The Four Swords

Chapter 83: Coop and Coup

Chapter 83: Coop and Coup

Alina was in trouble! I should not have let myself be baited into training out here today. How did this happen? Why did my pride so easily win out when I was around Holden and Cali?

Another wave of further disgust in myself flowed over me. I was going to have to admit Carrion was right. Again. Swords were too dangerous. Training far from our Princess was dangerous. Maybe his caution was not overkill.

I shook my head, trying to shake off these thoughts. Maybe they found a different manor. The scout did not say they found people. I was jumping to conclusions.

"There is smoke coming from the chimney. I know our instructions were to stay out of sight and away from prying eyes. This manor is right in our path to the capital city. Should we continue through the land or circle around it, My Autarch?" The scout bowed again.

Smoke from the chimney? Oh no. Someone was home. Please do not let this be my family's manor!

"To keep the element of surprise, we need to stay out of sight. Stay off roads and we will try to stay away from homes," Nyx offered.

The scout did not move from his place, waiting for a higher command. Interesting. Even if Nyx had her own followers in the castle, it seemed not everyone considered her word the ultimate authority. A silence fell as the Autarch considered the words of her sister.

"Do you think the manor has a wagon we can.., borrow?" The Autarch cleared her throat before her final word. She had no intention of returning the property.

"Yes, Your Majesty. I saw one alongside the back of the manor's chicken coop. I do not think it will be missed," the scout said with a maniacal smirk.

Chicken coop? Some of the tension in my body relaxed. My home did not have a coop. Parker! The scouts were not upon my house, but rather they found the house of my parent's faithful steward. His home was to the west of my parent's. Somehow the scouts overshot my own home.

"Lieutenants!" The Autarch yelled. Hymenaeus stood where his mistress left him. At the shout, he cowered. I do not think he was enjoying his time with the Norads.

At least two riders on horseback responded to their leader's call, joining her side at a gallop. They stayed outside my field of vision but their hoofbeats crunching leaves let me know that more than one warrior approached.

"Join this scout and help him liberate a wagon for our cause. Stay out of sight of everyone, and we will join you beyond the house. Stay off the main roads until we join you. Dismissed," the Autarch dictated, considering her sister's advice.

The scout bowed once more after receiving his orders. Three riders came forward into view. The riders had on armor similar to the scouts, except for helmets made of material similar to that of their leaders unique protection.

The lead one offered his arm to the scout and moved his foot out of the stirrup of the saddle. The scout put his foot in the stirrup and with a strange counterbalancing handshake, mounted the horse behind the first rider.

The horses took off in the direction the scout indicated without looking back. I was thankful. At least that part of the enemy's forces hadn't spotted me.

"That takes care of the wagon. Our battalion will enter the city as merchants in the morning and at noonday we can strike the castle while the rest of the troops lay siege. We will have the upper hand in the confusion. Perfect planning," the Autarch gloated.

It seemed as though her curiosity about my tree disappeared. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be thankful for someone plotting thievery in front of me.

"Excellent. If we are to achieve that timetable, may I suggest we get moving?" Nyx suggested in a tone that implied she was not fully happy with the plan. Maybe she felt disrespected by that scout?

"Company forward!" The Autarch yelled with a bite in her tone. Something made me feel it was directed at her sister or whoever this Nyx person might really be.

The company stepped in unison, sending a shiver down my spine. It did not seem natural. The Autarch resumed her place in the center of the formation with Hymenaeus walking at the horse's heel.

Slowly a second rider came into view. Nyx's traveling cloak mirrored the Autarch in style but reversed the colors. She was almost out of view when she lowered the hood that concealed any defining features.

Her dark hair caught what little sunlight was still shining. The sheen reminded me of someone else, but I couldn't quite place who. This was the only thing I could spy. I would have to tell my father that I needed more lessons in proper espionage.

The Norads slowly disappeared into the tree line. The air around started to warm. I finally took a chance and tested a theory. My breath disappeared from view. It felt good to be able to breathe again. The day brightened slightly.

I looked toward my counterparts in the neighboring tree. How long should we wait before we abandon our hiding places?

Holden seemed to have the same thought. He popped his head up from his hiding position to better see if anyone was around. Seeing no one, he plucked a twig from a branch and threw it some distance from us away from the Norads.

I tucked tighter into a ball, waiting for some response. Moments stretched waiting to see if anyone would pop out of the woods to inspect the noise. After what felt like a span of time that would stretch into my old age, no one appeared.

Lord Holden jumped down from his position. I followed suit, only to turn around and see him help Cali down with a hand. Cali took it before jumping to the ground herself.

Why did he have to touch her? I shook off the thought. Now was not the time to be protective of Cali.

"We need to get back now! Then we will come up with a plan to warn the castle." Holden took charge. It was time for a crash course in speedy stealth. I guess this is what I signed up for.

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