The God Of Power

Chapter 69 - 69

Chapter 69: Chapter 69

Noboru looked at Kashin, a High Priest of the Disciples of Darkness and one of Mizuki's followers who was planning to take the Trident. "Well then, come and get it," Noboru challenged, as Sky, Layla, and Yumeko moved to his side, ready to help.

"You three, stay with Fire General Kai," Noboru ordered as they turned to him.

"But Noboru, we can help," Sky declared, as Layla and Yumeko nodded in agreement.

"It's an order. Stay here. You know without using the Red Wind, which lets Red Sky takeover, you can't fight a Void Energy User," Noboru declared. Sky wanted to argue, but Layla and Yumeko held him back, realizing Noboru was right. Even though Yumeko could use her Wind Spirit Form to fight, she was scared that if she did and got hurt, Red Sky could take over and this time, he might stay.

"Just stay here," Yumeko pleaded with puppy eyes. As Sky sighed, seeing this, he felt his heart flutter and nodded.

Kashin then declared, "Disciples Of Darkness, attack! Get the trident; it is the tool we need to free Void Queen Yami-Sama," Kashin declared as he and the Disciples Of Darkness ran towards Noboru and the Aerithans. Only for the path to shift and change, as Noboru looked at the droplets of water which held Hierachies of Dimensions taking parts of what some worlds inside of the Hierarchies of Dimensions looked like, changing the battlefield from an aquatic paradise to an all-terrain battlefield with plains, a canyon, volcanoes, and mountains appearing, each extending, bending, and twisting infinitely and having hierarchies of dimensions in each atom of a piece of dirt, lava, water, grass, and more.

"You think that this will stop us," yelled Kashin as he and his Disciples Of Darkness didn't even stop; they kept charging at Noboru, Sky, Layla, Yumeko, and Fire General Kai, and soon they were close to fighting.

"Void Energy Blast!" Kashin yelled as he sent a giant Void Energy Beam towards Noboru, only for Noboru to look at the Void.

"Turn to nothing," Noboru said as he made it fade into nothingness. The Disciples and Kashin, sensing it turn into nothing as if it never existed, were shocked and scared.


"He turned the void into nothing."

"How is that possible? The Void Energy is nothing."

"Can our Queen even do this?"

"Monster," yelled the Disciples with Kashin, making Noboru smirk as he saw Kashin, who was afraid.

"Is that all?" Noboru asked.

"How? How can you erase nothing? There was nothing there for you to erase," yelled Kashin, scared and fearful as he backed up.

"It's simple," Noboru said, as he thought back to during his seven years of training between the time when he first arrived in this prison realm being imprisoned by his uncle Niju and when he met Sky. He learned more about his mysterious and all-encompassing force, Omni Energy. He understood it as the essence and origin of everything – every concept, power, ability, system, life, and everything itself. But Omni Energy was not just the beginning; it was also the end of all things. It also transcended these roles, embodying concepts that existed beyond the conventional ideas of beginning and end.

Noboru discovered that even the mere thought of something existing before the start or after the end of everything, including Omni Energy itself, could be brought into existence by Omni Energy. This was possible because someone's belief in a concept beyond the known limits of start and end could breathe life into that concept, thanks to Omni Energy. It seemed to contradict itself – being the origin of everything, it could also conceive the idea of something existing before its own beginning. Likewise, while it signified the end, it could manifest the concept of something beyond that end. Even if another being or person without Omni Energy thinks of this concept and makes it real, Omni Energy is still the Origin and essence of the said concept.

Noboru also learned that with sufficient training, one could harness unlimited Omni Energy, defying even the boundaries set by the energy itself. This meant that despite having limited Omni Energy reserves, a person could access an infinite supply of Omni Energy if they could manipulate it to a high enough level. This limitless nature of Omni Energy was what allowed Noboru to use it to transform Kashin's Void Energy, which represents and is nothingness, into nothing. It was this power that enabled Noboru to erase the existence of Kashin's Void Energy, a feat that seemed impossible.

"I can do anything I want; I have no limits," Noboru stated calmly, his voice echoing. In a blur of movement, defying the very fabric of time, Noboru lunged forward. His speed was so astonishing that it seemed as if he had transcended speed itself. With a swift, precise motion, he ripped off the head of the nearest Disciple, a gory testament to his unmatched prowess. Not pausing for a moment, he spun around and delivered a devastating kick to another Disciple, decapitating them with the sheer force of his attack.

The battlefield was a whirl of chaos and violence, but Noboru moved through it like a storm, unstoppable and fierce. With a surge of his Omni Energy, he drove his fist through the air, striking another opponent with such power that their head simply detached from their body, soaring through the air before thudding to the ground.

The remaining Disciples hesitated, their resolve faltering in the face of Noboru's overwhelming might. But Noboru wasn't done yet. His eyes narrowed, focusing on the mastermind among them, the High Priest known as Kashin. With a cold, calculated fury, he advanced towards his adversary.

The final Disciple, realizing the inevitable, braced for impact. But Noboru, instead of striking immediately, paused. A sly grin spread across his face. "Now we just need to wait until reality catches up," he said, his voice chillingly calm amidst the carnage.

"What?" Kashin said as confusion spread across the Disciple's face, a momentary lapse that was all Noboru needed. Unknown to him, Noboru had used his speed, which was so fast reality needed to catch up, almost as if it was lagging, to deliver an explosive burst of Omni Energy. He unleashed a final, crushing blow. The impact, right now as reality was catching up, was invisible, intangible, yet it hit with the force of a thousand suns. Kashin stood there, unscathed for a fleeting moment.

"Your attack failed," Kashin laughed, just then as he said that, as if reality had just aligned with Noboru's actions, his blood burst out of his body as he screamed in pain along with any other disciples remaining.

Sky stood there, amazed at what he had seen, speechless.

'Amazing,' Yumeko thought to herself.

"Unbelievable," Yumeko whispered to herself.

"He definitely is a god; he has to be," Fire General Kai said, astonished, as Noboru stood alone amidst the wreckage of the Disciples Of Darkness, as to anyone left alive he was the figure of immense power and resolve.

Noboru calmly walked over to Sky, Layla, Yumeko, Fire General Kai as he approached Noboru spoke.

"Now then, we should get going; we need to reach the capital city. I'm sure Mizuki is making his move as we speak," Noboru said, making Sky, Layla, and Yumeko snap back to focus and nod as Fire General Kai did the same. As Noboru was walking, he created a portal with Omni Energy to the capital city.

"Come, this portal will take us there," Noboru said, as Sky, Yumeko, Layla, and even Fire General Kai stared, amazed.

"Just what are you?" Layla asked, curious, only to see Noboru shrug.

"I'm nothing," Noboru said, making Sky and Yumeko laugh.

"Really?" Sky asked.

"Yeah, you definitely are more than nothing," Yumeko said.

"I mean, Noboru, you literally just erased something which was nothing," Layla stated, making Sky and Yumeko chuckle as Fire General Kai stood there, shocked, still trying to process what he saw. Noboru just laughed.

"I guess that is true," Noboru said as they walked through the portal to the capital city.

"Wow, this is amazing," Layla and Sky exclaimed as Yumeko, Fire General Kai, and Noboru stood unfazed. They had entered the Aquatic capital city, a vast city made of sea rock. Sky stared, marveling at the sheer size of the city.

"Wow, this city is amazing," Layla said as she smiled. She then saw a massive palace in the center of the city.

"This must be where the Water God Suijin lived," Sky said, pointing towards the palace.

"Indeed. We should go there. That's where Mizuki will be," Noboru stated.

Layla looked around. "But where is Mizuki's army? Isn't he making a Void Invasion as we speak?"

"They are likely waiting for Suijin to come so Mizuki could make some sort of speech before he unleashed the Void Invasion upon the Capital City, but we are here in his place. Now it's time to follow the plan," Noboru declared as Sky, Layla, and Yumeko nodded.

'Noboru, we're with you.'

'We will do our part, Noboru. The Disciples Of Darkness have to be defeated no matter the cost. Mizuki will become Water God and i shall change the plot of this story if have to do so but first i have to judge his character see if he's like more or just an abused version of his father.' Noboru thought as a tear fell from his eye remembering his childhood and how Water God Suijin reminds him of Hiroshi his evil father.

'Now's no time for tears its time to go forward.'

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