The Girl is Beautiful but Violent

Chapter 71

This can't be real, can it? Liu Ming'an thought.

That beautiful Jiang Ning, that Jiang Ning who couldn't do her own hair, that Jiang Ning who was a great cook, that Jiang Ning who panicked when her period came, that Jiang Ning with the cold personality who still took care of him... Was she really someone who regarded human life as worthless as grass?

"Jiang... Ning..." Liu Ming'an felt as if someone was choking him, and with all his might, he could only utter these two words.

The wind seemed to be growing stronger, completely dissipating the warmth from the earlier embrace. Jiang Ning felt waves of bone-chilling coldness.

"Today, you've finally seen me for who I truly am. This is... the real me!" As Jiang Ning said these words, her hand hidden behind her back clenched into a tight fist, her nails digging deep into her palm, nearly breaking the skin.

You shouldn't like someone like me.

Jiang Ning took one last look at the dazed Liu Ming'an, inwardly mocking herself with a bitter smile, and turned to walk towards the door.

"Jiang Ning!" Liu Ming'an quickly reached out to grab her, his voice filled with intense pleading. "Don't go, I'm begging you, please don't go, okay?"

Jiang Ning looked at Liu Ming'an expressionlessly as he continued, "At least don't go now, alright? Can we wait until after the court hearing tomorrow? There must be other ways besides killing..."

Jiang Ning thought she could shake off Liu Ming'an's hand without hesitation, but seeing the sorrowful expression on his face and hearing his humble plea, she found herself unable to ignore it. She was no longer a qualified assassin; she had grown soft-hearted.

In the end, Jiang Ning returned to her room in front of Liu Ming'an.


The door closed, separating the two, but Jiang Ning felt that what stood between them wasn't just a door, but an unbridgeable chasm.

Jiang Ning lay on the bed fully clothed, her eyes wide open in the darkness. Liu Ming'an's eyes, filled with shock and heartache, lingered in her mind.

As time slowly ticked by, for some reason, Jiang Ning recalled the scene of her first kill in her previous life.

Was she seven years old then? Or eight? She couldn't quite remember.

That woman had thrown a dying man in front of her and then tossed her a dagger.

"Kill him," the woman said, her red lips barely moving, her tone as casual as if she were commenting on the nice weather.

She picked up the knife, gripping it tightly with both hands, and walked step by step to crouch beside the man, her whole body trembling uncontrollably.

The man, who had been in a semi-comatose state, opened his eyes at that moment. His gaze swept across her face, and then he burst into laughter. The dry, cracked lips split open from the laughter, creating wounds that bled, staining his mouth and teeth red, making him look like a monster that had just devoured someone.

"Hahaha..." The man laughed for a while, then struggled to lift his head and mockingly said to the woman who had raised her, "Your successor... seems to be useless. She's trembling, she's afraid, hahaha..."

As soon as he finished speaking, she heard an icy question from above: "What are you waiting for? Too scared? If you're too scared, then go die!"

Jiang Ning had already forgotten how she felt at that moment. She only remembered that she later gripped the dagger tightly with both hands and plunged it forcefully into the man's neck.

She would never forget those dying eyes that suddenly widened but gradually lost focus, nor would she forget the blood that gushed out from the neck when she pulled out the dagger.

That blood was only about 30 degrees Celsius, but when it sprayed onto her face, it felt so hot that it seemed to burn through her skin and flesh.

The jet of blood sprayed onto Jiang Ning's head and face, blurring her vision with a crimson haze.

She wanted to wipe it off with her sleeve, but the woman stopped her.

"Don't wipe it off! Remember this feeling well, get used to the taste of human blood."

Jiang Ning lowered her hand woodenly, not wiping it off. She sat on the floor next to the man's corpse. The woman left on her own, leaving her in that place.

The scalding blood gradually lost its heat after leaving the body. At first, it became sticky, with a strong metallic smell, and finally, it cooled completely, hardening into clumps that matted Jiang Ning's hair together.

Returning to the present, Jiang Ning turned her head to look towards the door. She knew Liu Ming'an was still standing alone in the courtyard.

What's the point? Jiang Ning thought. They had always been polar opposites; their peaceful coexistence before was merely because she hadn't revealed her true self to him.

But perhaps it was for the best. Now that he had seen the truth, it wasn't too late.

Dawn broke.

The faint morning light filtered through the window paper into the room. Jiang Ning sat up on the bed and opened the door. Liu Ming'an was standing not far from her room, watching her, his face somewhat haggard.

They stared at each other silently for a long while. Suddenly, Liu Ming'an raised the corners of his lips at Jiang Ning and said casually, "Oh, you're awake. Let me help you do your hair."

Jiang Ning narrowed her eyes, unable to understand what Liu Ming'an was thinking.

Without waiting for her response, Liu Ming'an walked up to her, gently tugged at her arm, and led her to sit in front of the dressing table inside the room. He took out the mirror, comb, and hair tie he had bought yesterday and began to do Jiang Ning's hair.

The situation was beyond Jiang Ning's expectations. Liu Ming'an's behavior left her puzzled, as if everything that happened last night had never occurred.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Jiang Ning asked, looking at Liu Ming'an behind her through the mirror.

Liu Ming'an, who was in the middle of combing a strand of her hair, paused for a moment at her words. But in an instant, he resumed his actions, slowly and methodically finishing her hair before speaking. "Jiang Ning, I thought about it all night last night, and I've come to understand something."

"Understand what?" Jiang Ning felt her throat tighten slightly.

Liu Ming'an smiled at her gently as always: "I don't know what kind of past you've had, and I have no right to judge your actions. But you've been good to me, you've never hurt me, and meeting you is still my good fortune."

Jiang Ning's heart trembled uncontrollably, and then she heard Liu Ming'an say softly, "And also, I feel very sorry for you."

The young man's dark, bright eyes flickered with sincere light, his face showing visible sympathy. Jiang Ning looked at him, and Liu Ming'an didn't avoid her gaze, smiling as he met her eyes.

Jiang Ning closed her eyes briefly, her emotions complex and indiscernible. "You've really gone mad!"

Why didn't he stay away even after knowing what kind of person she was?

Liu Ming'an was still smiling. He walked to Jiang Ning's side and took her hand, pressing it against his chest.

"Thump~ Thump~ Thump..."

The young heart was beating strongly, one beat after another. Jiang Ning felt as if she had been scalded; her fingertips curled slightly, wanting to withdraw her hand, but Liu Ming'an's hand held hers in place.

"I know what I'm saying. This is all what my heart is telling me, and it won't lie to me," Liu Ming'an said with certainty.

"You've really gone mad!" Jiang Ning repeated.

"Then let me be mad," Liu Ming'an smiled and continued, gently but firmly, "I can be mad for you for a lifetime."

These words, bordering on a confession, left Jiang Ning at a loss. The young man's affection was sincere, pure, and intense. She could only flee in panic.

"I'll go make breakfast. We'll head to the magistrate's office after we eat."

Jiang Ning abruptly pulled her hand away and walked towards the kitchen without looking back.

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