The Girl Who Married a Tycoon Husband After Disfigurement

Chapter 22: Is She a Human

Chapter 22

The boss nodded slightly and threw the cigar in his hand into the ashtray nearby, "Go get the contract."

Soon, his men brought the contract over.

The boss took the contract and threw it to Liu Yan, "This is the contract you signed at the time. Take a look."

Liu Yan took the contract and opened it, read the contents on the contract carefully, and his face became uglier and uglier, "The contract I signed at the time was not this one."

"But it has your signature on it, and this signature cannot be forged." The boss looked at Liu Yan mockingly.

Liu Yan thought carefully. He had read the contract carefully at the time. The interest rate points in the contract were completely different from this contract. Before signing, he had confirmed it repeatedly. Even if he was in a hurry to use money, he would never sign such an unfair contract.

He remembered that his friend accidentally dropped his pen at the time, and he bent over to pick it up. After that, he did not look at the contract again before signing, so the contract must have been switched at that time. What should he do now?

Ling Yue took the contract and glanced at the signature on it, "Is this your signature?"

Liu Yan's face was ugly as he nodded, "It's my signature. I must have been tricked by them."

Ling Yue nodded and looked at Boss Li, "If the money is paid back, the debt will be written off, right?" When she went to the internet cafe that day, she specifically looked up the laws of this world online. This contract had Liu Yan's signature, so it was legally binding. Even if Liu Yan accused the other party of fraud, it would be useless because the other party had evidence and he had no evidence.

"Yes." Boss Li looked at Ling Yue in surprise. What did she mean?

"Then bring the IOU over and we will pay back the money." Ling Yue closed the contract and tapped the tabletop with her fingers.

"Black Dog, bring the contract over." Boss Li beckoned to Black Dog, whose nose and face were bruised, next to him.

Black Dog immediately walked over and took out the IOU and handed it to Boss Li.

Boss Li took the IOU and handed it to Ling Yue.

Ling Yue reached out and took it, glanced at the IOU, and her eyes instantly turned cold, "This IOU is fake."

Liu Yan looked at the IOU in Ling Yue's hand and found that it was actually a photocopy.

"I will naturally give you the real IOU when you repay the money." Boss Li smiled at Ling Yue and Liu Yan. His company was actually a loan shark that grew its business by compounding interest, so of course he would not easily let the borrowers pay off their debts.

When their company went to collect debts, they usually took photocopies with them. If the other party did not recognize that it was a photocopy, then they could go ask for money again next time. If the other party recognized it was a photocopy, it did not matter either, because he still had the contract signed by the other party here. With the debt owed to his company, unless the person died, they could never expect to pay it off in this lifetime.

Ling Yue put the IOU together with the contract, stood up and patted the nonexistent dust on her body, "It's not convenient today, we'll come back to repay the money another day, and we'll pay the interest as agreed."

Liu Yan looked at Ling Yue in surprise. He didn't understand what Ling Yue meant, but he trusted her. No matter what she did, he would follow her.

"Are you kidding me?" Boss Li was furious and slammed the table heavily as he stood up, glaring at Ling Yue viciously. This was the first time someone had played with him like this. He had to teach this girl a good lesson today.

"What if I'm kidding you?" Ling Yue looked at Boss Li with a mocking smile. She didn't come today to repay the money in the first place. Borrowing 100,000 and having to pay back 500,000, her money didn't just blow in with the wind.

"Break their arms and legs for me." Boss Li ordered the thugs next to him. His Li Jun was not vegetarian. If someone dared mess with him, they had to pay the price.

Ling Yue raised her eyebrows, her eyes gleaming brightly. Her figure flashed as she rushed towards the oncoming people.

Liu Yan also hurried to join the fight. He knew Ling Yue was very good at fighting, but he couldn't just stand by and watch.

Li Jun had heard from Black Dog earlier that Ling Yue was a very good fighter, but he didn't really believe it. Now he realized it was true. In just one minute, all of his thugs were knocked down.

Ling Yue clapped her hands to dust them off and swept her gaze towards Li Jun. Her figure flashed again as she came to stand in front of Li Jun, "I didn't originally want to get violent. You forced me to get violent. Aren't you very cheap?"

Li Jun swallowed nervously as he looked at Ling Yue in fear. He backed away until his back hit the wall before he had to stop. "What... What do you want to do..."

Ling Yue moved closer and closer to Li Jun, the smile in her eyes becoming more and more dazzling, "Just now didn't you order your men to break our arms and legs? If I don't fulfill your wish, wouldn't that be disappointing?"

"I...I was just joking earlier..." Li Jun's heart was filled with fear. This woman was so scary.

"Joking?" Ling Yue raised her eyebrows playfully, "I never joke around."

"I... I'll give you the contract and IOU... Please spare me..." Now Li Jun just wanted to get Ling Yue to leave.

Ling Yue stopped, considered for a moment, "Then you reimburse our transportation fee here today and compensation for mental distress."

Liu Yan looked at Ling Yue in surprise. That could be done too?

" say how much..." Li Jun secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Just cough up some money. As long as she didn't break his arms and legs, it was fine. He had plenty of money anyway.

"Then a million will do." Ling Yue held up a finger.

"A...a million..." She was even more ruthless than him!

Ling Yue's gaze swept over Li Jun's hands and feet. "What? Not willing? Then forget it..."

"No no no, I'm willing." Li Jun hurriedly interrupted Ling Yue's words. A million it was then. As long as he could keep his hands and feet intact, it was fine.

"Wait here, I'll go get the money for you." Li Jun hurried towards the safe behind him, opened it, and took out stacks of cash from inside. His gaze fell on the hidden compartment in the safe where he kept a gun, and a trace of sinister light flashed in his eyes.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at Ling Yue. The reason he chose to pay in cash was because he knew there was a gun in the safe. No matter how good her martial arts skills were, could she dodge a bullet?

Seeing Ling Yue was looking out the window at the scenery, Li Jun quickly opened the hidden compartment, took out the gun, turned around, and shot at Ling Yue.

When Liu Yan saw Li Jun take out the gun, his eyes widened in horror. He quickly rushed towards Ling Yue.

As Liu Yan rushed over, Ling Yue turned around, reached out to pull him behind her, while grabbing with her other hand in midair. Then with a flick of her finger, Li Jun let out a muffled grunt.

Li Jun looked at Ling Yue in disbelief, his eyes filled with deep fear. She had actually caught the bullet. Was she even human?

Ling Yue's expression turned cold, and her phoenix eyes emanated a chill that pierced to the bone, as sharp as a blade. She took step by step towards Li Jun.

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