The God Of Power

Chapter 76 - 76

Chapter 76: Chapter 76

Chapter 76

Meanwhile, with Sky, Layla, and Yumeko

As Sky gazed out of the carriage pulled by the Pegasus, all he saw was a tapestry of nature that defied belief. Terravale unfurled below, a kingdom not bound by the usual rules of earth and stone. Mountains floated like islands in the sky, their peaks shrouded in mists that seemed woven from dreams, stretching upwards as if to graze the very essence of the heavens. These were no ordinary summits; they were monoliths that whispered of heights untold, each one a silent guardian of ancient secrets.

Beneath these celestial sentinels lay a labyrinth of caverns, their walls aglow with the ethereal light of crystalline formations. These were not mere rocks but jewels of the earth, sculpted by an unseen hand into shapes that danced on the edge of imagination. The air within was alive, charged with a power that pulsed in harmony with the very heartbeat of the world.

The valleys between these levitating giants wove a complex tapestry, a geometric puzzle that seemed to mock the very idea of understanding. Patterns emerged and dissolved, guided by an unseen logic, as if the land itself were a living enigma. Here, the essence of earth was not just a solid foundation but a fluid, ever-changing dream, painting a landscape that belonged to another realm of existence.

Amidst this grandeur, the elements mingled freely. Waterfalls cascaded from floating mountains, their waters disappearing into thin air before ever reaching the ground. Flames flickered within ice, and breezes carried the scent of blossoming flowers, where no seed should sprout. Yet, in this symphony of impossibilities, earth remained the dominant force, its presence felt in every floating stone and crystal spire, grounding the ethereal beauty in something tangibly real yet infinitely beyond grasp.

Terravale was a kingdom where the very fabric of reality seemed woven from threads of the unfathomable, a place where the wonders of the earth kissed the sky, and the boundaries of existence stretched beyond the horizon, into realms untold.

If Sky had to explain the size of Terravale compared to Aeritha, Ignarock, or Aquora to someone, he would tell them Terravale is like imagining a tower of blocks so tall that no matter how many blocks you stack, you can never reach the top. It's a number so big that even if you tried to count to it using all the numbers you know, you would never get there. It represents a level of infinity that's beyond our normal understanding of infinite sets, making it unreachable by any standard methods we have or know.

As the carriage landed, they heard a roar and saw a Fire dragon flying towards them at high speed and land. They looked at it and saw a familiar figure on the back of the dragon.

"Fire General Kai!" Sky yelled happily at seeing his old friend from Ignarock.

"Hello, Fire General Kai," Layla said cheerfully at seeing the familiar face of General Kai.

"Greeting, Fire General Kai," Yumeko said happily to see the kind General.

"Hey there, kids," Kai said as he and the dragon got off and stood before them.

"So did Fire God Ignis send you here?" Sky asked as Kai nodded his head.

"Yes. I heard from Fire God Ignis that Wind God Kaze sent you here to get an alliance with Terravale. So I volunteered to come here with you as additional support and make sure that everything goes smoothly," Kai said as he smiled. "I do wonder where Noboru is, though. We will need his strength when we make our alliance with Terravale."

"That's weird; he usually appears like some sort..." Layla was cut off as Noboru appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey guys. So you guys are finally here," Noboru said as Layla and Yumeko hugged him while he patted their heads. "So did anything interesting happen while I was gone?"

Sky, Yumeko, and Kai shook their heads no, but Layla spoke up. "The palace staff was bullying Yumeko for being a bastard child."

Noboru's face showed anger, and he cracked his knuckles, making the group jump. "Is that so?" Noboru's voice was dark with a promise of pain and death as he had his Aura Armor on, and Yumeko quickly grabbed onto him, not wanting him to leave them to wipe out her father's staff.

"Noboru, please do not do that," Yumeko said with pleading eyes. "Please, I beg you not to kill my father's staff. I made it very clear that I don't care what some random people I do not know or interact with say as long as Layla, you, Fire General Kai, and Sky are by my side I will be fine." Yumeko pleaded, blushing when saying Sky's name as Noboru sighed and calmed down.

"Fine, if that's what you wish. So anyways, I've been here for a bit and getting an audience with the Earth God isn't easy. One of us has to participate in a tournament hosted by one of the four Dukes of Terravale, and luckily for us, I have. That should be enough to get us a noble title. Then we need to gain clout and popularity by doing all sorts of things like saving people from natural disasters and monster attacks and running a successful city that becomes vital to the kingdom's success that the Earth God can't afford to not have an audience with us," Noboru said as the rest nodded in agreement, and Noboru hugged Yumeko. "As long as Yumeko doesn't get bullied or harassed by anyone, then I am fine with it," Noboru said as Yumeko smiled. Layla was looking at Yumeko with jealousy in her eyes, and Sky was burning inside with jealousy seeing Yumeko being hugged. Red Sky was raging in Sky, demanding he be free and teach Noboru a lesson for hogging Yumeko, but he was in control as was able to hold back both his and Red Sky's rage and jealousy.

"Okay, let's head into town; I got a room at an Inn. You lots should get one too," Noboru said as the group entered the QuakeTown and made their way to the Inn.

"Noboru-Kun, are these all your friends?" Maria asked as the group entered the Inn.

"Yes, Maria, these are my friends Layla, Sky, Yumeko, and Kai," Noboru said as the group bowed in respect.

"Greetings, Maria-Sama, it's a pleasure to meet Noboru-Kun's friend. I am Yumeko," Yumeko said, bowing.

"Hello, Miss Maria, I am Sky," Sky said, bowing.

"Greetings, Miss Maria, I am Kai," Kai said, bowing with a smile.

"Greetings, Maria, my name is Layla," Layla said, also bowing.

Maria was surprised by how polite the group was, unlike Noboru-kun, who had an aura of power that was intimidating, but the group didn't seem special. The boy Sky had something dangerous, but nothing compared to Noboru, who, unlike Sky, had full control over his Aura, which was nothing she had seen before.

"Maria, can we get a

room for Layla and Yumeko and rooms for Sky and Kai?" Noboru said as Maria smiled.

"Of course, and do you want them to be next to your room, Noboru-Kun?" Maria said.

"That would be appreciated, but you don't have to go out of your way to do this, Maria," Noboru said.

"Nonsense, Noboru-Kun, I consider you one of my deep personal friends," Maria said as she pulled his arm into her bouncy chest, making Layla jealous, but Noboru started to cough and quickly pulled his arm back, using it as an excuse.

"Thanks, Maria," Noboru said as he placed 50 TerraJewels on the desk. "This should cover them, right?" Noboru said as Maria's blush had on her face from how handsome Noboru was and nodded her head yes.

"Well then," she said, trying to hide her blush, "follow me; I will show you to your rooms."

She led the group to their rooms, with Yumeko and Layla in one room next to Noboru's room, with Sky and Kai in one room across from Noboru's room.

"Here we are," Maria said.

"Thank you, Maria, for showing us our rooms," Noboru said as everyone else also said thank you.

"You're welcome," Maria said as she left blushing and got back to work, as Noboru went to his room.

"Tomorrow the tournament starts; it's gonna be tough, especially trying not to use Omni Energy and just Aura. So better get some rest," Noboru said as everyone nodded as they went to their rooms.

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