The Fears Of A Billionaire

Chapter 49 - 49 Chasing GHOST

Chapter 49: Chapter 49 Chasing GHOST

The forest surrounding the safehouse was eerily quiet, save for the rustling of leaves in the wind. Inside the cabin, the team worked quietly, knowing they had little time before Volkov made his next move. Dmitri Korolev was their only lead, and finding him would either give them the edge or throw them into deeper danger.

Dominic stood by the window, his gaze fixed on the woods, though his mind was elsewhere. He could feel the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders this mission had become more than just a vendetta against Volkov. It was now about stopping a global catastrophe from unfolding. He glanced back at the team. Marcus was rechecking their weapons, Laura was deep in research, and Alyssa was quietly strategizing with a determined look on her face.

"Dominic," Laura said, breaking the silence. "I think I've got something."

Everyone turned toward her. She had her laptop open, fingers tapping rapidly as lines of code scrolled past on the screen. "I've been digging through old intel databases, cross-referencing Dmitri Korolev's last known whereabouts with some encrypted chatter I intercepted. He's been laying low, but there's a rumor he's holed up in a remote village in Eastern Europe. Moldova, to be exact. If the rumors are true, it's a safe place to disappear."

Alyssa crossed her arms, skeptical. "Moldova? That's Volkov's backyard. It could be a trap."

Dominic stepped closer to the table, looking over Laura's findings. "It's risky, but we don't have many options. If Korolev's there, we need to get to him before Volkov does."

Marcus leaned in, his brow furrowed. "Assuming he's even still alive. Volkov doesn't leave loose ends. Korolev might be more of a ghost than we think."

"We don't have a choice," Dominic said firmly. "Volkov's network is in shambles, but it won't stay that way for long. We need leverage, and Korolev might be the key to unraveling Volkov's entire operation."

Alyssa nodded reluctantly. "Fine. But we're walking into enemy territory. If we do this, we do it carefully."

Three days later, they arrived in Moldova. The small, nondescript village Laura had pinpointed was miles from the nearest city, nestled in the shadow of snow-capped mountains. It was the perfect place for someone to vanish.

Dominic, Alyssa, Marcus, and Laura traveled in a battered old jeep, blending in with the locals as they entered the village. They kept their movements slow and deliberate, making sure not to draw attention to themselves.

"Are we sure this is the place?" Marcus asked, scanning the quiet streets from the backseat.

"It fits the profile," Laura replied, her eyes scanning her tablet. "Korolev's a ghost, but the chatter pointed here. If he's hiding anywhere, it's here."

The jeep rolled to a stop near a small, unassuming house at the edge of the village. The house looked abandoned—shutters drawn, paint peeling from the walls. But something about it felt off.

"That's the place," Laura whispered. "It matches the intel."

Dominic pulled out his handgun, checking the clip before tucking it into his holster. "Alright. We move in, quiet and fast. No one fires unless absolutely necessary."

The team exited the vehicle, moving swiftly toward the house. Alyssa took the lead, slipping through the side entrance while Marcus covered the back. Dominic and Laura followed, their steps light on the creaky floorboards.

Inside, the house was dark and empty, the air thick with dust. It looked like no one had lived there for years, but Dominic's instincts told him otherwise. Something was off.

Suddenly, a floorboard creaked behind them. Dominic whirled around, gun raised.

A figure stepped out from the shadows, hands raised in surrender. It was a man—tall, gaunt, with a weathered face and a sharp gaze that held years of experience.

"Dmitri Korolev," Dominic said, lowering his weapon slightly but keeping his guard up.

Korolev gave a small, humorless smile. "I've been expecting you."

Korolev didn't invite them to sit. Instead, he motioned toward a corner of the room, where a makeshift table was set up with maps, files, and surveillance photos. He was clearly a man who had been preparing for something perhaps for them, perhaps for Volkov.

"You've been watching us," Alyssa said, her voice cold.

Korolev shrugged. "I watch everything. It's how I've stayed alive this long."

Dominic stepped forward. "You know why we're here."

Korolev's eyes flickered, a brief flash of recognition crossing his face. "Volkov. You've been fighting him for months. I thought you'd given up by now."

"We're not done until he's finished," Dominic replied, his voice hard.

Korolev sighed, walking over to the table and spreading out one of the maps. "Volkov's reach is far greater than you realize. You may have damaged his operations, but he's already rebuilding. He's always one step ahead because he understands how the world works. You don't take down someone like him by playing fair."

Laura stepped forward, her tone sharp. "Then tell us how. You worked for him once. You know his weaknesses."

Korolev's face darkened. "I worked for him, yes. But Volkov is no ordinary criminal. He doesn't have weaknesses like normal men. He's ruthless, methodical, and more dangerous now than ever."

"We need leverage," Dominic said. "Something we can use to force him out of the shadows."

Korolev's eyes narrowed. "Leverage? The only leverage you can use against a man like Volkov is to destroy what he values most—his empire. If you can make him feel like he's losing control, he'll make mistakes. But it's a dangerous game. Volkov will retaliate with everything he has."

Alyssa crossed her arms. "What's his next move? We know he's planning something big, something that will shift global power."

Korolev hesitated for a moment, then leaned over the map. "There's a deal going down in two days. Volkov's securing a new partnership with a faction in the Middle East. If he succeeds, he'll gain access to resources that will make him untouchable. You want to stop him? That's where you hit him."

Dominic exchanged a glance with Alyssa. This was the opportunity they needed—a chance to strike before Volkov could regain his footing.

"Where's the deal taking place?" Dominic asked.

Korolev hesitated again, his eyes hardening. "I'll give you the location. But after that, I'm done. You're on your own."

Dominic nodded. "We'll take care of the rest."

As Korolev scribbled the coordinates onto a piece of paper, Dominic felt the weight of their next move settling over him. They had finally found the leverage they needed, but now they were racing against time.

And Volkov wouldn't be caught off guard twice.

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