The God Of Power

Chapter 71 - 71

Chapter 71: Chapter 71

Noboru looked at Mizuki. "So, you're Water God Suijin's oldest son, Mizuki?" Noboru asked. Sky, Layla, and Fire General Kai were still carrying Yumeko. Mizuki nodded.

'Who is this stranger? He somehow got into my father's palace and got my deadbeat father's trident. No matter, I will kill him. With my newfound void power granted to me by Void Queen Yami-sama, I will free her. Then we shall live together forever and free the water realm.'

"You will hand me my father's trident so we can end the tyrannical reign of my deadbeat, disgraceful father. Then, me and Void Queen Yami-sama can live together. I will propose to her after I free her," Mizuki demanded. Noboru sighed as the void energy Mizuki exerted started to act out towards Layla, Sky, and Fire General Kai, who was protecting Yumeko. Noboru quickly protected them with omni energy, which Mizuki noticed.

"I have already killed your father and ended his tyranny. You do know that you won't live if you free her. Her mere presence is a threat to people like you. Her mere presence turns all to nothing. Void energy destroys life," Noboru said, but Mizuki didn't listen. Noboru was getting annoyed at his arrogance and foolishness.

'This Mizuki, I can tell, is like my family: arrogant and stupid. Just like his father, who thought people born without powers were weak and pathetic. What he didn't realize was that he was the weak and pathetic one. The powerless could harness the energy of the void, something that surpassed their precious aura. Just like Hiroshi, who looked down on me and tried to use me as a scapegoat for his selfish and evil ambitions.'

"You know nothing, heretic. Hand over the trident, now," Mizuki yelled, losing his patience, as Noboru just sighed.

"I will give you a chance. Stop, or you will die," Noboru stated, only to see Mizuki smile arrogantly. His laugh echoed through the royal throne room chamber, a cold, scornful cackle that dripped with disdain, as if he found the mere thought of Noboru killing him amusingly beneath him.

"You think you can kill me?" Mizuki questioned in a condescending tone, his arrogance growing. "I am Mizuki-sama, chosen one of Void Queen Yami-sama herself. She bestowed her gift of void energy upon me when I was a mere powerless child," Mizuki laughed, angering Noboru.

"Are you looking down upon me, commoner? You dare defy me, the great Mizuki-sama? I will grant you mercy. Just hand over the trident, and maybe we can find some use for you, commoner. I will let you and your people live as servants for me and the great and beautiful Yami-sama," Mizuki declared arrogantly as Sky, Layla, and Fire General Kai gasped, angry.

Noboru, enraged by Mizuki's words, felt red and black omni energy boil around him, as reality distorted. "Noboru?" Sky whispered, scared of Noboru's power.

Layla, seeing Mizuki's words anger Noboru, felt anger, but the anger of a friend who wanted to protect Noboru. Realizing that she had grown close to Noboru, despite not knowing him for long, she felt anger at Mizuki insulting her friend. Layla felt a flame in her heart, unlike any she had felt before.

"You take that back; Noboru is a kind man, a brave man who saved my life, a hero," Layla declared, defending Noboru as she got mad, with Sky nodding in support, and Fire General Kai staying silent, watching.

Mizuki just laughed at them. "You pathetic Aerithans, Ignarockians, Aquorans, and Terravaleans with aura don't deserve to live. You all should be grateful I offered to let you live as slaves. You should be grateful, for it is the will of Yami-sama."

Mizuki then yelled, "You are all worthless and weak. You commoners and peasants deserve to grovel before those better than you. That is the only place you will be worthy of serving and worshipping your betters like Mizuki-sama and Yami-sama."

"Enough!" thundered Noboru, his voice echoing through the cavernous halls of the castle. Mizuki barely had time to react before a sharp, searing pain enveloped him. He found himself flung across the room, crashing against the cold, stone wall on the far side.

Before he could gather his senses, Noboru materialized before him, a tempest of fury. With a swift motion, he grasped Mizuki's collar, pulling him close. His eyes burned with an intensity that was almost palpable. "I thought you were like me, but no, you're nothing but a disgraced echo of Suijin. You both share the same corrupt soul. I was willing to offer you redemption, but my patience has worn thin. Your end is nigh, and with it, I will reshape this world's narrative. You will be reborn with a sister, a beacon of kindness, not a harbinger of rebellion for a heartless cause."

Mizuki's eyes widened as Noboru's words sank in, a mix of disbelief and dread washing over him. Noboru's grip tightened. "The Void Queen Yami, as you so revere, doesn't bestow power. It's the void itself, an unfathomable force, indifferent to your twisted ambitions. And I... I will redefine your existence, perhaps even condemn you to a fate of servitude, a fitting irony for your treacherous suggestion."

With a swift, brutal motion, Noboru unleashed a devastating punch, shattering the facade of Mizuki's face. A muffled scream tried to escape Mizuki's lips, but before it could fully form, he was sent spiraling through the air, crashing through the castle's towering windows into the void beyond.

Noboru, standing amidst the shattered glass and stone, extended his hand with a chilling calm. "Be undone by the very power you sought to command. Void Dragon Roar!" he declared, as a tumultuous surge of void energy coalesced into the form of a colossal dragon, its presence alone warping the realm around it.

"How... How can you wield the void? Only those chosen by Yami herself..." Mizuki stammered, terror and disbelief contorting his features.

Noboru's expression remained impassive. "You are not worthy of such knowledge." With a mere flick of his wrist, the Void Dragon opened its maw, unleashing a cataclysmic beam of energy.

Mizuki, driven by desperation, attempted to manipulate the void energy, to redirect the dragon's fiery assault. But his efforts were in vain. The energy was relentless, unyielding, swallowing him whole, erasing his very essence until nothing remained. Noboru watched on impassively, his mind whirling with conflicting emotions.

'I shouldn't have done that,' Noboru thought, feeling a small guilt for killing someone who became evil due to the same circumstances as him. 'But I guess this version of Mizuki has to go. After all, if he stays alive, I can never escape this prison.' Noboru then closed his eyes, focusing his will upon the very fabric of the story that defined their world. With a mere thought, he began to unravel and reweave the tapestry of existence, his powers transcending the boundaries of the physical and metaphysical.

In the realm of Aeitha, where verdant forests stretched endlessly, the people suddenly found their histories altered. In Terravale, where the earth sang with ancient magic, legends transformed. In Ignarock, where flames danced to the rhythm of life, memories shifted. And in Aquora, the very kingdom he stood in, reality bent to his will.

Noboru spoke, his voice resonating with the absolute power of Omni Energy, "Let the story be rewritten. In the royal lineage of Aquora, let there be another heir, Aqua named after her mother Queen Aqua. Suijin, the Water God, shall not have only borne Kawa and Mizuki, but also Princess Aqua The Second, the youngest yet the most destined."

The air shimmered around him, reality acquiescing to his command. In this new narrative, Aqua, born unknown and unacknowledged, shall emerge as the central figure. "Kawa, once heir to the kingdom due to his birthright since he possessed water aura, shall now be devoid of this gift, like his other brother Mizuki, who in this story accepts his fate. In this new narrative, it is Aqua who shall inherit the power of the water aura and become the next Water God."

As Noboru's words wove into the fabric of the cosmos, the royal family of Aquora, across all realms, felt a profound shift. Memories realigned, history reconfigured itself, and a new truth settled into the hearts and minds of all.

In a grand chamber of the Aquora palace, Water God Suijin sat, his expression one of serene acceptance. Beside him stood Aqua, his youngest, with high reserves of water aura, showing her destiny as the next water god.

"Father," Aqua spoke, her voice resonant with a power newly hers, "I feel the tide within me, the call of the water that now acknowledges me as the next Water God."

Suijin, with wisdom in his eyes, and his attitude and nature now changed like all Aquorans, replied, "Yes, my child. The waters have always been wise. They have chosen you, and we, your family, stand beside you. Your siblings, Kawa and Mizuki, though not blessed with the water aura, have their own paths to forge."

"And you, father?" Aqua inquired, sensing the change in her father's aura.

"I have ruled these waters long enough. It is time for me to retire, to let the new wave guide our people. You, Aqua, are now our Water God, the guardian of our realm's essence."

The news rippled through the realms, reaching even the furthest corners of Aeitha, Terravale, and Ignarock. People looked up to the skies, sensing the shift, acknowledging the rise of a new Water God, and the graceful exit of the old.

Noboru, looking at this creation and change he brought about, smiled. "The old Water God Suijin, Enkai, Mizuki, and their loyalists have now been erased and rewritten, and Aqua now leads the realm with her siblings Kawa and Mizuki at her side," he thought as he walked up to Sky, Yumeko who was now healed, Layla, and Fire General Kai, who were in front of Water God Aqua.

"Your Highness," Fire General Kai said as he brought out a scroll and handed it to one of Aqua's aides. "I am here on behalf of Fire God Ignis, who is, as you know, the ruler of Ignarock, here to propose an alliance. With me are the representatives of Aeritha, approved by Wind God Kaze, who are also here. The purpose of this alliance is to create true peace, not the one made under Terravale's threat which can be broken any minute, and to fight against the void. As you know, there is a terrorist group known as the Disciples of Darkness who wish to gather the relic of the hero, which was given to the founding elemental gods to end the war and be used as a deterrent for war. We believe the Void Queen Yami will be freed by the Disciples of Darkness, and when she is reawakened, the erasure of all is what will follow.." Fire General Kai said as he looked at Mizuki, Enkai, Suijin, and thought back to all the chaos Suijin had caused and what Mizuki had done before Noboru's narration and how different they are now.

"It seems we can use such powerful allies to fight against the Disciples of Darkness as our relic has also gone missing. I presume you will be going to Terravale now," Aqua replied as Fire General Kai nodded. Aqua then looked at Noboru.

"You are the Blackstar Knight I have heard about, yes?" Aqua asked as Noboru nodded. "Since my kingdom is recovering due to an attack by the void, we cannot spare a representative. I ask, can you represent Aquora when speaking to the Terravalean king?" she asked.

'So when rewriting the story, Omni Energy filled in the blank I never specified by making the people think there was a Void Invasion instead of me attacking Mizuki. That's interesting,' Noboru thought as he stepped up.

"I would be honored, Water God Aqua, to represent the Aquora kingdom for the alliance. But I must say, Terravale will be difficult due to the fact that Terravale likes to stay out of lower realm problems, but I think I should be able to convince the Terravalean king," Noboru said as Aqua nodded.

"Very well, Noboru-San. On behalf of Aquora, I welcome you to the alliance and to be our representative to Terravale. Sky, Layla, Yumeko, thank you for protecting our realm. We are eternally grateful," Aqua said as Sky, Layla, and Yumeko smiled and thanked her.

Noboru, Sky, Layla, Yumeko, and Fire General Kai walked out of the castle a few hours later.

"We will have to inform our respective gods that the alliance is made," Fire General Kai said as Yumeko smiled and Sky nodded. Layla spoke,

"And we have to ask if we are to return to our kingdoms or go straight to Terravale," Layla said as Noboru spoke.

"Sky, Layla, Yumeko, I suggest you speak to your god first. Sky, Yumeko, Layla, you still have your carriage, why don't you drop Fire General Kai on the way since his fire dragon died. I will meet you at Terravale," Noboru said as he teleported to Terravale, leaving Sky, Layla, Yumeko, and Fire General Kai behind as they nodded and headed back to their kingdoms.

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