The Female Fox Spirit Gets Spoiled by the Big Shot

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Zhi Yao's whole little fox belly was facing Pei Chiyao. If she turned into a human at this moment on his lap...that scene would be too beautiful, Zhi Yao didn't dare imagine it!

She struggled in panic, trying to escape, but she was so small, where could she find the strength to resist Pei Chiyao?

Pei Chiyao thought she was still angry, and said helplessly: "What's wrong, if you don't tell me, how would I know?"

That burning feeling grew more and more intense, Zhi Yao hurriedly said: "Pei...Pei Chiyao...I'm about to turn into a human!"Upstodatee from n(0)/vš’†/lbIn/.(co/m

She hunched over, very uncomfortable.

Pei Chiyao suddenly stopped his actions, paused for a moment, then when he reacted he immediately picked up a coat from the back seat and covered Zhi Yao with it.

Zhi Yao really couldn't stand such an awkward situation, she hurriedly said to Pei Chiyao: "Pei Chiyao, could you please get out of the car?"

She...she never had clothes when she turned into a human, it was too embarrassing.

Pei Chiyao nodded: "Okay."

The space inside the car was too cramped, it was indeed inconvenient for him to stay there.

After getting out of the car, Pei Chiyao lowered his eyes, pondering the conditions for Zhi Yao to turn into a human each time.

But he found there didn't seem to be any pattern.

Five minutes later, Pei Chiyao knocked on the car window - "Zhi Yao, are you done?"

A clear and sweet female voice came from inside the car, "Done."

This voice was slightly different from the little fox's voice. When Zhi Yao was a little fox, her voice was soft and tender, a bit like a little kid's.

After turning into a human, it was a very sweet and soft female voice.

Listening closely, there was a hint of embarrassment in Zhi Yao's tone, "Pei Chiyao, could you please find me some clothes?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the car door was opened by Pei Chiyao.

The scene that met his eyes made his breath hitch.

Zhi Yao was wearing a suit jacket that was so large it covered her to her knees, making her look a bit ridiculous, like a child wearing adult clothes.

In her hurry, Zhi Yao had put it on messily, and hadn't managed to button up all the buttons either, leaving the jacket gaping open, revealing a stretch of tempting fair skin.

Pei Chiyao's expression didn't change as he got into the car, sat Zhi Yao down on his lap, and carefully did up the buttons of the suit one by one.

Only when he had finished all this did he speak: "No need, let's sit here for a while, maybe you'll change back soon."

Judging by the previous two times, Zhi Yao never stayed human for more than 10 minutes.

This time should be no exception.

Zhi Yao drooped dispiritedly against him. Even in human form she was petite, curling up in Pei Chiyao's embrace made Zhi Yao feel especially safe.

Only this time she felt unusually uncomfortable for some reason, her head dizzy.

She unconsciously nuzzled Pei Chiyao's neck, one hand gripped his shirt tightly as she said: "Pei Chiyao, I don't feel well, my head hurts..."

Her nose was full of Pei Chiyao's faint sandalwood scent. Smelling that sandalwood made her feel a little better.

The little girl's eyes were also red, she really did seem uncomfortable.

Pei Chiyao was startled by her actions, his whole body tense.

Zhi Yao wasn't used to being human, all her actions were the unconscious habits of a little fox.

"Be good." Pei Chiyao gently kissed the top of her head, "Sleep for a while and you'll feel better, I'm here."

Zhi Yao closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

She was sleeping, but something unbelievable happened.

Ten minutes passed...

Twenty minutes passed...

He held Zhi Yao in the car and waited half an hour, but there was still no sign she would change back into a little fox.

Pei Chiyao's brows furrowed. He immediately cancelled the afternoon shoot, disregarding the drama crew, and called Older Brother Sun. "Hello, something came up, cancel this afternoon's shoot."

He carefully placed Zhi Yao on the back seat, then drove back to the Jinyu Palace.


When Zhi Yao woke up again it was already night time.

She had slept exceptionally well this time, refreshed and clear-headed.

The little girl stretched lazily, shook her head, and unconsciously tried to lick her paws.


Looking at her own pale hands and tender finger tips, Zhi Yao froze in shock.

Where were her paws?!

Her soft, furry paws?!

She had turned into a human?!

She abruptly sat up in bed like a carp flipping over, the blanket covering her slipped to the floor. Only then did Zhi Yao realize she wasn't wearing any clothes.

She immediately pulled the blanket back up. As she raised her eyes, they met those of the gorgeous woman in the mirror.

She touched her own cheek. Zhi Yao was so excited she almost cried!

Finally! She had finally changed back!

Zhi Yao was so moved she wanted to cry!

After the initial excitement passed, she realized she was in the bedroom. Remembering the pretty clothes Pei Chiyao had bought for her, the little girl hurried into the walk-in closet and randomly put on an outfit.

But the ties on this skirt were just too complicated, Zhi Yao couldn't figure them out.

No no!

She couldn't wait to find Pei Chiyao and tell him the good news.

Zhi Yao didn't bother fixing the messily worn skirt, she directly ran downstairs barefoot.

As soon as she got downstairs, she saw that familiar figure she knew so well.

Zhi Yao directly leapt towards Pei Chiyao.

However, halfway through this action she suddenly remembered one thing - she was human now, not a fox!

Seeing she was about to crash into Pei Chiyao, she hurriedly changed her actions. Her hands tightly hugged Pei Chiyao's waist as she lifted her legs, clinging to him like an octopus.

The moment Pei Chiyao heard footsteps, he had guessed it was Zhi Yao awake. But he didn't turn around, he was on the phone.

"Okay, good, I know, we'll set off the day after tomorrow."

After saying the last sentence, he finally hung up.


He gently patted Zhi Yao's hands.

Zhi Yao nodded, leaning her whole body against Pei Chiyao's shoulder, and said excitedly: "Yes yes! See, this time I didn't turn back into a fox!"

Her tone was filled with unconcealable excitement.

Pei Chiyao smiled slightly. "Alright, get off me first, you're not a little fox anymore."

"Oh." Zhi Yao obediently let go and stood properly.

She did feel a little out of sorts for a while, not really used to the fact she had turned from fox to human, and also not really used to how to behave as a human.

Pei Chiyao turned around. Seeing the clothes Zhi Yao was wearing, he froze in shock.

The ties were recklessly left dangling behind her and trampled underfoot. She had only put one arm through the sleeves, leaving half her shoulder exposed. She looked as ridiculous as could be.

But Zhi Yao was born so beautiful, with heavenly looks and figure.

Even dressed so absurdly, she didn't look bad at all. On the contrary, it added a tempting and seductive allure.

She looked at Pei Chiyao blankly as he looked her up and down and said: "What's wrong? Doesn't it look good?"

In her rush she hadn't looked in the mirror either.

Pei Chiyao sighed lightly. "Come with me."

He led Zhi Yao back to the room and patiently taught her how to wear clothes.

Zhi Yao had only worn T-shirts and pants before, simple outfits. She had never worn such strange clothes.

After struggling with those wretched ties for half a day she still couldn't get it right. She was unhappy now, and said: "Help me put them on, I really can't figure these out."

The little girl looked aggrieved. "Or...or I'll just wear your clothes! These skirts are pretty but too difficult."

She plonked herself down on the ground. Her posture was exactly the same as a little fox lying on the ground throwing a tantrum.


This was the first time Pei Chiyao had rejected Zhi Yao.

"Zhi Yao, if you want to become human, you have to learn the human way of life," said Pei Chiyao as he patiently taught her step-by-step like a child.

Although she had pretended to be human for a few days before, the fat woman who owned her didn't care for her. She just left Zhi Yao in a hotel room and occasionally took her to audition for TV shows. Until that day, when she gave Zhi Yao some tasty candies and Lu Yi persuaded her to drink a glass of wine. Then they left her in that hotel room.

That's when she met Pei Chiyao...

Recalling all this, Zhi Yao felt even more strongly that Pei Chiyao was truly too kind.

As she watched Pei Chiyao squat in front of her, patiently looking at her, Zhi Yao suddenly hugged him tightly, with tears welling up in her eyes. "Pei Chiyao, I really like you so much!"

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