The First Store System

Chapter 1402 A Race with a Prestigious Past!

Chapter 1402 A Race with a Prestigious Past!

Chapter 1402: A Race with a Prestigious Past!

Ririk read the details on the card with excitement, and soon, he had read the entire content. It was time for him to make his decision.

Ririk didn't immediately come to his decision but stood there for a while, thinking deeply about it.

Time flew by, and hours had passed in a flash.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Aakesh had only gotten free a moment earlier when he heard the sound of footsteps approaching the store. He stopped summoning the quest screen and stared toward the door.

The next moment, an unfamiliar face greeted his sight. It was a female customer, a member of the Friak race.

The woman looked the same as the other members of the race. The members of the race were tall, averaging around ten meters. The woman was on the above-average side, and her height was more than twelve meters.

Not only were the Friaks tall, but they had a sturdy build. The woman standing outside the store looked like a dark violet boulder. Her eyes had the unique feature of the Friak.

Her pupils looked like the combination of seven pupils at once, and at the center of it, there was a pattern of a black-maned lion.

The Friak was a race with a long and prestigious history, despite not having a Sacred Creator at its helm. It was also a race that had no connection with a beast group despite having the pattern of a powerful creature.

What made the Friak's history prestigious was their connection with the Primordial Dimension. The pattern beast was a powerful creature in the Primordial Dimension and also the guardian of Friak.

Only very few beings knew why Friak had a connection with that kind of strong creature, and Aakesh was one of them.

The Friak's primogenitor was the only being in the Sacred Dimension to ascend to the Primordial Dimension without reaching the Sacred Creator level.

The war laid by Vritrasura had caused utter destruction not only in the lives of the inhabitants but also in the laws of the Sacred Dimension.

The law was constant and required cultivators to reach the peak of the Sacred Creator, then face the ascension trial and ascend to the Primordial Dimension.

However, the damage from the war rendered the law ineffective for one nanosecond, during which time a space storm ate up the Friak's primogenitor.

The space storm immediately threw him into the Primordial Dimension, making him the only figure to ascend to the Primordial Dimension without even reaching the Sacred Creator level. The man's name was Veras, and as his fortune would have it, the storm threw him into the city of the beast in the pattern.

Veras was only a Sacred Emperor at that time, so surviving in the Primordial Dimension for even a second was impossible. His body and soul were both unable to handle the atmosphere of the dimension since the ascension trial molded cultivators into a suitable physique to survive the atmosphere of the dimension.

The laws of the dimensions were emotionless and fixed, but at the same time, there was also sentience present there. Veras was a being of the Sacred Dimension, and his ascension to the higher dimension was the fault of the laws, so the dimension had to take responsibility.

But even for the incarnation of the dimension, it was an impossible task to help Veras survive the atmosphere. Forget the laws of the Primordial Dimension; even low-tier beings of the Primordial Dimension were more than enough strong to destroy the incarnation.

Since Veras fell into the territory of the beast in the pattern and it was a powerful race, the incarnation had a formidable task to complete. It couldn't let Veras die, as it would affect the functioning of the laws since his true soul would cause disturbance.

The incarnation had no choice left but to make a deal with the beast of the pattern. No one knew what the deal was, but from that moment on, the beast became the guardian of the Friak.

Even though every being was immortal in the Sacred Dimension, that wasn't the case in the Primordial Dimension. The moment Veras stepped foot in the dimension, his lifespan became fixed.

Unless he was able to progress in his cultivation, he would die after his lifespan came to an end.

Unfortunately for Veras, the progress in cultivation was easier said than done. He was unable to step into the Sacred Creator level, let alone progress in his cultivation of the Primordial Dimension.

The lowest ranked cultivators of the Primordial Dimension had a fixed lifespan of five hundred Primordial years, which came to five hundred thousand Sacred years.

Veras died in the end due to a lack of progress in cultivation, but as he had breathed the air of the Primordial Dimension, his body had slightly gotten accustomed to its energy, giving birth to talented descendants.

Just breathing tiny energy from the Primordial Dimension was more than enough to have talented descendants that could step into the Sacred Creator level.

Unfortunately for the members of the Friak race, it was only a luxury. In the history of the race, there had been three members who had stepped into the Sacred Creator level.

It should have made the race into one of the top-tier races of the Sacred Dimension, but there was a restriction put on the members of the race from the laws of the Sacred Dimension.

Anytime a member of the Friak race stepped into the Sacred Creator level, they would lose the immortal characteristic of the inhabitants of the dimension. Their lifespan would be fixed at five hundred thousand Sacred years, the same as that of the first Friak.

If someone succeeded in reaching the peak of the Sacred Creator in five hundred thousand years and ascended, they would survive and live like other ascended cultivators in the higher dimension.

But forget reaching the peak of the Sacred Creator in five hundred thousand years; reaching even intermediate Sacred Creator in that short time was enough to consider the cultivator a heaven-chosen talent.

The fastest it had taken a cultivator from early Sacred Creator to peak Sacred Creator was three hundred million years, which was way higher than only five hundred thousand years.

Due to the restriction, the members of the Friak race stopped cultivating at the peak of the Sacred Monarch.

The woman in front of the store was one such member of the race who had stopped cultivating once her energy level reached the peak of the Sacred Monarch.

Elosi looked at the building in front of her with a mixture of expressions. Her coming here was nothing more than a coincidence.

The Friaks had no more than a few thousand members in the race, and most of them were between the Supreme God and the Sacred Monarch. After any member touched the peak of the Sacred Monarch, they would begin a journey through the dimension and would travel as much as they could in five hundred thousand years.

During those five hundred thousand years, they wouldn't use any travel portal but would do it on their own. As for why they chose a fixed duration of five hundred thousand years for travel, it had an extraordinary meaning in their lives.

Elosi had also been traveling for the past three hundred forty-six thousand and seven hundred years and had come to the store by coincidence.

Elosi was going to enter the store when suddenly her face turned solemn. The next moment, she disappeared from the street.

Aakesh, who saw the situation through his own eyes, moved his eyes away since the new customer had left even before entering the store. From the sudden reaction, it seemed something unusual had happened.

Since Aakesh had gained a moment of reprieve, he decided to continue checking his quests. Pills, skills, and Panagea were done, and a few more products were left.

The next moment, a blue screen containing the details of the fifth weapon's quest appeared in front of Aakesh.

[Mission Sequence: Fifth

Objective: Sell weapons and training hours,

Details: With the purchase from Garry, the store has fulfilled all requirements for the last quest. It's not the time to celebrate, but it's only the beginning. Work even more diligently to make more and more customers interested in the product.

Number of weapons you need to sell: 1,000,000,000,000,

Number of customers or training hours: 2,000,000,000,000 training hours*,

Days required: 36,000 Days,

Mission reward: Availability of fifty new types of weapons types for sale and training,

Failure Punishment: The disappearance of ten types of weapons at random, and the sales commission will be reduced to 0% of the product's price for five hundred years.]

*- (2,000,000,000,000 trivial, normal, moderate, or difficult) training hours = 400,000,000,000 Immortal training hours = 100,000,000,000 Gods and Demons training hours = 1,000,000 Primordial training hours.)

Not long after, a smaller blue screen containing the details of the progress also popped out in front of Aakesh.

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