The Girl is Beautiful but Violent

Chapter 54

The girl named Baozhu led the three of them into a room, then walked behind a screen. After a moment, soft and melodious music from a zither flowed out.

In the center of the room stood an elegant antique wooden table, already set with a pot of wine. After everyone entered, servers in gray robes brought in several plates of food.

Zhang Shun pushed open the window, allowing sunlight to spill into the room, warming those inside.

After taking a seat, Liu Ming'an unfastened the wooden box containing a scroll that he had been carrying on his back. He handed it to Zhou Yi, saying, "Brother Zhou, here's the birthday congratulations painting you requested."

Zhou Yi, who had already sat down, stood up again upon hearing this. He accepted the wooden box with both hands, eager to open the scroll and examine it.

"Brother Liu, I forgot to tell you, the calligraphy and painting you sent me last time - I took them to my uncle's house. He saw them and loved them so much that he took them to hang in my younger brother's study, saying it would be good for him to observe and learn from..."

Zhou Yi suddenly remembered this and explained it to Liu Ming'an.

Liu Ming'an smiled and said, "Since I gave it to you, Brother Zhou, it's naturally yours to do with as you please."

Zhou Yi smiled too and fully unrolled the scroll, taking in the content of the painting.

"Heavens!" Zhou Yi couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

Seeing this, Zhang Shun also came over for a closer look. After examining it carefully for a moment, he turned to Liu Ming'an and said, "Brother Liu, your talent shouldn't be buried like this."

On the snow-white paper, towards the left side, a majestic mountain stood tall. This mountain was imposing and towering, reaching straight into the azure sky, its grandeur inspiring the heroic sentiment of "I shall mount its very peak and gaze down upon the multitude of lesser mountains" in those who beheld it. To the right of the mountain was a cliff, from which a waterfall cascaded down like the Milky Way falling from the heavens, magnificently splendid.

Feeling the light in the room was insufficient, Zhou Yi took the scroll to the window, continually praising it as he examined it.

At the top of the mountain, near the waterfall, Liu Ming'an had used an extremely fine brush to paint several pine trees, vivid and lifelike, with every detail captured. The pines grew with wild abandon, as if sprouting directly from the bare rock face, stretching proudly towards the sky, displaying vigorous vitality.

Looking closer, one could see a crane perched on one of the pine trees, its wings spread and its posture graceful, its essence captured in just a few strokes.

"Marvelous! Simply marvelous!" Zhou Yi exclaimed, continuing to study the painting intently.

At the foot of the majestic mountain, Liu Ming'an had painted an old man. This elder had hair and beard as white as snow, a high forehead, kind eyes, and a benevolent expression - it was the God of Longevity, also known as the Old Man of the South Pole. The God of Longevity held a staff made from a branch of the celestial peach tree, with a wine gourd tied to its top, while in his other hand he cradled an enormous celestial peach. Behind the God of Longevity, several divine deer were lowering their heads to drink from a pond formed by the falling waterfall.

At the very bottom of the painting was a prominent line of text that read: "On this auspicious day, we offer our sincere blessings."

Zhou Yi's eyes were transfixed, unable to look away from the painting. He examined it inch by inch, appreciating every brush stroke, murmuring to himself, completely immersed in a state of rapture.

It wasn't until half an hour later that Zhou Yi finally, though reluctantly, rolled up the scroll, handling it with utmost care as if it were some priceless treasure.

"Brother Liu!" Zhou Yi suddenly called out in a serious tone, causing both Liu Ming'an and Zhang Shun to look over.

Then Liu Ming'an watched as Zhou Yi walked up to him and, with utmost formality, cupped his hands and bowed deeply.

"Brother Zhou?" Liu Ming'an was startled and quickly stood up, helping Zhou Yi to straighten. "What are you doing? We're brothers, how can I let you bow to me like this?"

But Zhou Yi grasped Liu Ming'an's hands and said earnestly, "The day we first met, after just a brief conversation, you first sent me calligraphy and paintings, and then went to such great lengths to paint this birthday congratulations scroll for me. I am humbled. Having received so many kindnesses from you without cause, I can only offer this bow to somewhat ease my conscience."

Hearing these heartfelt words, Liu Ming'an was visibly moved. At this moment, Zhang Shun put a hand on his shoulder and said, "Brother Liu, there's no need to be alarmed. Zhou Yi is a man of passion, and you are certainly worthy of receiving this bow."

As the three sat down again, the distance between them had noticeably shortened.

Zhou Yi's family ran a business in the capital, which often took him traveling to various places. He was well-informed, warm, and sincere, skilled in conversation.

Zhang Shun came from a wealthy family with members in both commerce and government. He had grown up with a steady temperament and broad perspective. This trip was to purchase a batch of medicinal herbs, and to offer birthday congratulations to Hong Fusheng along the way.

Liu Ming'an was the youngest of the three, with far less worldly experience than Zhou Yi and Zhang Shun. In his nineteen years of life, he had never set foot outside of Lingshan Town. However, he was widely read and erudite, humble and courteous in his manner. Being in his company always felt like basking in the warmth of spring.

The three young men with such different personalities conversed with great enthusiasm, drinking and chatting, raising their cups in toast after toast, finding they had endless topics to discuss.

It wasn't until Baozhu, the girl behind the screen, came out holding her zither to ask if they wanted dinner that the three realized night had fallen.

"So the saying 'When drinking with a kindred spirit, a thousand cups are too few' isn't just an empty phrase!" Zhang Shun exclaimed, looking at the several empty wine pots on the table.

They weren't particularly fond of alcohol; the wine was just a catalyst, something to drink to liven up the mood. Therefore, they had been served light, clear wine, and even now, none of them were drunk. Only Liu Ming'an, who rarely drank, was slightly tipsy.

"Brother Zhou, Brother Zhang," Liu Ming'an stood up and cupped his hands to the other two, "Today's lively discussion with you two has been most enlightening. It's getting late, and I should head back. Let's meet again another day."

Zhou Yi walked to the window and poked his head out to check the sky, then turned to Liu Ming'an and asked, "Brother Liu, you live in Lotus Flower Village, right?"


"How far is it from here?"

"About forty li."

"How long does it take to get there?"

"About two hours."

Liu Ming'an thought Zhou Yi was just expressing casual concern and answered each question, but then he heard him say, "Brother Liu, don't go back today. Why don't you stay at my place for the night?"

Liu Ming'an was taken aback. The image of Jiang Ning's cold, clear eyes suddenly flashed in his mind, and without thinking, he refused, "Thank you for your kind offer, Brother Zhou, but I have a younger sister at home. She might worry if I don't return."

Liu Ming'an felt a bit guilty saying this. Given Jiang Ning's temperament, he didn't really think she would worry. It was just that he himself felt uneasy at the thought of not going home tonight.

"How old is your sister?" Zhang Shun asked.

"Six...teen? Or perhaps seventeen?" This was a question that not only Liu Ming'an couldn't answer with certainty, but even Jiang Ning herself wouldn't know.

"How can you not be sure of your own sister's age?" Zhou Yi was quite surprised.

Liu Ming'an smiled and briefly explained Jiang Ning's situation.

After listening, Zhang Shun nodded and said, "I asked about your sister's age because I was thinking that if she were a two or three-year-old or even a seven or eight-year-old child who couldn't be left alone, I would hire a carriage to take you home tonight. But since she's a young lady in her teens, why do you need to rush back?"

"That's right, Brother Liu," Zhou Yi chimed in, "It's already past 7 p.m. now, and your home is so far away. The roads aren't good to travel at night, there's no need to rush back. Why don't you stay at my uncle's house for the night?"

Liu Ming'an hesitated. He knew Zhou Yi and Zhang Shun's reasoning was sound, but he kept seeing those eyes in his mind. He wanted to go home.

In the end, it was a comment from Zhang Shun that dispelled Liu Ming'an's notion of returning home. He said, "If you go home now, by the time you arrive, it will be at least 11:45 p.m., maybe even past midnight. Aren't you afraid of disturbing your sister's peaceful sleep?"

And so, Liu Ming'an decided to accompany Zhou Yi to the Hong family home to stay for the night.

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