The First Store System

Chapter 1367 The Final Quest(35)

Chapter 1367  The Final Quest(35)

Chapter 1367: The Final Quest(35)

[...Number of quests completed: 9

Remaining quests: 1


Laney looked at the floating screen in front of her. Her eyes were calm as she saw that. The people behind her stood in awe.

The next moment, a familiar phenomenon played out in the area, as the ten thousand white recruitment tokens completely disappeared, seven thousand yellow turned to white, three thousand green turned yellow, one thousand red turned green, two hundred orange turned red, fifty-six purple turned orange, and three gold turned purple.

Laney calmly nodded toward the group of soldiers and then left the scene while the crowd hoped for Laney to appear soon for another quest.

Since the next quest would be the last, and if she completed it, she would become the city lord, those who would fight with her in the tenth mission would receive greater rewards than they had been receiving.

Zoric, who was now only one of the soldiers, looked at Laney's back with a grateful smile. When he joined Laney, he was the strongest, and Laney had to accept his conditions, but in years, the situation turned different, and he was also no longer a red recruit but an orange recruit since his level crossed Level 250.

After walking away from the crowd, Laney walked toward the pagoda, which was now only a level building. After Laney had completed the seventh quest, she received a mission where a series followed.

Since things were like that, the tenth mission was already active, and the pagoda's door didn't block her.

At the same time, a phenomenon also played around her. The space in the area was filled with cracks, as the aura of resentment around her had long surpassed the material level. It now looked like a devil was standing beside her.

As Laney approached the door, the glowing pattern glowed even further, and the gates opened for her. The familiar scene of darkness welcomed her, and as soon as she entered the training, things became normal.

It had been seven years since Laney's trial began. The seventh and eighth quests only took her one year to complete, and it had to do with her great fortune. The three gold recruitment tokens were the greatest loot, and they helped her recruit three Level 400 beings.

Considering the three-year test, Laney only had two more years left to reach the True God level. Laney wasn't too worried about that since the trial had not only consolidated her cultivation but taken it to new heights. The only issue was that Laney needed to be there in the store when the timeline of three years passed. Quests after the fourth one stopped having any deadline. It all depended on the participant on when to attempt them.

The three gold tokens had now turned purple and could only help recruit beings between Level 300 and 350; her advantages had dimmed for the last mission. The other issue was that the last quest, unlike other quests, put immense focus on the participant. The helpers were there, but Laney had tests that only she could pass.

The last quest was for her to reach the final city and open her embassy there. It seemed like a diplomatic quest, but it was not.

To open the embassy, the noble families located in the main city would obstruct her, and everything was legal. The only advantage for her was that the leaders of those families wouldn't intervene.

As Laney appeared in the simulation training, she found herself in a bustling city with people all around her. Laney began to walk forward when a group of people suddenly surrounded her.

Before Laney could say anything, they attacked. Laney's personality had turned ruthless over the past few years, so she also attacked.

Her two knives had long changed, and the ones currently in her hand had surpassed the ones she owned before the trail.

Laney immediately activated [Inferno Blade] and attacked the closest guard. The next moment, the man was charred to ashes while Laney picked up the loot that had fallen. It was a yellow recruitment token.

As soon as Laney attacked, the eyes of the people around her changed into ones of hostility. It was another factor that increased the difficulty of the last quest.

The inhabitants of the main city would be hostile toward her. If it had been the Laney before entering the trial, she would have left the scene, but she was no longer that.

The people around her ranged between Level 100 and 200, while Laney was Level 214. It was a bloody massacre, as when Laney left the scene, a burning smell had covered every inch of the area, while ashes were left on the ground, turning into a dark fog.

Laney didn't get a single loot from those passersby, but only from the five who had surrounded her.

The loot contained two white recruitment tokens, one yellow recruitment token, and two fragments of a spear.

Laney readied herself to leave the scene when a familiar pain suddenly struck her. She gritted her teeth and bore the pain. If the pain were to turn into an attack, it would be an instant kill for anyone below Level 200. But Laney gritted through that without uttering a word.

Time flew by, and the pain persisted for one whole minute. When the torture came to an end, Laney's body had turned pale, as if someone had drained her entire blood.

The next moment, a storm of energy erupted around her, and it began to melt into Laney. Her body turned rosy. In no time, Laney reached her peak state.

The fast recovery rate had to do with both the quick recovery rate in the training and also one skill she received as a reward. Laney still hadn't checked the reward she had gotten after completing the ninth mission, so she tapped on the pattern.


Bonus: Flying Adventurer, Inferno Blade,..., Enigma's Embrace


Laney noticed a new skill in the bonus section. She then tapped on it, and soon after, a screen containing the details of the skill appeared in front of her.

Laney's calm eyes showed a change of emotion after a long time as soon as she read the details of the skill. It was perfectly tailored for the tenth quest.

Knowing about the different rewards for the quest, Laney would have thought that the creator had designed the rewards to help in the quest. She had long met the second participant who gave up on the trial after completing the seventh quest, Laney learned many things, and they played a major role in her clearing the fifth and sixth missions.

The new skill was related to the element of illusion and would help her make those who were at a lower level than her fall into an illusion where they would feel favorable toward her, no matter what kind of defense they had. With the skill, the issue of the masses turning hostile against her disappeared.

Laney couldn't help but thank her fortune since it had been helping her complete the quest at a rate the first and second participants couldn't even dare.

It had taken longer than a thousand years for the second participant to go from the fourth to the seventh quest, but she hadn't even spent a decade and was already at the last quest.

If not for the protection of the city's residents, Laney believed that the second participant would kill her in jealousy.

Laney then waved her hands, and the projected screen disappeared. She decided to put the skill to the test and soon walked deeper into the city.

The entire city in the training had become hostile to her, so as soon as people saw her, they tried to attack her. If not for the skill, they would have been killed, but since it was the skill, they became favorable toward Laney, making them believe wholeheartedly that Laney was in the right while the city was wrong.

The power of the skill astounded Laney. She was unable to find the limit, even though she had already put more than a hundred thousand people into the illusion. She did not even appear to be close to her limit. Since the skill was a bonus reward, its energy usage was minimal, so that was also helping her.

Time flew by, and another year passed in a flash. When Laney exited the training, the aura of resentment around her had turned into a spiritual being that seemed to be waiting for its time before it could unleash the last strike and end Laney.

The negative effects had increased to a new level, as anyone below Level 100 immediately turned insane as soon as they saw the spiritual being.


A/N: Sorry, one chapter. The jitteriness is still there.

If I feel fine tomorrow, I will upload one extra chapter. On the 17th, I will make up for all the owed chapters. Thanks for supporting the book!

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