The First Legendary Beast Master

Chapter 189 Forward Operations

189  Forward Operations

At half past three in the afternoon, the group started to load up into the helicopter to head into the woods. It was the only good way in, and there was already one team waiting in there for them. Karl smiled as he saw the terrified faces of the group that was waiting for them. They were all students, both from his own Academy and the Seminary Academy, and they all looked like they were new to the Awakened Rank.

Alice leaned over to whisper in Karl's ear. "The military group has been telling them horror stories, so when they found out that they were being tasked to set up a forward observation base in the woods, where they would treat the wounded and keep the supply lines, they feared the worst. Ogre invasions, constant battles where they would have to fight ten on one against a single monster to stand a chance, you get the idea.

But we will be based out of the camp that they're supplying, which is why we didn't need to pack as heavily this time.

There is another group there now, holding the position so that it isn't overrun, and there should be base building supplies already on site. That's not our concern though, our team will be going outside to clear the more powerful monsters from the area, the same as always. But we can go back to camp at night if once the worst of the infestation is under control."

Karl smiled. "Well, that will be a change. I got very used to sleeping in the comfort of Rae's webs at night. They're kind of springy, and hold the body without any of the pressure points of a cot or a cheap mattress."

Sergeant Rita smirked. "You weren't exactly roughing it last time, were you? Everyone else came back exhausted from fitful sleep leaning against tree roots, and your lot were complaining that the smell of gourmet cooking attracted even more Ogres than usual."

Karl smirked back. "Who said that was a complaint? We made out like bandits off those Ogres. There was one day when we got four Commander Rank kills before lunch."

The students paled a little at that mention. They would rather not see any Commander Rank monsters, much less four in one day. What sort of mission had Karl been on that had been so dangerous.

Sergeant Rita hadn't noticed that they had an audience, though. "You know, we're going to be flying directly over your last deployment location, and it's not that far from our new location, so you might be in luck if the surge picks up again. But this time you have a whole military group with you, so you'll have to share the glory."

The Captain of the group they were accompanying laughed. "And the loot. Please keep that part in mind as well. You will have to share the loot. I don't think I've ever seen a student decked out in that much magical gear before, and from what I can see, it's all monster dropped. Did your team spoil you, or was there that much?"

Karl shrugged. "We split evenly. The gloves I got as my share, the bracelet was a gift from the church, while the ring and sword were traded for my share of the magical gems we got. The mages wanted them for crafting."

The Captain shook his head. "Well, at least we've got a well geared frontline fighter out of the deal."

Karl resisted the urge to tell him that he was not on the front lines voluntarily, but because their group didn't have another warrior capable of tanking damage from the monsters.

Avoidance Tanking had to be a thing because Karl had no intentions of just getting hit, but if he was going to be at the front and drawing the monsters' attention, it was difficult to argue that he wasn't the tank of the group.

The last of the team took their seats, and the doors were closed, leaving Karl in uncomfortable silence while the other students sized him up and tried to figure out who he was. None of them remembered having a classmate like him, but he was wearing a bronze academy badge, so he had to be an Ascended Elite.

It was the students from the Seminary Academy that finally explained to them who he was, as they had seen him during his first visit.

"So, that's the first year wonder kid? How did he even make it to Ascended already? We're not even done the fall term yet, and he's already ahead of half the school." One of the students complained.

"Half the school? How many students are even going to graduate at Commander? Like six out of five hundred? I would say he's already ahead of most of the school, and he's probably going to get some fancy title by the time that he reaches second year." Another one scoffed.

"Nah, it's most likely just a unique class that gets an early bump. Like the Druids that summon a powerful supporter and jump up a rank in a few weeks, then flat line." One of the others replied in a snarky tone, unwilling to accept that Karl really might be the next monster among the Elites.

Karl pretended that he couldn't hear them, as they were making an effort to whisper, and didn't know that he could hear everyone in the helicopter, including the air traffic controller speaking through the pilot's headset, guiding them to their destination.

Karl looked out the window, and his eyes picked out the fort that Rae had made in the lower branches of the Redwood tree at their second stop.

"You were right, we're over the last zone I was assigned to. See, there's the redwood where I set up camp, and the clearing by the river where we killed that Commander Rank Giant. Oh, it looks like someone else is there now, fighting." Karl informed Rita, raising his voice a little to be heard over the noise.

Rita looked down and shook her head. "From this height, I can barely make out that there are people moving down there, much less what they are doing." n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

The helicopter passed over the area, and then another ten minutes passed before Karl saw a military group in the distance. That had to be where they were going, unless there were multiple new base camps being set up. There were piles of supplies, surrounded by a group of people in military uniforms, and a few Elites in plain clothes.

The helicopter waited for a few minutes, circling the base as they prepared for the arrival of the rest of their troops, and then it landed in a clearing just outside the perimeter.

"Everyone out. There is no more space inside the base for helicopters, so we are being rerouted to the clearing. I recommend that you get a proper helipad sorted out before your next supply shipment needs to be delivered, but that's up to you." The Cargo Master aboard the helicopter informed them.

The military teams filed out first, leaving Karl and his group as the last ones aboard. They shook hands with the crew as they departed, and quietly followed the teams into the base, with a gesture from Sergeant Rita for them to remain inconspicuous. Why, Karl didn't know, but it seemed to be important to her that the people here not realize who they were right away. She led the group in behind the soldiers, then turned to inspect their equipment and storage.

"We're the ranking Elites here, and I want to get a look at their practices before they realize there's someone looking and shuffle us away. If they're not taking care of it, a good chunk of the supplies will get wasted." Rita whispered.

But as they walked through, Rita's mood was improving. Everything was organized, nothing was left in the mud, it was all elevated on pallets or logs, and the general state was just crowded, but not disorganized.

"Alright, I've seen what I need to. Let's go make our introductions and catch up with our mission team." She announced.

That caught the attention of the group's Captain, who was chatting with the base commander, while the other man discretely ordered his people to start working on expanding the base.

"Ah, Commander Alice, Sergeant Rita, I thought we lost you for a moment there. We will be headed out immediately, using the directions that the base has given us on the larger threats in the area." The Captain announced.

"Understood Captain. Our gear is stowed, and we're ready to move when you are." Alice agreed.


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