The Fears Of A Billionaire

Chapter 85 - 85 Countdown to Revelation

Chapter 85: Chapter 85 Countdown to Revelation

The silence in the room grew heavier as Yasmin Khan sifted through the damning evidence, her fingers flying over the keyboard as she decrypted layer after layer of The Unseen Hand's web. Her eyes darted from one screen to the next, absorbing the staggering breadth of the conspiracy.

Dominic stood by the door, his body tense, watching her work. Alyssa paced near the window, glancing every few seconds at the empty street below. Marcus leaned against the wall, his hand resting on his gun, while Laura kept scanning her laptop, monitoring for any signs of incoming threats.

"This is global," Yasmin said finally, her voice quiet but filled with awe. "Not just Volkov. This network spans governments, corporations, criminal syndicates. It's like nothing I've ever seen."

"That's why we had to bring it to you," Dominic replied, his voice low. "You're the only one who can expose this without being compromised."

Yasmin looked up at him, her eyes fierce. "I can get this out. I have contacts in media, whistleblower platforms, even governments that won't bow to these people. But once I start... they'll come for me. For all of us."

Dominic's face hardened. "We're ready for that. You focus on getting the truth out—we'll handle the fallout."

Alyssa stopped pacing and turned to Yasmin. "How long will it take?"

Yasmin paused, calculating. "I can set up a multi-stage release. Send the most critical files to multiple sources simultaneously. Once it starts, they won't be able to stop it. But it'll take a few hours to prepare everything, and once we go live, they'll come at us with everything they've got."

Marcus glanced at Dominic. "Then we need to fortify this place. Secure every angle."

"I'll cover external surveillance," Laura said, already tapping into nearby camera feeds and setting up motion sensors around their hideout.

Dominic nodded. "Do it. We don't leave anything to chance. Marcus, help her with the defenses. Alyssa, check the perimeter."

Everyone moved quickly, the adrenaline sharpening their focus. They knew what was coming. Volkov wouldn't just sit idly by while his empire was threatened. He had resources, men, and allies everywhere. If he realized they had the data and were preparing to expose him, he would come down on them with overwhelming force.

As the team set to work, Yasmin began uploading files, carefully encrypting them and sending them to her trusted contacts. The atmosphere in the room was tense, but Yasmin remained calm, focused, her hands moving steadily across the keyboard.

Dominic stood by her side, watching the progress. "What's your plan once it's live?"

"I have safe houses," Yasmin replied without looking up. "Once the files are out, I'll disappear for a while. But the world will see everything. They won't be able to ignore this."

Dominic's gaze flickered to the screens. The documents they had stolen detailed corruption at the highest levels of government, illegal arms deals, energy monopolies controlled through covert manipulation, and assassinations of anyone who got too close to the truth.

But it wasn't just about the information. It was about what happened next. How Volkov's empire would react when the light of day touched its darkest secrets.

Alyssa returned from her sweep of the building. "Perimeter's clear for now, but we should assume they know we're here. Volkov has people everywhere."

Dominic nodded. "We hold out as long as we can. Once Yasmin launches the files, we'll have to move fast."

Time passed slowly, every second ticking by with unbearable weight. Yasmin worked quickly, her brow furrowed in concentration, as the team monitored the streets outside, waiting for the inevitable.

Suddenly, Laura's voice cut through the tense silence. "I'm picking up movement. A convoy. Unmarked vehicles heading our way."

Marcus moved to the window, peering through the darkness. "They're closing in fast."

Dominic clenched his fists. "Volkov's men."

Yasmin didn't stop typing. "I just need ten more minutes. Keep them off us."

Dominic met Marcus's gaze. "We defend this place until she finishes. No one gets through."

Marcus cracked his knuckles. "Gladly."

Alyssa checked her weapon, her face grim. "Here we go."

The team sprang into action, preparing for the coming assault. Dominic took position by the front door, his gun ready. Marcus covered the rear, while Alyssa moved to the rooftop, scanning for snipers or hidden attackers. Laura monitored their systems, blocking any attempts to trace or disrupt Yasmin's uploads.

The tension mounted as the sounds of the convoy grew louder. Vehicles skidded to a halt outside the building, and Dominic heard the unmistakable clatter of boots on the pavement.

"They're here," he said, his voice calm despite the storm brewing outside.

Gunfire erupted, the first shots slamming into the building's walls. Dominic ducked behind cover, returning fire as Volkov's men advanced, their black uniforms blending into the night.

Alyssa took out a sniper from her vantage point, while Marcus unleashed a barrage of bullets from the rear, holding back the attackers trying to flank them. But more kept coming.

"Five more minutes!" Yasmin shouted over the gunfire, her fingers still flying across the keyboard.

Dominic's heart pounded in his chest. They had to hold the line. They had to give Yasmin the time she needed.

Volkov's men pressed harder, their bullets chipping away at the building, trying to force an entry. Dominic fired at a group of them, hitting one in the shoulder and forcing the others to take cover.

But as he reloaded, he saw something that made his blood run cold.

Through the smoke and chaos, a tall figure stepped out of the shadows, moving with deadly precision.

His cold eyes locked on Dominic, and for a moment, the chaos around them seemed to still.

This was it. The final confrontation.

Volkov raised his gun, his smile sharp and deadly.

Dominic aimed back, his grip tightening.

But before the shot could be fired, Yasmin's voice rang out. "It's done!"

The files were live. The truth was out.

Now, they just had to survive long enough to see the aftermath.

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