The God Of Power

Chapter 74 - 74

Chapter 74: Chapter 74

A few hours before Noboru's remarkable demonstration at QuakeTown Guild, within the estate of Baron Akira, a scene of anticipation and concern unfolded. The estate, a grand structure that mirrored the strength and elegance of Terravale's natural wonders, was beautiful. It was a multifloor Grand Mansion made not of earth, but of naturally formed crystals.

In the spacious, lavishly decorated main hall, Baron Akira, a dignified man with a commanding presence, sat at the head of a long ornate table. Beside him was his graceful wife, Lady Aiko, known for her beauty and wisdom. Lady Aiko was renowned as the most beautiful woman in all of QuakeTown; it is said she even charmed the Earth God when they met. Their children, the ambitious and fiercely competitive son, Hiroto, and the enchanting daughter, Emiko, who harbored a secret longing for adventure and romance, sat at the opposite end of the table, completing the family gathering.

As they discussed the final arrangements for the tournament, a knight, clad in the colors of QuakeTown, burst into the hall, his armor clinking with urgency. He bowed deeply before the Baron and his family.

"Sir Nickolas, why have you interrupted our family time?" Baron Akira said calmly. He was a wise man who didn't get angry. He saw anger as a waste of energy and, even if he got angry, he would channel that energy into something more productive rather than lash out like an animal.

"Baron Akira-sama, I bring news of an extraordinary event at the Guild," the knight, Sir Nickolas, began, his voice tinged with disbelief. "A newcomer, one Noboru Chikara, has shattered the Aura Power Finder and demonstrated powers beyond our comprehension."

Baron Akira's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and intrigue crossing his features. "Shattered the Aura Power Finder, you say? That is an artifact of ancient power. Breaking it is a feat only done by the hero of legend who could wield all 4 aura elements. Tell me more about this Noboru Chikara."

"He is amazing..." Sir Nickolas quieted down when Lady Aiko made moves to talk.

Lady Aiko leaned forward, her interest piqued. "Such a feat must be the mark of a truly powerful individual. How did the Guild and the townspeople react?"

"The townsfolk are calling him the star of QuakeTown, the man who will lead us to victory, My lady," Sir Nickolas said as Hiroto's brow furrowed, a flicker of jealousy igniting within him.

"A newcomer overshadowing the talents of QuakeTown's finest? This Noboru must be quite the spectacle," Hiroto said jealously.

Emiko, her eyes sparkling with curiosity, clasped her hands together. "Oh, how thrilling! A mysterious and powerful adventurer enters our midst. I would very much like to meet this Noboru Chikara. Daddy, could you bring him here for me, please?" She begged.

"But that's not all, sir. Noboru also managed to take the infertile land within our borders and turn it into a giant moon that showcased our history. I am sure you saw it," said Sir Nickolas.

"That was him?" Baron Akira asked in awe, remembering how there was a large shadow that blocked out most of the sun when he went out. All he saw was a moon reflecting their history, and the moon, from what his eyes told him after channeling aura in them, showed the moon was the size of QuakeTown, a town equal to Ignarock.

"Yes, sir," Sir Nickolas said as the rest of the family had different reactions.

"Daddy, I want to meet him," Emiko said, her long silver hair flowing, complementing her flawless white skin. She was a G cup and wore a silver dress. She grew more impatient hearing these tales.

"I was going to invite him, Emiko, calm down," Akira said as Emiko calmed down, thanking her father.

"Father, this man, can we really confirm he is this strong? I think it's a bluff made by the people to..." Hiroto started.

"Hiroto, you saw the moon like me, and I know for a fact it wasn't any of us who made it. As a ruler, you must acknowledge when someone is stronger than you so that you can prepare and understand. Do not let ego get in your way of making rational decisions," said Baron Akira.

"Yes, father," said Hiroto, anger lacing his tone.

"Oh my, this man is quite special," Aiko said as Akira agreed.

"That's not all he did. The infertile land he gathered to create the moon became fertile, and forests and other vegetation grew on it before putting it back," Sir Nickolas said as everyone's eyes widened.

Baron Akira stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Such a person could be a great asset to QuakeTown, especially in the Duke of the North tournament. We must extend our hospitality and learn more about this Noboru Chikara. Not only did he manage to solve our agricultural crisis."

Lady Aiko nodded in agreement. "Indeed, his presence could bring glory to QuakeTown and elevate our status."

Hiroto, unable to hide his envy, muttered under his breath. "I suppose we'll see if his strength truly surpasses that of our own."

Emiko, lost in thoughts of adventure and romance, whispered dreamily, "Perhaps he's the hero spoken of in legends, come to life in our very town. Maybe he's here to make an adventure and then add me to his harem like in those fantasy novels."

Baron Akira made his decision. "Send a letter to Noboru Chikara, inviting him to meet with me. We must not let such talent go unnoticed."

The knight bowed once more and quickly departed to carry out the Baron's orders. The family sat in contemplation, each member pondering the implications of Noboru's arrival and what it meant for their future and the fate of QuakeTown.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the estate, the letter was dispatched to Noboru, sealed with the emblem of Baron Akira. It was an invitation that would intertwine their destinies and perhaps alter the course of QuakeTown's history forever.

Current Time

Noboru stepped out of the inn, the early morning air fresh and invigorating. A lavish carriage awaited him, adorned with the crest of Baron Akira. The carriage, an exquisite piece of craftsmanship, was drawn by two majestic horses that stood proud and ready.

A knight, clad in the distinguished armor of Baron Akira's elite guard, approached Noboru with a respectful bow. The knight's armor gleamed under the morning sun, a silent testament to the prestige of Baron Akira's household.

"Good morning, Sir Noboru Chikara," the knight greeted, his voice steady and formal. "I am Sir Kenji, sent on behalf of Baron Akira-sama. He extends his personal invitation to you and wishes to discuss matters of great importance. This carriage," he gestured towards the opulent vehicle behind him, "is at your service to escort you to the Baron's estate."

Noboru nodded, acknowledging the knight's words. "I appreciate the Baron's invitation. Lead the way, Sir Kenji," Noboru replied, his voice calm yet carrying an undercurrent of curiosity about what the day might hold.

As Noboru stepped into the carriage, the plush interior and the subtle scent of fine leather welcomed him, offering a comfort that belied the rugged path he had often walked. Sir Kenji mounted his horse, leading the way as the carriage began its journey towards Baron Akira's estate.

As the carriage rolled to a stop, Noboru stepped out to behold the splendor of Baron Akira's estate. The manor, a breathtaking structure, was unlike anything he had seen before. Crafted entirely from an array of luminescent crystals, it shimmered in the morning light, casting prismatic rainbows across the meticulously landscaped gardens.

The crystals, each carefully chosen and placed, seemed to pulse with a life of their own, reflecting not just the physical light but also the aura of power and prestige that the Baron's family held within Terravale. The estate was surrounded by a high crystalline fence, its gates wrought from a darker, almost obsidian-like crystal that contrasted beautifully with the lighter hues of the manor itself.

As Noboru walked towards the main entrance, the ground beneath his feet was paved with smooth, polished stones that seemed to glow faintly, guiding his path. The gardens were a symphony of colors, with flowers and plants that Noboru surmised must be rare even in a realm as vast as Terravale. Crystal fountains dotted the landscape, their waters sparkling as they cascaded down in harmonious melodies.

The manor itself was a masterpiece of architectural elegance and crystallography. Towering spires reached towards the sky, each adorned with crystal finials that caught the light, creating a beacon of brilliance that could be seen from afar. The main entrance was flanked by two massive crystal columns, their surfaces intricately etched with patterns that told the history of the Akira lineage, of battles won, alliances forged, and the prosperity they brought to QuakeTown.

As Noboru ascended the crystal steps to the grand double doors, he noticed the detailed craftsmanship of the door handles, shaped like dragons coiled around crystal orbs. Pushing the doors open, he was greeted by the interior of the manor, which was just as opulent as its exterior.

The foyer was a vast, open space, its high ceiling supported by slender crystal pillars that radiated soft, ambient light. The floor was a mosaic of crystals, each piece contributing to an elaborate depiction of the Earth God, a homage to the deity revered in Terravale. Elegant crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, their light refracting in mesmerizing patterns across the walls and floor.

Tapestries and artworks adorned the walls, each encased in crystal frames, their subjects ranging from the natural beauty of Terravale to the valorous deeds of the Akira ancestors. Noboru could feel the weight of history and tradition that pervaded the manor, a testament to the Baron's pride in his heritage.

As he was led through the manor towards the meeting room where Baron Akira awaited, Noboru couldn't help but marvel at the seamless blend of natural beauty and artistic craftsmanship that defined the estate. It was a place where the earth's raw elements were shaped into a form that spoke of power, elegance, and an unyielding bond to the land that gave it life.

The meeting room, located at the heart of the manor, was a circular chamber with a domed crystal ceiling that allowed natural light to illuminate the space. At its center was a large round table, also made of crystal, surrounded by high-backed chairs. Noboru took his place at the table.

Baron Akira, a dignified figure with a commanding presence, wasted no time in addressing the reason for their meeting. "Noboru-san, your feats in the test and the tales of your unparalleled abilities have reached even us, the highest power in this town. I speak for my family when I say I am impressed, but I have to ask," he said, taking a break to phrase his question, his voice resonant within the crystal chamber.

"What brings someone of your caliber to our town, and how may QuakeTown benefit from your presence?" He asked.

Noboru, maintaining a composed demeanor, chose his words carefully. "Baron Akira, I am here to explore the opportunities that QuakeTown and Terravale offer. My goals are personal; I wish to win this tournament and obtain a noble rank, but mostly to test my power. I was raised in the caverns outside of any village, town, or city and wish to see how the elites do against me, but I assure you I have no desire to harm anyone in this town."

Lady Aiko, the wise matriarch, nodded thoughtfully. "Your humility is commendable, Noboru-san. Yet, rumors suggest you might control all elemental auras, a feat only the legendary hero could achieve. What are your thoughts on this?"

Noboru offered a slight, enigmatic smile. "Lady Aiko, the tales of my abilities might be exaggerated. I am still exploring the extent of my powers, and up to now, I have not done such a feat," he half lied.

Across the table, Hiroto, Baron Akira's son, watched Noboru with a mixture of curiosity and barely concealed jealousy. His eyes narrowed slightly, a silent challenge to the man who had so effortlessly captured the town's attention. 'I will beat you, Noboru Chikara.'

Emiko, the baron's daughter, found herself intrigued by Noboru's modesty and mysterious aura. Her attempts at flirtation were subtle yet unmistakable, her demeanor shifting between cool aloofness and shy interest. "Noboru-san, surely someone with your talents must have grand ambitions, maybe getting married to a beautiful noble. QuakeTown would be honored to support such endeavors," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of playful provocation as she attempted to show him her cleavage, but Noboru kept his eyes on hers.

Baron Akira, observing the dynamics at play, redirected the conversation to the matter at hand. "Noboru-san, regardless of your goals, QuakeTown would be privileged to have you represent us. I will personally sponsor your equipment and any resources you might need. The finest craftsmen in Terravale will be at your disposal, all commissioned by me."

Noboru was taken aback by the generous offer. "Baron Akira, your support is overwhelming. I am honored and grateful for your trust. Rest assured, I will do my utmost to uphold the honor of QuakeTown."

The baron nodded, satisfied with Noboru's response. "Excellent. Then it's settled. Emiko, Hiroto, you will ensure that Noboru-san has everything he needs for the tournament."

Emiko's eyes lit up with excitement, her earlier flirtations now taking on a more earnest tone. "Of course, Father. Noboru-san, I will personally oversee that you receive the best equipment. Please, do not hesitate to let me know your preferences," she said, her gaze lingering on Noboru with a mix of admiration and anticipation.

Hiroto, decided now was the time to speak up. "Father, I too am entering the tournament. It will be a conflict of interest if I am assigned to Noboru. I will enter alone, Father, and I will win. I will be the star of QuakeTown and the first Noble of our line since the beginning of time. I will lead us to victory."

"Your right, my son. Emiko, you don't mind, right?" Baron Akira asked.

"No, Daddy, I will be fine doing it alone," Emiko said, happy she will be alone with handsome Noboru and try to get him to marry her and be part of his harem as he takes her adventuring like in those fantasy novels.

"What kind of equipment do you prefer, Noboru-san? We can tailor them to suit your unique fighting style," Emiko asked.

Noboru offered a polite smile. "My preference is..."

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