The Four Swords

Chapter 120: End of the Line

Chapter 120: End of the Line

John's eyes stared at Queen Valerie as if she was true north. What a devout subject. His loyalty could not be questioned. His feet seemed planted as if the earth could crumble beneath him and he would still find the resolve to accomplish any task set before him by this Queen and Country. He only seemed to waver to look toward the floor once the Queen's cheeks seem to flush.

I could not seem to fathom why he might need to cut off the back of the Petitioner's line. I had never seen such a method used before and it seemed strange to cut off the commoners' access to the monarchy so quickly. In times of war, the general public seemed to have a heightened sense of awareness about unusual happenings. This type of information has led to many scouting missions among my men already. There must be something I am missing.

I looked toward Princess Alina in hopes that she could give better insight into the puzzle. Her face, however, was glaring daggers at the young nobleman in front of Sir John. Sir Carrion had her full and undivided attention. If she had the magic of the Norads, I think that Carrion would have burst into flames from the intensity of such an expression.

Carrion, for his part, did not even spare Alina a glance. He seemed to be muttering and mumbling to himself while his eyes flitted to various points on the tile floor. I can only imagine his thoughts now could not be pleasant. How much more unpleasant will they be if he gets rejected in front of the entire court?

My eyes wandered back toward the dais. Lord Jacobson caught my gaze. His furrowed brow and tight lips highlighted an anxious countenance. His eyes flit between Carrion and something he fidgeted with in his hands. A simple ring with a single green stone inlaid in the band was being moved between his right hand pinky and ring finger. I never noticed him wear any jewelry before today, but in his defense, I do not typically look for such adornments.

I would never understand the fashions of court. Between Carrion's smoothing of his attire and Jacobson's fidgeting with ring, I cannot imagine anyone ever fully gets comfortable here. In all of my musings I fully missed the entire petition of the gentleman standing in front of Carrion.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. May your rule be long!" The man ended and bowed. I hope that petition had nothing to do with any of my men, but even if it did I think a record would still be sent to me of today's petitions. I was not in court often enough for that procedure to break down because of one day.

Carrion stepped forward and bowed low. This showed his formal attire in all its glory. The entire room seemed to hold its breath. Or possibly just my section of the room.

"My gracious sovereigns. Her Majesty Queen Valerie and Her Highness Princess Alina. May you live long and your reign be fair and just. If it pleases the house of the phoenix, may I request permission to petition the court?" Carrion's voice rang clear. I was near enough to the dais to hear the hushed mumblings of three responses on top of each other not given by Queen Valerie.

"Please don't." I heard Princess Alina wish aloud.

"He wouldn't" Cali muttered.

"Oh no." Jacobson rounded out the chorus.

Queen Valerie took her eyes off of Sir John to shoot the mumbling crowd a look of warning. This type of behavior would not be tolerated in her court.

"It so pleases the throne." Queen Valerie responded.

"I thank thee for listening to the petition of your humble servant.I am Sir Carrion, son of Lord Bleddyn of the clan of Wolves. I have come to ask my gracious and benevolent sovereign for the hand of her daughter, Princess Alina, in marriage" Carrion smiled smugly.

Queen Valerie seemed to only just now realize what the mumbling she had quieted was about. Her typically unbreakable composure faltered for a moment as her mouth gaped open in disbelief. She collected herself beautifully as she recited the next question mechanically. "Who can speak of your honor and justice?" She recited looking at Sir John with a hurt expression.

"I know we are in unprecedented times, and so please forgive this somewhat unorthodox breach in ceremony. I would ask Lord Jacobson to speak on my behalf. As he was recently betrothed to our fair princess, I believe that this would unite our clans and kingdom beautifully." Sir Carrion motioned to the court with a flourish.

As Carrion spoke, I saw Sir John assess the room before slowly backing away from the petitioner's line. Carrion seemed to be a hot coal thrown from the fire that Sir John did not want to touch with a ten foot pole. His expression toward the Queen looked mournful. Proposals do generally end court proceedings, so I guess Sir John was relieved from duty. No need to be that broken up about it. I wish I was relieved from duty.

By the end of Carrion's speech, all eyes in the court were on Lord Jacobson. I could hear a gulp as Jacobson tried to swallow his nerves. I certainly would not want to be him right now. I saw the young Swordsman look toward Princess Alina to assess the situation. In Alina's pleading eyes, I could see that she did not want to marry this man. Lord Jacobson apparently did too.

"It is not my duty to speak to your qualities. It would also not be within my power to allow you to renounce your clan, Sir Carrion." Lord Jacobson pointed out the obvious flaw in Sir Carrion's proposal.

Carrion's eyes narrowed toward Jacobson. "I beg you to reconsider, Lord Jacobson. Our country needs a king who is faithful and true in times of war." The change in his tone was almost unperceivable but the edge in his statement was clearly a threat for those observant enough to catch it. Carrion's eyes shifted between Cali and Jacobson before he added a last statement with a flourish. "Just like King Caderyn valiantly fell protecting our great land!"

I have no idea why Cali was getting dragged into Carrion's plans, but clearly Lord Jacobson did. He stiffened next to me. His hand that once fidgeted with his ring now was clenched tightly in a fist. Lord Jacobson turned toward the dais and bowed low. "Your Majesty Queen Valerie, and Your Highness Princess Alina," Jacobson began before taking a deep breath to try and settle the vein that was popping out of his neck.

Carrion looked triumphant. Princess Alina looked on the verge of tears. I know she is not powerless, but decorum, tradition and pride seemed to bind her hands at this particular moment.

"I hope you would support my request to have Sir Carrion escorted home until such a time as he can find clansmen to speak to his qualities and seek permission from his Swordsman to renounce his clan," Lord Jacobson's words left the entire court silent.

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