The First Store System

Chapter 1335 Second Store Upgrade Quest(3)

Chapter 1335: Second Store Upgrade Quest(3)

The man sucked a deep breath and smiled in delight at the stairs. His eyes showed a reminiscent and emotional feeling as if he had returned to his home.

The man's name was Sirish, and he belonged to the Xonaris race. The Xonaris held a special meaning in the lives of the inhabitants of the Sacred Dimension.

Xonaris were the true Overlords of the Sacred Dimension, with them proclaiming their seat from the Chaotic Wyrm after destroying them into oblivion.

Sirish acted reminiscently since he wasn't originally a member of the Xonaris race. He was the second customer of the store in its first phase.

Sirish didn't have a tragic story, nor was he from an inferior background. Sirish originally belonged to the Ferronot race, one of the top-tier races in the Primal Dimension.

Sirish's father was an Immortal level cultivator and enjoyed all privileges before he found himself in front of the store in the void.

Since Sirish was from a powerful race, he didn't fear the price of the product in the store.

When he reached the store, only then did Sirish find out the connection between Xonaris and Ferronot.

Ferronot's descended from a poor bloodline member of the Xonaris race.

Since Xonaris was a strong race that defeated someone like Chaotic Wyrms and made them extinct from the dimension, even the descendants of that poor bloodline member formed a top-tier race in the Primal Dimension.

Sirish, being a wealthy and talented figure, was greeted with several products. Even the worst product in the lot cost in Universal Cores and could turn the entire dimension into a brutal battleground.

After finding his connection with the Xonaris race, Sirish decided to purchase the bloodline crystal. It was costly and needed thousands of Universal Cores.

The crystal allowed him to evolve his bloodline into its original form, and soon it made Sirish's blood purity reach the same level as that of the primogenitor of the Xonaris race.

Since the store was the reason he found out that he was related to a race like Xonaris, he became a fan of the store.

Unlike other customers, he paid the sum immediately after leaving the store.


"Hello, senior!" Sirish greeted Aakesh respectfully. He then put a fist on his chest and kneeled on one knee. It was the greatest form of respect for any Xonaris, so he immediately showed it to Aakesh.

"Hello, Sirish," Aakesh responded, continuing the tradition of responding to greetings of old customers.

"Senior, now that the store is open to all, why don't you open one of its branches in Noris?" Sirish asked.

Even the last time he came to the store, he had requested that Aakesh open the store in the capital of the Empire controlled by Ferrotons. But at that time, the store owner had refused him by saying that the store wasn't open to everyone.

Now that it was open to everyone, Sirish decided to try his luck again. Unfortunately for him, he still got refused. If it was someone else, Sirish might have felt angry after getting rejected more than once, but since it was the store owner on the other side, he only smiled.

Aakesh was one of his most respected figures. He had to violate numerous laws to get to the store, and disregarding even one of those rules would subject him to harsh penalties.

Even though Sirish was deeply respected and liked in the Xonaris circle, the rules were still the same for him. Now that he had broken several at once, he could only imagine what his teacher would make him do.

Sirish had been living a privileged life, so there were not many adventurous stories he had gone through. The riskiest thing he had committed was the tribulation of ascending to the Sacred Dimension. It didn't mean that Sirish was a weak character with a strong bloodline and background. In fact, Sirish's talent was phenomenal and could make many talented beings feel despair.

What others took decades to learn, Sirish might learn in one day or even at a glance. Sirish and Aakesh then conversed for some time, and then he asked about the store's products.

Sirish found out about the store's presence through luck. Xonaris was a closed-off race that lived in isolation from the world. The reason the race lived in isolation was due to the Void Beasts.

After the war victory with the Chaotic Wyrm, the leader of the Xonaris at that time wanted to conquer every race that could challenge him. The leader at that time was so talented that when he proclaimed it to the dimension, none dared to refute him; such was his talent. He even surpassed the primogenitor of Xonaris in strength.

The Void Beasts couldn't let a single race become the power center of the Sacred Dimension, so they intervened. The leader didn't like the intervention from the Void Beast and was arrogant enough to refuse. That was the last time the Void Beasts showed the difference between the strength of a Sacred Creator and a Dimensional Throne level being.

Despite being the strongest cultivator in the entire dimension, the leader of Xonaris was no match for the Void Beast and was instantly killed. The Xonaris were forced to be isolated from the outside world to save themselves. No race member at Sacred Monarch or Sacred Creator could leave the isolation and walk into the outer world.

The requirements were so strict that the restricted level cultivators would remain in isolation even if all of their low level cultivators were killed.

Since Xonaris had accumulated a lot of hatred in the hearts of other overlord races, every member outside the isolation was killed. To solve that, the leader decided to stop any outflow of members.

When Sirish ascended to the Sacred Dimension, he resulted in the deaths of several Sacred Monarchs in the Xonaris race.

The moment Sirish ascended, his pure bloodline alerted all the nine Sacred Creators of the Xonaris. If anyone found him, Sirish was bound to be executed, so a group of Sacred Monarchs was ordered to cross the restriction and bring Sirish immediately to Xonaris' world. It was a death mission, as every single one of them died, but they completed their duty and brought Sirish.

Being the strongest race in the Sacred Dimension, they couldn't completely cut off their contact with the outer world since they didn't want to lose their top spot. To solve the issue, the Xonaris decided to organize a recruitment event every century where members of different races would be able to enter the isolated world and join the selected members of the Xonaris as their servants. The servants would act as intelligence gatherers and be their master's connection to the outside world.

Sirish had participated in two events. During the first one, he wasn't eligible to get a servant since it hadn't been long since his ascension. During the recently concluded event, he was eligible, and luckily, he received a servant who was aware of the store.

Despite knowing someone who knew about the store, Sirish didn't try to learn about the store's products before entering it. During his first entry into the store, he received a surprising piece of information about Ferronot's connection to Xonaris. He wanted the introduction to be surprising, so he was like a blank sheet in front of Aakesh when he asked about the products.

"There are currently six products available in the store…" Aakesh began the introduction.

Once Aakesh concluded the introduction, Sirish stood there with a weird expression. Forget shock; he didn't even feel any change in his emotions after learning about the products.

Since Aakesh had seen Sirish's life from the moment he left the store until his ascension, he could understand what was going through Sirish's mind. Those who had come to the store during its first phase would find the store to be mediocre compared to that time.

It was understandable; even a single product in the store at that time was valuable enough to make even Immortal level cultivators fight for it.

Sirish wasn't someone who hid his feelings, so he clearly showed his disappointment to Aakesh by comparing the two phases. But since he deeply respected Aakesh, his words weren't blunt and contained respect for him. Aakesh only smiled in response and asked whether he wanted to buy any products.

"Of course, I will buy it. Even though the store products are medioc-"

"Even though the store products are weak compared to the past, they still belong to your store," Sirish responded, immediately softening his words when he found his mistake.

Sirish immediately added, "Senior, I will buy a beast."

Aakesh nodded and waited for Sirish to ask questions regarding the product.

"What room is reserved for beasts?" Sirish asked.

Aakesh pointed at the beast's room. Sirish then thanked Aakesh and immediately left toward the beast room.


A/N: Sorry, only one chapter due to office work. I will add today's absent chapter to the total sum.

Current Tally: 8 Chapters,

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