The First Store System

Chapter 1409 Tirly’s Choice!

Chapter 1409 Tirly’s Choice!

Chapter 1409: Tirly's Choice!

The next moment, Tirly opened her eyes and found herself back in the store, staring at the screen on the device.

Her eyes were confused, but as things dawned on her, a question mark appeared on her face. She wanted to know the result of her throwing her life into that punch.

The next moment, a wave of unbearable pain hit her. Tirly wanted to celebrate when she felt that pain, but it was so intense that there was no other thought in her head. Fortunately for her, it disappeared as quickly as it arrived, and a beaming smile immediately appeared on her face.

Tirly hadn't felt that happy even when she found herself in another world with rich resources, but at that moment, she smiled like never before.

Winning against the Verdant Matron was all hers, not some luck or fate. She risked her life and got a reward.

When Tirly crashed to the ground, she had died, but the Verdant Matron had died the moment it came into contact with the punch. It was an instant kill, so Tirly became the victor by being the last survivor of the two.

The next moment, the screen on the device lit up, and the contract's terms showed up on it. Tirly took a deep glance at it, and after finding nothing wrong with it, she heaved a sigh of relief.

Only one more step was left for Tirly to complete. Since she had the Supreme Store Card and the beast wasn't of ultimate quality, Tirly could pay directly. She did it using the credit card, and the next moment, the screen on the card changed, showing the difference after the payment.

At the same time, she also felt whatever remaining restriction she had on the beast card disappear. It was hers from that moment, resulting in a wide smile spreading across her face.

Tirly then moved away from the queue since numerous people were waiting behind her for their turn. As she was leaving, she stopped and turned around to look at the second beast pillar.

"I will come one day to summon you as well with my own money," Tirly mumbled with a hint of determination in her eyes.

She didn't stop there any longer and turned around, exiting the beast room.

Tirly had completed purchases for two of the six products in the store. Since she still had considerable wealth left, the shopping spree was far from over.

Her next destination was the skill room since the taming battle showed her the importance of having skills. If she had more skills, she mightn't have needed to punch, using her life as an energy source.

But before going to the skill room, she looked at the store owner. Aakesh seemed to be in the midst of a conversation with a customer, and there was a short queue of a few customers also waiting for their turn.

Tirly decided to go to the skills room, but since she didn't know what room it was, she walked into the weapons room. She decided to return to the room after purchasing the skills since she also needed a weapon and training.

She didn't enter another room at that time since only one unknown room was left. The room for Panagea was known to every customer since there was a long queue of people meditating around it, waiting for their turn.

As she walked into the room, several counters for each cultivation level up to the Supreme God level appeared in her eyes. When she looked around, the numerous murals referring to different skills of different types appeared in her eyes.

Tirly couldn't help but feel wondrous when she saw them. It took a while for her to move her eyes away from them and finally focus on the counter.

Customers could only buy skills for their cultivation level or lower, and since Tirly's cultivation level was already the lowest possible, there was only one counter available for her. She then walked in that direction. There were several customers already standing there, searching for the skills they desired.

Some greeted Tirly in response to her greeting, while others ignored her as they were deeply immersed in the skill cards in their hands.

In the basic introduction, the store owner had told her about the available types of skills, so Tirly already had types in her mind, which were all five as long as she could afford them.

Since every row had the type mentioned in the counter, it wasn't difficult for Tirly to find where to start. She reached into the bottom row, hoping to get a suitable skill.

As for the element, she thought of the space element. If Tirly had come to the skill room before the cultivation arts room, she would have thought of the usual element, but the art, [Cultivating to the Void] and the reaction caused by her body showed her that she had a special relationship with the element of space.

When Tirly pulled her hands out, there was a skill card in them.

Since Tirly had reached the first shelf, the skill level was novice grade. She had decided to start at the lower level, and once she had found a suitable skill, she would go to the next grade.

Customers could buy one skill for each grade in all the types, but Tirly had no thought of doing that. She wanted to buy one God level skill for each of the five types and then repeat the same when she stepped into the Divine Being level.

Tirly read the details on the card, and she liked it, so she went to the next shelf and pulled out the same skill for advanced grade. She liked it as well, so she repeated the previous exercise and pulled out the expert grade skill.

When Tirly read the details of the master grade skill, for some reason, she lost interest in the skill. She didn't waste any time and immediately returned the card.

Tirly knew she was being extremely picky, but it was what it was for her since she was willing to splurge money. Tirly restarted and reached out to the first shelf once again, pulling out a new novice grade attacking skill card.


A/N: Sorry for another delayed mass release. Being absent for so long cost some thinking capability. I was unable to write chapters, as well as I had to make up for the absent days in my original job as well.

As some sense of normalcy hit me, I will announce the date of mass release.

Sorry once again.

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