The God Of Power

Chapter 61 - 61

Chapter 61: Chapter 61

The marines of the Water God Suijin's navy charged towards Noboru Chikara, their weapons drawn, their faces a mix of anger and determination. They were a formidable force, hardened by battles and loyal to their god. But they were about to face an opponent unlike any they had encountered before.

Noboru stood calmly, his eyes scanning the oncoming horde. A faint smile played on his lips. "Pathetic." Noboru said as Omni Energy began to swirl around him, a dazzling aura that was both intimidating and mesmerizing. The air crackled with power, the very atmosphere charged with anticipation.

"Come then," Noboru's voice boomed, clear and confident. "Let's dance!"

The first wave of marines reached him, their Water Aura formed swords and spears aimed at his heart. With a fluid motion, Noboru raised his hand, "Omni Shield!" A shimmering barrier of light made of Omni Energy appeared around him, deflecting the Water Aura generated weapons effortlessly. The marines looked on in shock as their attacks were rendered useless.

"Impossible." one said.

"How this did his shield stop Water Aura is this some lower realm Power source." Another said making Noboru smirk.

'Lower Realm oh you foolish little weakling you don't know this transcends everything it even let's me use the aura you are so proud of using.' Noboru thought.

The marines, now even more determined, ramped up their assault. "Water Dragon!" yelled an Marine, as he summoned a massive, roaring serpentine dragon made entirely of water, directing it with ferocious speed towards Noboru.

Noboru calmly observed the formidable water creature as it lunged at him. Raising his hand, he thought, 'Omni Energy Negation.' In an instant, the dragon's momentum halted, as if frozen in time, before collapsing into a harmless splash, leaving the marines stunned.

In his mind, Noboru understood the full scope of his power.

During his training for seven years, Noboru had learned that Omni Energy was not just an energy source; it was the essence of all energies, powers, abilities, and everything that exists or could exist. It transcended the very concepts of reality, space, time, and even infinity weather countable or uncountable.

As the original progenitor of all things, including all energies and abilities, Omni Energy held dominion over all and every form of manipulation which includes but is not limited to reality warping, spatial manipulation, and even metaphysical phenomena and more—and could negate or remove the abilities of others using them without fail. It possessed the capability to do anything and affect everyone and everything as it was iss and will be the essence of all. It could even replicate nothingness and gave him full physical and metaphysical understanding.

Omni Energy was not just a part or effected of the physical world; it extended beyond, encompassing all aspects, dimensions, and even transcending the concept of dimensions itself. This made and makes it the prime source of everything, granting Noboru and other user the potential to achieve Absolute Derivation, being the ultimate origin of all existence and non-existence.

As he delved deeper into mastering Omni Energy, Noboru understood that this power would allow eventuallly him to achieve his goal to transcend absolutely everything, including the very notion of transcendence itself, witch he called achieving Absolute Transcendence. With this Absolute Transcendence He could achieve a state Autopotence, having absolute control over his own existence and everything related to it. When fully mastered, Omni Energy would grant him access to the complete arsenal of every power and ability, making him capable of doing absolutely everything and anything, embodying traits like but not limited Absolute Indestructibility meaning possessing absolutely no weaknesses or potential vulnerabilities, flaws, or weak points and Absolute Invincibility, making him absolutely undefeatable and immune to harm.

Mastering would unlock a special state making him the absolute singularity—one and only, beyond comparison. He would become an Eternal Existence, having always been and always will be, without beginning or end. Possessing Absolute Invulnerability and Freedom, he would be unbound by any constraints, unrestricted by anything, embodying Perfection, the state where no further improvement is possible.

Mastering Omni Energy would allow Noboru to doing everything and anything, allowing him to manipulate anything and everything, even power itself. When mastered he would embody Totality, encompassing absolutely everything, achieving Unity with the entire cosmos , unoverses, infinites, hierarchies and beyond, and becoming the embodiment of all archetypes, traits, and powers.

He could attain the ability to Absolutely Change any all and every thing, transforming any aspect of reality at will, or Absolute Destruction, erasing anything completely from existence. He would hold the power of being the Absolute Embodiment, becoming the living personification of every force, concept, and idea. Omni Energy would allow him to surpass dimensional limitations, achieve Higher and beyond -Dimensional Manipulation, and enter a state of existing independently and qualitatively beyond any system of dualism or binary opposition and transcend beyond boundary of fact and fiction and travel through each domain being able influence/manipulation on almost any reality including the primal reality that created the Noboru.

The full mastery of Omni Energy would grant him the power to manipulate and create totality and everything within it like ideas, infinities, logic, and even paradoxes. He can possess the ability to control principles and rules themselves, existing beyond all limitations with being able to exist outside of absolutely everything, while still being omnipresent and omniscient, knowing and existing everywhere and nowhere at once.

Noboru knew that he had yet to unlock the full extent of these abilities, but even the potential that Omni Energy offered was staggering. When fully realized, he would embody every power and ability, transcending all limitations, and achieving Absolute Transcendence over all existence and non-existence. He was destined to become more than just a ruler or a king; he would become the embodiment of totality itself, the absolute pinnacle of all states of being, the one who could , can and will reshape reality itself with a mere thought. Whatever he desired would happen, no exceptions, even if it defied the very laws of existence or created a paradox.

Noboru after achieving enlightenment can only describe Omni Energy in simple words as everything that is, was, shall be, will be, can be, can't be, won't be, wasn't and isn't. This because its true scale is beyond imagination, conception and description.

"Pathetic is that power of your so called higher existence. Let's how a lowborn like me as your king sorry Water God proclaimed does against you," Noboru mocked he knew he was wan't lower then them but higher however he wanted to mock them and humble them buy breaking their every belief. He extended his arms, "Omni Blast!" Noboru yelled deciding to use Omni Energy only in this fight to show how much better his energy was compared to these trashes Aura as A surge of multi-colored energy burst forth, sweeping the attackers off their feet like leaves in a gale. They landed hard, groaning in pain but unharmed because Noboru wasn't aiming to harm them like he promised Yumeko he will knock them out not kill them so that an alliance can be made.

'If they refuse on ther other hand perhaps i should wipe them out this kingdom, realm whatever is reminding me too much of the Phoenix Kingdom. The way they act their superiority complex pisses me off.' Noboru thought his hatred for the Phoenix Kingdom quickly rising and his only outlet was the Aquorans because they reminded him of them.

"You think you can defeat us with your tricks?" a marine shouted, rallying his comrades making Nobotu Scoff if he wanted to he can end the entire navy with a single thought.

"Attack!" a Marine yelled as they charged again, Noboru's eyes glowed. "You asked for it. Omni energy Barrage!" From his fingertips, a hail of energy bolts made of pure Omni Energy rained down upon the marines, each bolt adapting to counter the aura of its target. The marines dodged and weaved, but the energy was relentless, knocking them down one by one.

A group of marines, adept in water manipulation, joined forces. "Tidal Wave!" they yelled in unison, summoning a massive wave aimed at washing Noboru away.

With a chuckle, Noboru spun around, "Omni Energy Technique All Energy Absorption!" The wave halted in its tracks, its Water Aura energy siphoned into Noboru's outstretched palm, leaving the marines gaping in disbelief.

"Is that all you've got?" Noboru taunted, his voice echoing around the battlefield. "Let me show you the true power of Omni Energy. Omni Nova!" He lifted his hands to the sky, and a brilliant light enveloped the area. The marines shielded their eyes, overwhelmed by the intensity.

When the light faded, they found themselves immobilized, encased in a glowing energy that rendered them powerless negating all their powers. Noboru floated above them, a figure of awe and might.

"This is the power of I have, the essence of all realms," Noboru declared, his voice resonant with power. "You cannot hope to defeat what you do not understand."

The marines, now subdued or knocked out, could only look up in a mixture of fear and admiration. Layla Sky, Yumeko and Fire General were Impressed Noboru Chikara had single-handedly defeated the elite forces of the Water God Suijin, showcasing the unparalleled might of Omni Energy.

As he descended, the energy bindings dissipated, leaving the marines free but defeated. Noboru's gaze fell upon the stunned faces of his companions, and his smile returned.

Noboru turned to face Enkai, the leader of the Water God Suijin's navy, with a condescending smirk. The marines lay defeated around them, a testament to Noboru's overwhelming power.

"Now that your men are down, how about you face me, Enkai?" Noboru taunted, his voice dripping with disdain. "Let's see if you're as strong as you think you. Let's see if you have the right to mock the Aerithans or Ignarockians or if your just trash who has a big head."

Enkai, fueled by anger and pride, stepped forward, his aura surging with the power of water. "I'll show you the might of the Water God's Strongest warrior!" he bellowed, launching into attack.

"Water Vortex!" Enkai shouted, conjuring a massive whirlpool aimed directly at Noboru. The swirling water roared with intensity, threatening to engulf everything in its path.

Noboru watched the approaching vortex with an amused expression. "Cute trick," he muttered, then casually flicked his wrist. "But Reality is my playground." Instantly, the vortex transformed into a harmless cloud of steam as Noboru warped reality turning the vortex of water into steam..

Enkai, undeterred, intensified his assault. "Tidal Fury!" he roared, sending a towering wave crashing towards Noboru.

Noboru, unimpressed, raised his hand. "Begone," he stated calmly, and the space around him twisted, redirecting the wave harmlessly around him. "You'll have to do better than that."

Frustrated, Enkai summoned a barrage of razor-sharp water blades. "Aqua Cutter!" he screamed, launching the blades at lightning speed.

Noboru, still unbothered, responded mockingly with a simple gesture. "No No No Bad Boy." The blades halted in mid-air, then clattered to the ground, rendered inert as Noboru used his Teleknesis to stop it.

Enkai, now furious, charged at Noboru, his body cloaked in a sheath of swirling water. "Damn you low born! I'll crush you myself!" he yelled, his fists aimed at Noboru.

Noboru sighed, almost bored. "Is that all." He waved his hand, and Enkai's watery armor evaporated into mist. "Is this really all you've got, Enkai? I expected more from the leader of the navy."

Enkai, now desperate, attempted to use his aura to increase his strength and try to overpower Noboru. "Aura Crush!" he shouted, unleashing a powerful wave of energy.

Noboru simply shook his head. "That won't work the you see what i use is superior to your Aura." Noboru said not even bothering to counter the attack as his own Omni Energy effortlessly absorbs and neutralizes Enkai's aura. "You see, Enkai, your hatred blinds you. You underestimate those you deem beneath you, and that is your downfall."

Enkai, now completely outmatched and humiliated, fell to his knees, his Aura energy spent. Noboru looked down at him with a mix of pity and disdain. As Noboru turned away from the defeated Enkai, his attention shifted to the Water God Suijin, who had been watching the battle with a mixture of shock and rage seeing his people and best warrior fall like ants.

"Ah, Suijin, the mighty Water God," Noboru said mockingly, his voice dripping with condescension. "You called me a being from the lower realms, didn't you? Let's see how you fare against someone you consider inferior."

Suijin, his pride wounded, stepped forward with a surge of power. "I am the Water God! You will not mock me, creature from the lower realms!" he bellowed, summoning a massive tidal wave, attempting to engulf Noboru in its crushing force.

Noboru couldn't help but scoff he that this pathetic mongrel made by his uncles forbidden technique and maybe some outside influence had the audacity to call him a inferior and lower creature. He will take his time humbling this so called Water God witch was just a fancy title of king.

Noboru, unfazed, simply snapped his fingers. "Reality is my playground." Instantly, the fearsome wave turned into a cascade of harmless flower petals that fluttered around them. "Is this the best you can do? I expected more from a god."

Suijin, enraged, tried a different tactic, conjuring a barrage of razor-sharp icicles. "Frozen Lance!" he shouted, launching them at Noboru with deadly precision.

With a casual wave of his hand, Noboru turned the icicles into a flock of birds that soared away into the sky. "Really, Suijin? Turning your beautiful water into weapons? How unimaginative."

Suijin, his anger boiling over, manifested his full power, his aura becoming a raging storm of water and ice. "I will not be humiliated by you Low Born!" he roared, unleashing all his might at Noboru.

Noboru, still calm and composed, began to warp the reality around them playfully. The ground beneath Suijin's feet became soft and marshy, making it difficult for him to stand. The air around him thickened, turning into a swarm of butterflies that fluttered harmlessly around him.

"You see, Suijin, in my hands, your realm and your powers are just toys in a playground. Your anger and your attacks are meaningless to me," Noboru taunted, his voice laced with superiority.

Suijin, struggling against the altered reality, finally understood the futility of his efforts. His expression turned from anger to disbelief, and then to a begrudging respect.

Noboru, sensing Suijin's change in demeanor, ceased his manipulations, restoring the environment to its original state. "You see, Suijin, power is not just about control and destruction. It's about understanding the very fabric of reality and respecting all beings, regardless of their realm."

Suijin, now humbled, lowered his head in acknowledgment. "You... you are not from the lower realms. Your power... it is beyond anything I have ever seen."

Noboru nodded, his point made. "Now then will you hear out Sky or do i need to force you too."

With those words Noboru's eyes turned red as Water God Suijin and the rest of the Aquoran Navy Marines felt fear. "I could have killed all of you with my killing intent you can ask Sky how one of me abilities makes it's it so if anyone fears their existence get erased. Their power powers try to erase themselves and the person using them to get away from me. That's how scary i am.

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