The Four Swords

Chapter 48: Permissions

Chapter 48: Permissions

"Is Alina alright?" I asked an exasperated Cali. When I first saw her on the side of the training field by the garden I had hoped she was just there to learn. Instead she was sent to fetch me yet again.

"I think she will be." Cali responded, biting her lip. It looked like she needed a distraction.

"Where is she?" I could not very well help her if I had no idea where she was.

"I left her in her chambers but she will probably receive you in her parlor." Cali's face fell to the floor. She needed something to help her regain the spark I always envied in her. Before I would help Alina, I would help Cali.

"Come with me!" I said, grabbing her by the hand.

I led her toward the practice field before releasing her. For some reason the warmth of her hand lingered in mine. Part of me wanted to reach for it again. Without her warmth, the chill of the day hit me all the harder, sending tingling jolts down my fingertips

When we reached the Swordsmen and my uncle, I turned to Cali to give her a reassuring smile. Her expression toward me was simply one of confusion.

"My Lords, uncle, I have been called into the castle on a matter of importance. I would hate to leave you short handed for help in training these men. Lady Calista graciously offered to watch and grant instruction in technique if needed. That is, only if it pleases you all," I offered

I was not a royal yet. I figured asking formally might get the best results since there was a crowd of men that were going to be on assignment soon within earshot. I peeked at Cali. Her expression instantly transformed as she tried to hold in her growing glee.

"I have no problem with my daughter seeing sparing close up and personal," Lord Bleddyn proudly proclaimed.

"I am not so sure it would be beneficial. The men might not focus as well if they are trying to impress." Lord Garrison responded in opposition. What had these men been doing the past few days around me except trying to impress? I saw the flaw in his logic.

"She has quite the passion for the weapon, Lord Garrison. You should see my practice dummy. It's almost a twig now thanks to her warm up with a practice sword on it the other morning," my father was smooth at convincing people to see things his way.

"It seems I am overruled for the moment. Please join us until Sir Jacobson can return, Lady Calista. I will say if your presence does negatively affect our progress, I may ask you to leave. Is that understood?" Lord Garrison replied.

"Oh yes! Thank you for this chance, My Lords!" Cali's smile rivaled Benate's for the largest I have seen today. With my ever-faithful shadows I turned to go help my other best friend.

I was getting more comfortable navigating the royal wing of the palace, but questioned myself thoroughly when I turned down the hallway where I thought I would find the doorway to Alina's parlor. Two burly guards blocked my path. Neither seemed to move at my approach.

I cleared my throat thinking that they simply were lost in their own thoughts and did not see me approaching. This was not the case.

"Excuse me. Is this the way to Princess Alina's parlor? She is expecting me," I politely queried.

"No admittance except by order of the king!" One of the sentries rattled off without answering my question.

Did I make a mistake in my mental mapping? Was this the King's chambers? I took a closer look at the two men barring my way. They were part of Alina's unwanted entourage.

"Without admittance I will miss my appointment with the Crown Princess of Ensis. Can one of you gentlemen please inform her that I am waiting?" I nearly spat.

Even with my realization on the battlefield that I needed to be myself, I still drew on the commanding way that Lord Garrison carried himself. I mimicked the tone my uncle uses when he's cross and the look my mother has when one of my siblings is about to make a poor decision. Just because I should be true to myself does not mean I can't learn a few tricks.

The combination had the desired effect. The men were both taken aback. With a glance to each other, the taller one nodded. The shorter man retreated down the hallway and into the doors of the parlor. With this much security, did Cali even get to see Alina this morning?

The door reopened. Instead of seeing Alina's slender frame, the guard who insisted she be protected in a diamond formation appeared with the shorter guard shortly behind him. His exaggerated strut that Alejo impersonated when we first met this man, seemed to have grown even more cocky. My brunette fiancé was nowhere in sight.

"Sir Jacobson, I am sorry to inform you that I see no appointment with Princess Alina in her books. I must ask you to leave." The self-assured guard snuggly stated.

"Did you ask her yourself? She is expecting me," I echoed my earlier sentiment. I was getting annoyed at repeating myself. My tone must've held the bite in it that I felt to my core because Finley and Alejo both took a step closer to my shoulders. I did not deserve such loyalty.

"I do not have to do that, Sir Jacobson. The King has taken it upon himself to clear the Princess's schedule so she can better plan the wedding. She is not accepting any company at this time." The cretin of a guard responded behind tight lips, holding in his own frustration.

Something did not add up. The King was the one who was delaying the marriage by not setting our wedding date. He did not care about Alina's plans.

"What is your name?" I at least wanted to know who I was up against.

"Casimir of the King's Guard, if you must know," he retorted with a smug expression accentuated by his dark bangs framing his forehead.

If I must know? Why would I ask if I didn't want to know? I found my fists ready to fight, tightly balled at my sides. I took a deep breath, hoping I would not hit him. But if I did, it would not be the worst thing in the world

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