The Fears Of A Billionaire

Chapter 39 - 39 The trap tighten

Chapter 39: Chapter 39 The trap tighten

The command center erupted into chaos as gunfire roared from all sides. Dominic, Alyssa, Marcus, and Eleanor were pinned down behind consoles and overturned desks, trading shots with the soldiers pouring into the room.

"We have to move!" Dominic shouted over the noise, his voice taut with urgency.

Alyssa reloaded her weapon, her sharp eyes scanning the situation. "They're cutting off our escape routes."

Eleanor ducked as bullets shattered the screen beside her. "I'm still in the system I can lock down the facility doors. Buy us some time."

Dominic nodded. "Do it!"

Eleanor's fingers flew over the keyboard, even as gunfire rattled around her. "I've sealed the external exits. That should slow them down."

Marcus fired off a few rounds, taking down two more guards. "Slowing them down won't be enough. We're still trapped in here."

Dominic's mind raced. They needed to find a way out before reinforcements arrived. The facility was vast, and they were deep in the heart of The Catalyst's stronghold. The soldiers wouldn't stop coming.

"Alyssa, Marcus, find us a way out," Dominic ordered, keeping his voice steady despite the mounting pressure. "Eleanor, keep digging. We need as much intel as you can get from their systems."

Alyssa and Marcus moved quickly, searching the control room for another exit. As they checked the perimeter, Dominic took a deep breath and glanced at the monitors Eleanor was working on.

"They've been coordinating operations from here for months," Eleanor said, her voice low but focused. "There's data on everything funding sources, attack plans, and contacts around the world. If we can get out of here with this..."

"It's a game-changer," Dominic finished. "But we need to survive this first."

Alyssa called out from across the room. "There's an access tunnel under the floor. It's small, but it should lead us outside the perimeter."

"How far?" Marcus asked, glancing back as more soldiers stormed the hallway outside.

"About a kilometer away from here, but it's our best shot," Alyssa said.

Dominic nodded. "We take the tunnel. Let's move."

Eleanor quickly downloaded as much of the facility's data as she could onto an external drive. Meanwhile, Dominic and Marcus pushed back the remaining guards, giving her cover. As soon as the download completed, Eleanor grabbed her gear and joined the others by the access panel Alyssa had uncovered.

The heavy metal cover groaned as Marcus pried it open, revealing a narrow shaft descending into darkness.

"Go," Dominic urged, motioning to Eleanor. "I'll cover you."

One by one, the team slid into the tunnel, disappearing into the shadows as Dominic fired a few final rounds at the advancing soldiers. As soon as Eleanor was safely down, Dominic followed, sliding the cover back in place behind him.

The tunnel was cramped and cold, the air thick with moisture as the team crawled through the narrow space. The sound of their pursuers above faded, but Dominic knew it was only a matter of time before The Catalyst realized where they had gone.

"This tunnel was probably an old escape route," Eleanor muttered, keeping her voice low. "But if they find out about it..."

"They will," Marcus replied grimly. "We need to be out of here before they do."

Dominic led the way, the glow of his flashlight cutting through the darkness. His thoughts churned as they crawled deeper into the tunnel. They had the data, but it had come at a cost. The Catalyst had laid a trap for them, and they had walked right into it.

But why? Why let them get this far only to attack now?

"They knew we were coming," Alyssa said from behind him, echoing his thoughts. "They've been watching us for weeks. This was deliberate."

Dominic clenched his jaw. "They want us to take the data. There's something in here they want us to find."

Eleanor, trailing just behind him, frowned. "You think they planted false intel?"

"I don't know," Dominic replied. "But this is too clean. Valentina, the facility, the data—it's all too convenient. We're missing something."

Alyssa's voice was tight. "Then we need to figure it out fast, before they use it against us."

After what felt like an eternity, the tunnel finally opened into a wider space. Dominic climbed out first, scanning their surroundings. They were in a secluded clearing just beyond the facility's perimeter, hidden from view by thick forest.

"We're clear," he said, helping the others out of the tunnel. "But we need to keep moving."

Hours later, they reached a safehouse deep in the Serbian countryside, a modest building nestled among the trees. The tension was palpable as they entered the dimly lit room, securing the doors and checking for any signs of tracking devices.

Dominic stood at the window, staring out into the night as the team gathered around the table. Eleanor plugged in the drive, and the data from The Catalyst's facility flickered across the screen.

"It's all here," Eleanor said quietly. "Financial records, attack plans, communications with their network it's a treasure grove of information."

Marcus leaned over the table, his brow furrowed. "But what's the catch? Why let us get this far?"

Dominic's jaw tightened. "We need to sift through everything. Find out what's real and what's a trap."

Alyssa crossed her arms, pacing. "We've got time, but not much. The Catalyst won't stop until they've burned the world down."

As the team began analyzing the data, Dominic felt the weight of the mission pressing down on him. They had come so close to disaster, and now they were deeper into the conspiracy than ever. But the truth was buried somewhere in these files, and The Catalyst's plans were unraveling faster than they could keep up.

The question was who was really in control?

And how far were they willing to go to win this war?

Far from the Serbian safehouse, Valentina Azarov sat in a high-rise office, her sharp eyes trained on the cityscape below. She sipped a glass of red wine, her lips curling into a knowing smile.

The trap had been set, and Dominic had taken the bait. Everything was falling into place. The data they had stolen would lead them exactly where The Catalyst wanted them to go.

"The final phase is upon us," she murmured, setting the glass down.

A figure stepped forward from the shadows, their face hidden in the dim light. "And our operatives?"

Valentina's smile widened. "They're right where they need to be."

The world was on the edge of a precipice, and soon, Dominic and his team would find themselves at the heart of the storm.

And by then, it would be too late.

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