The Four Swords

Chapter 40: Planning and Breakfast Bacon

Chapter 40: Planning and Breakfast Bacon

The Swordsmen all listened intently to Alina's theory. The mountains to the north were treacherous and deadly. No one really claimed them with their borders. It made them the perfect place for the Norads to live without intrusion. Magic would be the only way to survive the extreme elements there.

It also meant towns to the north, like Lorcan, would be the most vulnerable. The autumn season was soon coming to a close. Snow would soon envelop the northernmost parts of the kingdom and make travel by foot slow and tiresome.

"Now that we have a theory on where the enemy is testing us, maybe we could station some regiments up north before the weather turns in the Norad's favor," I added to the end of Alina's observations.

"I did not realize that you were a strategist, Sir Jacobson," King Caderyn seemed to want to

mock me, but the swordsman played dumb.

"Quite right, he is! Well observed, Your Majesty." Lord Bleddyn chimed in. I was tired of the tension in the room. I can only imagine how many times a moody monarch made these meetings unbearable.

"It's not a bad plan. We can pick the men who we will send to Lorcan tomorrow after training. We can send a few to scope out the area before we send a larger force." My father agreed with my plan, adding his own flair.

"Lord Holden might also have a report for us soon. His men should have been briefed on the first petitioner's problems and hopefully have investigated. That way we can know where to best send the men." Lord Garrison continued as if the king were on board with the plans.

"Very well. We should convene after training tomorrow and come with some men in mind for the assignment." My father took over the meeting, unwittingly. He caught himself as he almost stood to leave. "If it pleases you, My King?"

King Caderyn threw up his hands in defeat. "So let it be. Goodnight."

That night my head hit the pillow longing for sleep. For some reason, the image of Cali blocking the practice sword from the morning training flashed across my mind. She really was beautiful. Somehow I did not realize until I replayed it in my mind, that her worried expression was not toward Alina, but toward me.

My heart skipped a beat. She was a true warrior, protecting all. It was a pleasant thought to lull me to sleep. The last image I remember is her hazel eyes and teasing hint of a grin.

The next morning I awoke without the help of any family members. I almost missed the company. I got dressed, assuming that I would be helping with training.

I walked downstairs to the smell of fresh eggs and bacon. My mother was cooking a warm breakfast. It felt like an eternity since I last had a proper breakfast with my family.

Although my siblings were nowhere to be found, my father sat at the kitchen table with his nose in a book. I wondered if this is what I looked like to my parents most of the time. I sat next to my father and read the title of the book he was reading.

"A History of the People of Ensis," I read aloud. It was a book I had read through for my formal schooling before my training began. "I do not believe the Norads are mentioned in that, but I do think some nomadic people who once lived here are."

"Thank you, Jack. Any information is helpful." My father closed the book and looked at me. "Also we did not get to talk about yesterday before you went to sleep." His tone turned severe.

"Did I mess up in that council meeting?" I cared about my father's opinion of me.

"Not at all! I'm proud of the way you continued to press what you had to say. I think you have a good mind for planning," my father nodded. "I do think you need to know that the king is hard to get along with most of the time. Stand your ground! He will often hear the reason after he's said his peace."

"I hope so. He doesn't seem to like me much." I admitted.

"I have noticed that too. I hope that too will pass. He has never been this temperamental." My father admitted.

My mother came to the table with two platters of food. "What are you two chatting about?" Her curiosity got the better of her.

"Oh nothing of interest now that food is here. Jack, make sure you eat your fill. We might not get lunch again today," My father said as he stood to kiss my mother on the cheek. He replaced the book he was reading back on the shelf and sat back down to dig into breakfast.

I didn't have to be told twice. I ate my fill and then some. Bacon was one of the greatest delicacies that man ever discovered.

"I hope you have some time today. Queen Valerie invited your siblings and me to afternoon tea with herself and Princess Alina. Please join us if you have a moment." My mother informed me.

"I will try." That sounded much more enjoyable than collecting bruises on the training field.

I left for the day side by side with my father. The vaguest hint of pink touched the horizon. At least I got to sleep in more than the last few days.

Finley and Alejo fell in line behind us. Did these two ever sleep?

A thought popped into my head. "If either of you want to join in on training today, please feel free. I will try to stay nearby."

"Thank you, Sir Jacobson." Finley responded.

My dad looked over his shoulder then back at me. "Did you not tell them you go by Jack?"

I laughed. "See gentlemen?"

The two shadows chuckled. "Yes we do, Jack" Alejo responded. It was nice to start the day among friends

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