lives to in front of gold coins.

The more noble and valuable the beliefs and values the more excited Lortel feels. That’s because that appearance is the only thing that can relieve Lortel’s loneliness.

“I’m glad I have you Ellis.”

Even the senior maid who has served the students at Ofilis Hall for over 20 years collapses helplessly in the face of greed.

In front of the tower of gold coins any sublimity loses its value.

Lortel himself knows very well that this is a useless self-consolation.

A life led by gold coins and throwing away everything else. It is nothing more than a psychological defense mechanism to gain acceptance for such a life.

Even though he is aware of this Lortel does not stop searching for and harming his people.

“Otherwise how could this plan come to fruition?”

There is no need to further emphasize how much of a factor the participation of the general manager of Ofilis Hall was in this situation.

“If just in time for Willain the representative student of the lower class to take over the management office on the 4th floor I hand over control of the protection magic that was unleashed to him… “They will destroy Ofilis Hall without even knowing why.”

Considering the people Lortel has trampled on in order to survive this level is cute.

Among the rows of merchants risking their lives for a single gold coin or a basket between the slums of a slum.

I lived a life where I would get stabbed to death if I didn’t stab someone else in the back first.

However even if it was committed in order to survive the evil deed cannot be justified.

Simply saying that it was a way of survival to protect oneself… Although it may be an extenuating circumstance it cannot be completely rationalized.

“Things seem to be going according to plan so I’ll just stay in the warehouse. “I’m scared and don’t know anything so I have to pretend to be a good student hiding in the warehouse.”

“I understand Miss Lortel.”

Regardless of his unfortunate past history or the circumstances that put him in a corner Lortel is clearly a villain and a shadowy figure.

If there is such a thing as an afterlife we will burn forever in hellfire.

They do not deserve to be understood or pitied. Lortel himself knows this very well.

Therefore what you end up searching for are your own people.

He desperately wanted a companion who would sink to the bottom of the swamp together.

Even though I know very well that such a person cannot exist.

What a pitiful human being.

Like a girl of that age she would die in loneliness for the rest of her life without ever being able to love someone or open her heart like a family member.

At that fact Ellis let out a sigh of regret.

… He took out his rapier and aimed it at Lortel.

“Lady Lortel. “I’ll tell you when it comes to mind.”

At the point when the wizard gave this much distance to the sword wielder… The fight is no longer established.

“I am not particularly of your kind.”


“… “It’s not as difficult as I thought.”

Ofilis Building 3rd floor hallway.

Outside the window the rain is still falling.

Swimming between them Tailley and the others steadily moved forward.

Taily Ayla Elvira Clevious.

He caught Clevius running away on the second floor subdued him and forced him to join the party.

On the 3rd floor ‘Bedding Laundry Manager Kelly’ blocked the group but they responded appropriately and easily subdued them.

– ‘I’m sorry Ellis… I was unable to complete the task that was entrusted to me… ‘

Kelly continued to mutter to herself until they tied her up subdued her and threw her in the corner of the hallway.

Now that I think about it where has Kelly’s twin sister Shenny who hangs out with her almost every day gone?

Of course Tailley’s thoughts did not reach that far.

“If I just keep going at this pace it will be quick… ?”

We have already entered the 4th floor.

Was it because I was too nervous? I felt like things were going better than I expected.

In the first place the level of difficulty on the first floor was strangely difficult. After that there are no opponents who strategically attack Taily and his group’s weaknesses.

“… ”

Elvira had an expressionless face unlike usual.

The image of a second-year wizard standing in the middle of a burning flame with his blood-soaked shirt rolled up keeps flashing back to me.

The horrifyingly skillful movements are so different from the ugly rolling on the floor during the entrance exam that they constantly get on my nerves.

Elvira is full of pride. The fact that Ed lost on purpose left a big scratch on his arrogant personality but he doesn’t do anything like lose his temper.

‘I’m worried. ‘He was clearly hiding his skills.’

It seems that just confirmation of the facts is necessary.

Once Elvira’s curiosity arose no difficulty could stop it. Clearly there is a side to Ed Rothtaylor that Elvira is unaware of.

“Run away too!”


Elvira’s worries only lasted for a moment.

A group of low-ranking students poured out from the end of the fourth floor hallway. Everyone looked terrified and started running towards the exit of Ofilis Hall passing by Tailley and the others.

“The protection magic went out of control!”

“You idiot Willaine! “I told you not to touch me!”

shit! Where have all the maids who manage the protection magic gone? “Let’s run away first!”

I don’t know! “I really had no idea it would turn out like this!”

The hallway immediately became a mess due to the students running out screaming like that.

“Now wait a minute! what! “Why is everyone like this!”

Tailly screamed and tried to stop the students but it was a helpless action.

The axis of the earth shakes and the Opilis tube begins to vibrate little by little.

A man appears staggering at the entrance to the management office in the corner of the fourth floor hallway.

I am Willaine the representative of the 3rd year Magic Ministry’s underachieving students.

All kinds of protective magic circles that rose up around his body were so delicate that even experienced magicians could not handle them. Usually four or five maids with sufficient mana sensitivity rush in and make adjustments at once.

Since it is an emergency alert system that manages the entire Ofilis Hall there is no access unless you are an administrator with clear authority. The situation in which Willaine is being swayed by the law itself is unnatural.

It was Ellis and Lortel’s plan to place the crystal ball that activates the Beopjin’s management system in the center of the management room.

“Ugh! “Help me too!”

Willaine stumbled under the pressure of the legal force surrounding his body. He swung his arm to one side. All kinds of swords engraved on the walls and ceiling are activated and the outer wall on one side of the hallway is destroyed.

With a crackling sound dust rose up and raindrops entered the hallway.

“I can’t handle it! help me!

Willaine slipped and fell down awkwardly but even that became a trigger for activating some kind of magic blowing up the ceiling and destroying the wall on the other side.

Self-defense techniques engraved here and there in the Ofilis Building. It was originally designed to protect students of noble status from external invaders.

But now the scene is just like a child holding a gun loaded with live ammunition. If you are not fully aware of the danger and do not utilize it properly the muzzle of your gun will be pointed at your allies.

“First we have to knock out the caster Willaine! “It’s too difficult to lift the Beopjin one by one in a situation like that!”

Even though her actual magical ability is poor Ayla’s knowledge of magic itself is outstanding. She quickly finished assessing her situation.

As soon as Tailley finished saying those words she nodded briefly and took a leap forward. He laid down his sword and planned to strike Will Lane with the blade and subdue him.


However if someone attacks you with sudden force you will be embarrassed and end up taking a defensive stance. And that will soon stimulate the activation of a new law.


Tailly was knocked down by a wave of magical energy coming from the glass window and the bathroom door. I quickly took the fall technique and stood up but as Willaine continued to scream new magic poured into the hallway.

Ignite wind bomb summon earthen wall shadow blade earthquake.

Various forces appear creating chaos in the hallway and preventing access to Willaine.

Needless to say all the murals on the walls wooden cabinets lining the hallways even the exterior walls and floors are broken cracked and torn.

The students in the room were already anxious at the sound of the chandelier collapsing. That patience eventually reaches its limit.

– ‘What the hell is going on outside!’

– ‘If it continues like this isn’t it going to be a really big problem?! ‘I have to break down the wall!’

– ‘What on earth are the maids doing?!’

– Quang!

In a corner room on the second floor a girl eventually broke the wall and began to escape outside.

It is clearly different from the time of Clevius. This time it really seems like the building is going to collapse. I can’t just stay like this and die.



As soon as two or three people start breaking the wall and come out the students who are swept up in the crowd mentality begin to escape the room in different ways.

Students on the first floor break the window and run out into the rain and students who know how to use flight magic or have the skill to land from a high place also break the window and come out.

Students who can’t do this either completely destroy the outer wall of the hallway or use all their magical power to use a short spatial magic to jump out and completely destroy the floor leading to the first floor.


-bang! bang! Kwaaaaang!

-Clink! Crispy!

The sound of destruction echoing through Ofilis Hall will never end. You can see students evacuating outside to save their lives in different ways.

Tailley and the others sense that things are going wrong but despite this the rampage of the protective force controlled by Willaine continues its destruction without stopping.

“Elvira! “Is there any chestnut flower reagent left?!”

“Don’t be stupid Taily! “The night butterfly flower reagent distorts the user’s use of magical power and has no effect on a pre-engraved magic circle like that!”

Elvira clicked her tongue and bowed her body. As it was he sprinkled a reagent dissolved in a mixture of monkfish grass seeds and crushed emperor clam shells around her feet. Magical energy rises at the center and all kinds of basic magic coming out of the protective circle are temporarily blocked.

Although it is not very practical due to its narrow range it is a monkfish reagent that does its job well in such a narrow hallway.

“Anyway that protection magic is only an auxiliary magic! Not only is the amount enormous but the power itself is manageable! “Go through it well and knock Willaine unconscious!”

After saying that Elvira quietly grabbed Clevius who was hiding behind the remains of the cabinet by the collar.

“Aaaah! Wow! “I thought no one would know!”

“Anyway you stupid Clevius! “They try to hide whenever they get the chance!”

Elvira shouted at Tailley while kicking Clevious’s ass.

“If the two of you attack together it will be enough to subdue you! “I will support you from behind so subdue Willaine before the damage increases!”

At those words Tailly nodded and Clevius looked astonished.




The outer walls of Ofilis Hall are bursting. The battle to conquer the 4th floor boss has begun.

Considering that the level of difficulty is not that high except for the 5th floor boss Ellis there is not much time left until this occupation of Ofilis Hall is over.

“Ed where are you going! “The wound opens up!”

not a big deal! “Most of this isn’t my blood either!”

Jenica quickly followed me as I ran around the Ofilis building in the rain.

It wasn’t long before I noticed a large carriage standing in front of the staff passage at the back of Ofilis Building.

The carriage decorated with various gold frames looks expensive and flashy at first glance but when you think about who is riding in the carriage it couldn’t be more frugal.

In fact when he goes somewhere he is accompanied by at least fifteen carriages. The fact that they came on this scale means that something urgent happened and they rushed at a high speed.

Just looking at it it looks like it has been standing still in this spot for a long time. like… Just like waiting for the Ofilis building to be destroyed.

Soon a woman neatly dressed in a maid uniform and holding an umbrella appears from the employee exit.

‘Shenny in charge of tableware management’

He is one of the orphans taken in and raised by the maid head Ellis and he is a person who should have been blocking Tailley and his group along with his younger brother Kelly on the third floor of the Ofilis Building.

However contrary to the official situation Shenny escaped from the scene and was knocking on the carriage door.

The story is going astray. That is clear evidence.

As Shenny stepped back and bowed a thin gentleman opened the door and came out. He is Victor an old executive at Elte Trading Company.

Victor opened the door and politely held up the umbrella setting the stage for the owner of the carriage to walk out.

Eventually he walks out from the entrance of a luxurious carriage.

The tight white shirt and leather pants with the dark red waistband tied tightly at the bottom look frugal. However the coat with all kinds of gold lacquer and dangling jewels boasts the price of a ship and each jeweled ring between the fingers has the weight of a house.

Neither young nor old. The neatly trimmed beard is sharp. The dignity of the body is already like a part of the body.

‘Golden King Elte’ the founder of Elte Company.

I had a hunch.

This point is the starting point that signals the beginning of all events.

If I remember correctly the Golden King Elte visited Sylvania during the ‘Sage’s Battle for Seal’ event long after the occupation of Ophilis Hall was over.

Elteda’s position within the Chamber of Commerce is in dire straits. He aims to turn the situation around by purchasing the wise man’s seal. This is because Crepin Ross Taylor the head of the Ross Taylor family charged an absurd price for the book.

However he was eventually stabbed in the back by Lortel and left. He ends his life as a merchant.

But now he is here.

I don’t know the process. Only the results remain.

What where and how it came to be like this is probably completely beyond my knowledge. Trying to figure it all out at this point is arrogant.

However it is possible to infer what will happen in the future.

Two twin maids Shenny and Kelly who are completely loyal to their head maid Ellis.

Among them the fact that Sheni is in contact with the Golden King Elte… The story goes that Alice the head maid was in secret with Elte the Golden King.

However in affairs the maid Ellis was clearly completely bribed by Lortel.

He is blamed for receiving a huge amount of money and failing to properly manage the protection of Ofilis Hall.

After receiving all kinds of disciplinary action and punishment at the workplace where he had worked for decades he gave up all his career.

He is not a person who can simply be bought with money. Ellis is a person with strong beliefs and values.

How such a person was bought with only money was not discussed in much detail. I can only infer that he gave that much money.

In the first place Lortel tends to encourage such noble people to break their beliefs in the face of money. It is Lortel’s compulsion to wander in search of his compatriots but the scene seen now is clearly different from the real world. That look is like…

“Ed… I caught a cold… ! “You lost a lot of blood and your body temperature dropped!”

Yenika who followed late took off the shawl she was wearing under her robe came forward and quickly covered it over my head.

“Why are you so upset! really!



This is not a situation to stay still. Although the circumstances are not yet clear it is possible to fully predict what will happen in the future.

“There is something I would like to ask you. “It’s an urgent matter but it might be a bit too much for me to handle alone.”

Jenica listened to the story blankly with her arms stretched out over my head and the shawl lifted… He tilted his head.

It is clear what answer will come out of Yenika. If you hear something like this out of the blue the first thing anyone will ask is the situation. what is that? Is it urgent? What did you get yourself into? Explain the situation. Things like that.

How should I explain this to get Yenika to accept it? . How to convey only the core of the situation as briefly and boldly as possible… As I was thinking about what to do I immediately got an answer from Yenika.

huh. okay.

Is it because they are considerate of the fact that it is urgent or is it because they don’t even care about the content from the beginning?

“What should I do?”

The attitude of skipping intermediate steps and asking for things that need to be handled in a cool manner makes me think that I have a really good friend.

* [Letter to Elte Kecheln]

Hello I am Elte Keheln the respected Golden King of Elte Company.

My name is Ellis and I work as a maid at the Ofilis Building at Exalted Sylvania Academy.

Once this letter is finished reading it will spontaneously burn away due to the imprinted utterance. Please be careful not to get burned.

The reason why I who have no contact with you has taken up the quill to write a letter to you who is busy every minute is because I have something to report about your adopted daughter Miss Lortel Kecheln who is attending Sylvania Academy.

In order to purchase the ‘Sage’s Seal’ as you ordered she is inducing a revolt in the Ofilis Hall and causing a financial crisis at Sylvanian Academy.

The plan went smoothly. It is almost certain that it will succeed with the participation of Ellis the general manager of the Ofilis building.

If all goes well Sylvania Bachelor’s finances will be in dire straits and the Elte Company will be able to take an overwhelmingly advantageous position in negotiations to purchase the ‘Sage’s Seal’.

However for some reason I learned her true intentions.

Elte. Your adoptive daughter Miss Lortel Kecheln is not your ally. She should never credit her.

she is… She knows that you were the one who killed her biological parents. She recognizes her talent and she also knows that her life has put her in a corner and forced her to take your hand.

Without your knowledge she is planning to persuade the six major merchants and executives of Elte Corporation to force you to resign from your position as CEO.

The ‘Sage’s Seal’ purchase negotiation is also a bait to lure you into Sylvania Academy and prevent you from responding in time to the incident that occurs at the Elte Company headquarters.

I have stolen secret letters from her room and are keeping them as evidence.

I’m sure she disposed of it by burning it in an incinerator but starting the incinerator is the job of our maids.

No matter how thorough she was it would never have occurred to her that the maids at the Ofilis Building would have kept each and every secret letter that was shredded and discarded in the incinerator.

I am ready to report her at any time.

No matter what direction this incident goes I will be brought to justice for failing to properly manage Ofilis Hall.

If I were to utter the three letters of Lortel’s name the shadow of everything on that judgment seat I would not be the only one who would fall into hell.

However like most things in this world nothing is free.

I was promised a large amount of gold coins by her in exchange for keeping quiet about this matter.

The only thing that can stop a huge amount of gold coins is an even bigger amount of gold coins.

The contents described on the paper attached below this letter are the names of the ‘organizations’ that I secretly and regularly manage. The amount of gold delivered to the institution will determine my subsequent actions.

I am losing my eyesight. Due to some circumstances I almost lost my hearing. There is no reason to explain the reason in detail but anyway this year will probably be the last time I get to work as a maid.

I am the only person who knows the whole truth about this incident and I am a person who is cornered because there is nothing left to do. Depending on which side I fall on the situation may become more complicated or simpler.

Please be merciful and judge wisely.

– Uploaded by Ellis the head maid at Ofilis Hall.

[Attachment paper]

Cerne Crooks Orphanage Cohelton Orphan Shelter Artens Crossel Orphan Asylum Odell Province Alton Orphanage Temil Province Public Orphan Shelter


“Ed… ! You’re hurt! If you move too fast the wound will open… !”

What we are already painfully realizing is that the variables in the world are so complex that we cannot control them all.

All you can do is try your best. All we have to do is manage large variables well so that there are no problems.

I gather my thoughts as I walk through the rain with Jenica.

The reason is still unknown… If Ellis really betrayed Lortel it is safe to say that Lortel’s downfall was inevitable.

How important is Lortel Kecheln in political affairs?

In the third act he must take the lead in the political battle within the academy by setting up a confrontation with Princess Fenia and play a role in uniting talented people in the search operation on Mount Orn. ​​In addition he acts as a representative of the top power in the battle to subdue Lucy… He is a person who has been given enormous importance.

In the fourth act its position as a helper of the main character’s power is solidified and it develops into the largest friendly power that stands in open conflict with the Ross Taylor family… The influence of other small incidents and episodes is so numerous that it is impossible to give examples.

The fall of Lortel.

It is just one sentence that destroys the premise of all those scenarios.

The scenario in which Lortel Kecheln disappeared is a completely unknown world from my perspective. Future knowledge information superiority everything has collapsed and no trace can be found.

However if I can completely play the role of Lortel… It may not be impossible but it is a very arduous and difficult path. I say this out of habit but it’s hard to put in my mouth so I absolutely refuse to go through such trouble.

Unless you give up your academy degree and go out and live in an unknown fantasy world. Lortel Kecheln’s departure is absolutely unacceptable.

“Yenika do you know where Ziggs’ room is? “I guess I’ll have to ask him for some help too.”

“Huh? well… Because we’re not that close… I’m not sure… ”

“… Okay I guess I’ll have to look for them one by one. “He may have already escaped from the building.”

I walked back to the main entrance of Ofilis Building wiping away the rain running down my face. The evacuated students are muttering not knowing what to do.

The occupation of Ofilis Hall is also coming to an end.

The protection spell has been activated so the staff will arrive within a few minutes.

Lortel Kecheln is a character who cannot be sympathized or understood even if he falls. No matter how extensive the circumstances are she is a villain in name and reality.

Gwonseonjeongak spilgwijeong spilgwijeong sibulbeomjeong.

These are all true stories but the lessons in such fairy tales can be put aside for a moment.

On stage it is essential to have a shadowy figure who can hide all the truth.

No one knows in what direction a scenario where the villain disappears will take off or how it will snowball and destroy the world.

The main entrance of Ofilis Hall in the rain.

I push my head to the limit

I looked up at the half-destroyed Ofilis building with Yenika.

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