The Founder of the Great Financial Family

Chapter 132 (2)

Chapter 132 (2)

"I can't understand. What kind of power do they have that you would abandon us and continue to insist on them? I would understand if it were the Tepez family. But Ismail..."

In response to her question of why he insisted on the fallen Ismail family, Rockefeller replied with a subtle smile.

"Isn't there a crown war coming up soon? If the 2nd Prince wins there, who knows what will happen?"

Isabella was taken aback by his unexpected remark.

The 2nd Prince in the crown war?

"His Highness Christian in the crown war?"

It sounded like news to her.

There was not even a rumor that the 2nd Prince would participate.

When Isabella looked at Jason, he also shook his head as if he had the same thought.

It meant that it was unlikely.


Rockefeller sat back in a relaxed posture, crossing his legs and smiling.

"Would you like to bet with me? Whether or not the 2nd Prince will participate in the crown war."

"Even if he participates, Prince Christian would lose his life, right?"

The crown war was a long-standing tradition of the royal family, and only one prince could survive and ascend to the throne after participating in this battle.

So, princes who valued their lives couldn't participate in the crown war.

"Losing his life? If he participates and wins, that's it."

"How can he win? There's no way he can."

"Sorry, but the issue of winning and losing in the crown war is decided by people like us. To be honest, what power do the princes have to win in the crown war? Isn't it the forces that support them that put them on the throne?"

At that point, Jason, who had been silent, stepped in.

"You don't think the 2nd Prince will win, do you?"

"Of course. In the upcoming crown war, the 2nd Prince will definitely win."

It was a confidence so great that one could stick out their tongue.

Even looking at the current situation, the 2nd Prince was initially uncertain about participating.

"Foolish. Abandoning us for a hopeless cause and choosing Ismail."

"That's my choice. It's not a problem for others to argue about my choice."

The idea of pushing the 2nd Prince was such an absurd idea that Isabella thought more about it.

'Although it's unlikely. If they push the 2nd Prince and he wins, they'll gain a lot.'

It was natural for the prince who ascended to the throne to help the forces that supported him.

Especially for the 2nd Prince, who has no supporting forces, it would be even more so.

'The guild's financial power is sufficient, so the 2nd Prince won't have trouble because of money. The problem is the order...'

"Are you not worried about the order issue at all? Ismail has already been branded as a heretical force, so even if the 2nd Prince wins the crown war, he cannot ascend to the throne. The empire will never part with the order."

"I have a separate plan for that."

"A plan?"

Rockefeller still looked relaxed.

"I end up saying the same thing again. Putting someone on the throne is the work of people like us. Does the order see the 2nd Prince unfavorably?"

Rockefeller nodded as if he understood.

"Well, that's possible. He was involved with the heretical forces, so I think it's quite possible. But that's all in the past."

Rockefeller's smile contained various meanings.

One of them was confidence.

"Just wait and see if the 2nd Prince can ascend to the throne or not. Even if the world is divided in two, I plan to put him on the throne."

As he spoke, Rockefeller could imagine someone being moved by his words.

'Doesn't he even bow down to me when I say this much?'

"And when that happens, the world I've supported from the beginning will unfold. I have a lot to ask of him, at least. And he will grant my request, even if it's difficult. Loyalty is not something that can be easily discarded, right?"

He was a guild leader with great ambitions.

Jason almost let out a hollow laugh, thinking it was too far-fetched.

"Amazing. Instead of such passion, why not join us and push for the 3rd Prince?"

At Jason's words, Rockefeller immediately shook his head.

"The 3rd Prince already has many attached supporting forces, so there's not much to gain even if I join. I intend to continue my gamble in my own way, so you can understand that."

A guild leader who bet on an impossible place.

Jason had a lot to say, but he held his tongue because she was with him.

On the other hand, she thought differently.

He was so confident that she considered the possibility.

'Why is he so sure? He's not a fool who doesn't know how the world works.'

He was a man who had been an ordinary commoner and became the leader of the two Bancos.

He had accomplished some significant things, so she couldn't just ignore his thoughts.

'But he must have some faith in it, that's why he's doing that, right?'

She considered various possibilities for a while and then informed him of another possibility to persuade him.

"What if the 2nd Prince later betrays your loyalty?"

"Betrays loyalty?"

"It could happen. You never know what will happen in the world."


The 2nd Prince that Rockefeller knew was not the type of person to do that.

He was a devout believer, always carrying his faith in his heart.

"To be honest, I don't trust anyone. Who knows what will happen and the 2nd Prince will change his words?"

"Isn't it too optimistic for someone who thinks that way to look at the world?"

"That's why I intend to have insurance."


Even if she hadn't asked, he had already thought about it.

No matter how loyal a person is.

Insurance was still necessary.

"Yes, I have a very pretty younger sister who I adore."

Hearing his following words, she had nothing more to say.

"I'll have to take my sister with me. Then the possibility of changing his mind later will be even more unlikely."

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