The First Store System

Chapter 1310 Great Help(28)

Chapter 1310: Great Help(28)

[Name: Titan's Quake

Type: Attack

Level: God

Cultivation Level: Early to Peak Higher God

Effect: Unleashes a seismic onslaught that shatters the very foundations of the world

Description: The user taps into the primal essence of earth, summoning a seismic onslaught that shatters the very foundations of the world. This skill channels the raw power of the earth, unleashing an assault that devastates the battlefield and leaves adversaries in ruins.

The skill demands profound understanding and mastery of the element of earth. The strain on the user's energy and focus can be immense, and the seismic upheaval may affect the user's perception.

Price: Three hundred thousand supreme Sacred stones.]

Caskar read the details of the newly pulled-out skill card. It was a God level skill and belonged to the element of earth.

Caskar was interested in God level [Zephyr's Wrath], but the price jumped exaggeratedly. He found the Emperor level skill to be enough. Since he could buy one skill of each type for every level, he decided to buy another skill at the God level.

The destruction, as the detail said, impressed Caskar, so he decided it was the skill for him.

It wasn't the end, as there were still four more types of skills left for him to check out.

Caskar then reached out to the second row from the bottom. Similar to the attacking type, he went for the Emperor level shelf.

When he pulled his hand out, there was a skill card in his hand. He read the content on it and wasn't impressed by what was on there, so he returned the card and pulled out a new one.

That time, his attempt worked, and a great defensive type skill card appeared in his hand.

[Name: Aquatic Sanctuary

Type: Defense

Level: Emperor

Cultivation Level: Early to Peak Higher God

Effect:  Creates an impregnable sanctuary of water that shields against all forms of attacks

Description: The user harnesses the unyielding essence of water to create an impregnable sanctuary that shields against all forms of harm. This skill forms a watery bastion that envelops the user, rendering them nearly invulnerable to attacks and providing unparalleled protection.

The skill requires mastery over the element of water and precise control over the sanctuary's dynamics. Maintaining the defense demands continuous focus, and the user must manage their energy reserves to ensure its stability.

Price: Eighty-seven thousand supreme Sacred stones.]

Caskar immediately made up his mind to buy the skill, but before that, he reached for the last shelf in the row and picked out the God level for the skill.

When he read the details on it, he found it to be as impressive as the Emperor level skill, but for some reason, Caskar was more excited about the former skill level than the latter. Trusting in his intuitions, he returned the God level skill and pulled out a new defensive skill.

That time, he summoned an earth related defensive skill with an even more impressive ability, but the same feeling of non-excitement made him give up on that as well.

Caskar kept trying to find a skill that excited him at first glance, like the Emperor level [Aquatic Sanctuary], and kept at it for a few minutes.

After what felt like the thousandth attempt, Caskar pulled out a new skill card, and the familiar feeling of excitement returned.

He immediately decided to purchase it. After the defensive type, there were still three types of skills left. Caskar followed the sequence, so he reached for the Emperor level shelf of the movement type.

When he pulled his hand out, there was a new skill card related to movement in his hands. He found the skill that excited him only on his first try, so he smiled. He then reached for the last shelf in the row since he needed to find a God level skill as well.

Time flew by, and finding a desired skill took even more time than what it took for him to find the God level defensive type skill. But his attempts finally succeeded, and he found what he was looking for.

Caskar immediately focused on the content on the card after pulling it out.

[Name: Torrential Surge Glide

Type: Movement

Level: God

Cultivation Level: Early to Peak Higher God

Effect:  Creates a torrential surge of water for unparalleled speed and agility in movement

Description: The user harnesses the dynamic essence of water to achieve unparalleled speed and agility in movement. This skill empowers the user to glide effortlessly on surges of water, propelling themselves across the terrain with extraordinary velocity.

The skill demands a deep understanding of the element of water and precise control over its dynamic flow. Prolonged usage will drain the user's energy reserves.

Price: Eight hundred fifty thousand five hundred supreme Sacred stones.]

It was a water element skill different from the Emperor level air element skill. He liked the effect of the skill, and there were also no side effects from its usage other than energy exhaustion, which was mandatory for every skill.

With that skill, Caskar had gathered six skills, two for each of the three types. Since two more types were left, his work was only half done.

The next row referred to the supporting type skills, and Caskar reached for the Emperor level shelf, keeping the five elements in mind.

After finding the desired Emperor level skill, Caskar went for the God level skill, and he found one only on his first attempt, unlike the previous situations.

[Name: Ethereal Nexus

Type: Supporting

Level: God

Cultivation Level: Early to Peak Higher God

Effect:  Establishes a transcendent nexus that empowers allies and harmonizes their abilities

Description: The user harnesses the elusive essence of ether to create a transcendent nexus that empowers allies and harmonizes their abilities. This skill establishes a connection that amplifies their strengths and synchronizes their efforts for unparalleled synergy.

The skill requires mastery over the element of ether and precise control over the nexus's dynamics. Maintaining the nexus demands continuous focus and enormous energy, so the user must manage their energy reserves to ensure the nexus' stability.

Price: Three Ultimate two hundred fifty thousand supreme Sacred stones.]

It was a skill that would help Caskar a lot since he was part of a group in the intelligence organization.

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