The Four Swords

Chapter 62: Spill the tea

Chapter 62: Spill the tea

I fervently knocked on Alina's parlor door, hoping Marta did her part yet again to keep people at bay. Alejo opened the door widely to display Alina and Marta both with large smiles and giggling.

"Jack! I was just about to send Alejo back to you. We have a fitting for our wedding attire later today. It slipped my mind to let you know," the Princess rambled off in good spirit.

Alina beat me to speaking as relief at seeing her in one piece washed over me. I stopped in my tracks. Finley still had the presence of mind to know that momentary safety did not guarantee anything in the long run.

"Jack, we should not just stand in the hallway. Your lovely future bride probably has more to tell you," Finley offered pushing me forward. To the causal observer, his tone was light. Alejo and I, however, both noticed his jaw clenched in worry and urgency.

"Oh yes! Where are my manners? Please come in! Thank you for sending Alejo the past few days. He has been a joy to get to know. Jack, you should hear Marta tell the story..." Alina stopped. I heard the door close and my face fell from a neutral mask. Alina paused her retelling as she saw my serious expression. "What's wrong?"

"Alina, you and Alejo are in danger," I did not mince words.

"That's not funny, Jack!" Alina retorted, hoping for some cruel joke.

"Your Highness, I don't think this is a joke," Alejo stepped in for my defense. His eyes did not leave Finley's face, searching for confirmation of my statement in his counterpart.

"It's true, Your Highness," Finley flatly stated.

"Everyone sit down and tell me everything you know." Alina looked as white as a sheet. She was always clam under pressure but knowing of a threat in advance made her nervous.

Finley and I told of our journey in turns. He had a very analytical approach which helped point out some things that I missed. Finley knew how many entrances we passed and how many turns we took to get to the place where we overheard the servants. We also told the throng about the passage way outside the castle.

After we finished our story, Finley added something that never crossed my mind. "We know the people in this room are not part of this conspiracy since the three of you were mentioned in opposition to this plan. If Jack or myself were part of it, we wouldn't be here telling you."

Everyone nodded in agreement. That made sense.

"Since it is impossible as of yet to know who Nyx is, we should probably keep the tunnel between us for the time being. We do not want that passage accidentally discovered by the enemy," Finley explained.

I am thankful for his strategic mind. I wanted to tell the world of our discovery and receive my due, but he was right. There was safety in our current company that was not guaranteed outside this room. How I wish life came with more guarantees!

"We need to tell the swordsmen about the plot, even if we leave out the passageway," I demanded. I saw sense in not making an announcement about a weak link in our defenses, but we need to protect Alina too.

"Agreed!" Finley and Alejo said in unison.

It was the first time I heard Alejo speak since we told him about the scheming women. His face was hard to read. The part of me that loved his carefree side hoped that the handsome comment hadn't gone to his head. He seemed somber and serious. He was not flattered by the women plotting to use his death to get to the Princess.

"Then it's settled. The swordsmen are meeting now. I heard Lord Bleddyn's angry moping when he entered the royal wing. He's been pretty vocal since he was not put on that assignment of men that were training," Alina explained.

Somehow that did not shock me. I had seen a glimpse of Lord Bleddyn's intensity on the matter. Cali came by her passion for life honestly. That family could take on the world and would most likely come out on top of it all.

"Okay. I will go warn them," I offered. Finley stood to follow me.

"We will all go!" Alina said with an air of a royal command.

"Won't you be safer here?" I countered. She did not need to play games with her safety.

"Possibly. But will you be safe? You've been attending Swordsman Council Meetings for a while now. I don't think you just happened to miss one to hide out in the library. I assume you incurred my father's wrath after you saved me from his guards?" Alina questioned, but she already knew the answer.

"That I did," I admitted, hating to feel the shame of that fact being public knowledge.

"Then we will stick together. You'll save me and I'll save you. My father rarely can defend against my tears, if needed." I should've asked for Alina's wisdom before dealing with the King. She clearly could handle his moods.

"Against such logic, I have no defense," I offered. We all stood and Alejo opened the door for us all. In a move that I had not seen before, Finley led all of us while Alejo and Marta followed in step behind Alina and myself. Somehow our three guardians knew this move without planning it.

We quickly passed through the halls. Near the council chambers, we passed a servant with a tea service tray. Her green eyes and raven hair instantly brought me back to the day in the petitioner's court when she asked for a position. Her accent ran through my head.

This was the woman planning to kill Alejo to get to Alina! As she passed us, I grabbed Alina's hand, as if the flimsy gesture could fortify her against her ignorance of a threat so close to her. The servant gave a small curtsy before continuing on her way. Panic ran through me. Who was the tea for?

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