The God Of Power

Chapter 79 - 79

Chapter 79: Chapter 79

As Noboru stepped into the first chamber known as the first level/Eternitiy of the Dungeon of the Seven Eternities, the air around him shifted, carrying with it the whispers of countless voices lost to time. The chamber was vast and unyielding, stretched infinitely in all directions out before him, its walls etched with ancient runes that pulsed with an ancient untamable power. In the heart of the chamber a swirling vortex of wind began to form, with howl that was an prelude to the coming storm.

Noboru stood firm, his resolve unwavering as the earth beneath his feet rumbled in response to how strong the wind was. He knew the trial that awaited him Emiko had warned him of the Dungeon Of Seven Enternities in with the Hero Of Legends was defeated. What awaited him is an endless onslaught of wind-based beasts on the first floor with each one more formidable than the last. Drawing a deep breath, he centered himself, calling upon the earth aura within him to engulf and got into a fighting stance ready to meet the challenge head-on.

"Come forth, creatures of the Dungeon, made of wind. I know each floor is based on the realms or as they called in this world the kingdoms of the world, so 'Aeritha' since it's based on wind is what the dungeon first floor will be on. I shall conquer you all and your allies of the other levels and defeat this dungeon once and for all," he declared, his voice echoing through the chamber with a force that rivaled the gale itself.

From the heart of the chamber emerged the first of his adversaries – a serpentine dragon, its scales a shimmering tempest, its eyes alight with the fury of the storm. It circled Noboru, its body coiling and uncoiling like the winds of a hurricane.

Noboru assessed the creature, noticing the fluidity of its movements, the way it seemed to the embodiment of the very air around it. "A wind dragon, then," he murmured. "Let's see how you how string you truly are," Noboru said to the S-rank beast made of wind.

With a roar that shook the chamber, the wind dragon lunged, its maw agape, a torrent of gale-force winds erupting from its depths. "YOU DARE ENTER THIS SANCUTARY MORTAL" It yelled as Noboru stood his ground, his aura flaring to life around him. It removed the oxygen from the air, but Noboru, thanks to his omni energy, was immune to the effects since he did not require oxygen, food, or sleep to sustain himself. In fact, he could self-sustain himself without the use of omni energy. He watched however as the people around start to feel the effects of being Oxygen deprived.

"Earth Shield!" he called out, slamming his fist into the ground. Instantly, a barrier of solid rock rose before him, absorbing the brunt of the dragon's assault as it rushed to him crossing an amount of infinite distance of the infinite-sized floor instantly with mere speed alone, the winds crashing against it like waves upon the shore. This technique Noboru used is the evolved and more refined version of Earth Wall.

However Noboru knew that defense alone would not suffice since he had to conquer the dungeon not survive it.. As the dragon reared for another attack, Noboru seized the moment.

"Stone Spear Barrage!" With a sweeping motion of his arms, Noboru summoned forth a volley of sharpened rock spears, each one honed to a deadly point. They flew with undoubtable accuracy, the arrows flew at their target, the dragon piercing the tempestuous veil that surrounded the dragon killing it..

The dragon recoiled and screached out "You dare strike me Mortal!" as its form started flickering as the wind aura of the dragon disrupted its windy essence. Yet, it was far from defeated. With a defiant screech, it summoned forth its brethren – wyverns, drakes, and all manner of wind made mythological beings, each answering the call to battle. The horde had an infinite amount of these beasts.

Noboru steeled himself as the air waves turned erratic reacting to the area being filled with beasts beating of wings and the roars of the wind made mythological horde. "So, it's a test of endurance. No matter, I have never run out of stamina before. I have infinite," Noboru said, as a smile of confidence formed upon his mouth. "This will be easy. I will slaughter of you as if you are Meiyo or Kouki."

The first of the wyverns with Speed that surpassed the concepts of speed themselves dove towards him, its talons outstretched, a razor-sharp gust trailing in its wake. Noboru sidestepped, his movements grounded and sure, and countered.

'To any other, that would be fast, but to me, it's slow. No, not just slow, I have enough time to make a perfect note of the environment and everything happening in my head. If I were an artist, these beasts move so slow I could have drawn the entire infinite-sized floor,' Noboru thought as Infinities countable, uncountable or unattainable were nothing to him they were so small to him they might as well be non-existent .

"Crushing Earth Fist!" Noboru declared, launching a punch imbued with the full force of his earth aura using it to strengthen his physical stats to make himself hard and heavy as a rock. The impact sent shockwaves through the chamber, catching the wyvern mid-dive and hurling it back into the maelstrom from whence it came shockwave from his fist killed an uncountable amount of creatures and sent the other adventurers flying back.

But there was no time to rest. A wind drake, its body made of a swirling vortex of wind was furious and descended upon him, its breath a wind storm that sought to tear Noboru from his footing.

Noboru anchored himself, drawing deeply upon the earth's strength making himself one with the earth apart of it a lower version of becoming one with everything and nothing when he masters omni energy. "Tremor Wave!" With a stomp of his foot, he unleashed a wave of seismic force, the ground rippling and cracking beneath the drake's form. The creature faltered, its control over the winds for mere second disrupted by the earth trying to hit it out of the skies as rogue boulders and pieces of earth flew to it damaging it.

One by one, Noboru faced the onslaught of an infinite amount of these beasts, his every move a showed his mastery over the earth Aura even though he used it for a few days. With each monster that fell, another rose to take its place like a Hydra cut one head 2 more takes its place, "It seems the dungeon living up to its hype of an eternal battle if the first floor is infinite." Noboru said to himself. Yet, amidst finding this out and seeing and experiencing the chaos, Noboru's spirit still remained unbroken, unaffected not even a single hint showed Nobrou being tired or drained of his energy reserves. With each attack Noboru called forth, with every defense he raised, he spoke got closer to his goal of meeting the terravale king known as the earth god and closer to freeing Ayame.

"This battle is for you," he whispered, his voice lost to the howling winds. "For Layla, Yumeko, Sky, and all those who have placed their faith in me. And of course for Ayame-Chan for all of you I will not falter. I will not fail."

As the seconds stretched into at least a million, maybe even more years, Noboru's resolve held strong as he was tested but was unaffected or undetered by the dungeon. The wind beasts, relentless in their assault, were tireless, their numbers seemingly infinite. Yet, for every wave that clashed with him, Noboru stood tall like he was an unyielding pillar amidst the storm or tornadoe.

"Earthquake!" Noboru called upon the very foundations of the dungeon, his aura became with the depths of the earth beneath them feeling that he had complete control over the earth he started to shake it. The chamber shook violently, the ground splitting and heaving, throwing the wind beasts into disarray, destroying all infinite of them, but then an infinite amount of more of these wind beasts spawned.

And in that moment of chaos, Noboru found his opening, realizing his chance. "So that's how this works." Noboru said as with a cry that echoed the roar of the earth itself, he launched his final assault.

"Mountain's Wrath!" With all the power he could muster, Noboru summoned a colossal fist of stone, its size dwarfing even the largest of the wind dragons which are the size of aeritha. With a force that could shatter the heavens, he brought it down upon the heart of the vortex, the epicenter of the wind beasts' power.

The impact was cataclysmic sending everything and one but Noboru flying and slamming them into the wall. The chamber trembled, the very air seemed to scream, and then, as quickly as it had begun, the onslaught ceased. The wind beasts, their source of power obliterated, dissipated like mist before the morning sun.

"Like I thought, the floor needs energy. These sources, whatever they are, power each floor." Noboru said to himself as he made his way to the next floor but stopped. "I should get some food." Noboru said although he didn't need to sustain himself with food and sleep, he liked it. Plus, it made him feel better, and he could sense all of his other competitors were all struggling if it weren't for him clearing this floor. He watched as they dashed to the next floor after he had ended the waves. He looked at the dead bodies of the few who perished used up thier aura reserves ot was defeated by the beasts..

"Fools the lot of them trying to get an advantage but they are just tiring them selves out." Noboru said to himself having bested the infinite horde of wind beasts in a display of unparalleled prowess. He took a moment to survey the now tranquil chamber. The echoes of battle faded, leaving behind a silence that spoke of his victory. Yet, amidst the stillness, Noboru's thoughts turned towards food and rest, even though he did not need them he had to show he was human to the world not just that he wanted to eat and sleep for the mere feeling it brought him.

With a deep connection to the earth, Noboru extended his senses into the ground beneath him, feeling the dormant life force waiting to be awakened. "Let this place flourish with fruits and vegetable," he whispered, his aura seeping into the soil, enriching it with the essence of life as the dsoil became fertile.

Before his eyes, the barren ground of the dungeon's chamber began to transform. Tiny shoots of green broke through the soil, rapidly growing and branching out into a lush carpet of vegetation. Fruit trees, heavy with ripe apples, berries, and a plethora of other fruits, sprouted from the fertile earth, their branches swaying gently as if in gratitude to Noboru's gift.

Vegetables of every variety pushed their way up through the soil, forming neat rows of nourishment that seemed almost out of place in the starkness of the dungeon. Noboru walked among the verdant growth, plucking an apple from a branch and taking a bite, its sweet juice a refreshing balm to his spirit.

Satisfied with his makeshift garden, Noboru found a secluded spot beneath a newly grown oak, its canopy offering shade and solace. He settled down, leaning against the sturdy trunk, and allowed himself a moment of rest, his eyes closing as the peaceful ambiance of his created oasis enveloped him. Noboru then proceeded to pick some fruit and vegetables for the future

Meanwhile, outside the dungeon, the audience watched in astonishment as the dungeon's relayed Noboru's actions within. The transformation of the barren chamber into a verdant grove was broadcasted for all to see, leaving spectators and competitors alike in awe.

Layla, her eyes wide with disbelief, leaned forward, gripping the railing of the stands. "Did you all see that? Noboru... he just...," she trailed off, unable to find the words to describe the miraculous feat she had just witnessed.

Emiko, her earlier flirtations forgotten, nodded in agreement, her voice filled with admiration. "He's not just powerful; he's in harmony with the earth. It's like he's a part of it," she said, her eyes not leaving the magical display that showed Noboru's actions.

Sky, always the strategist, pondered the implications of Noboru's abilities. "He's not just fighting; he's surviving. He's making sure he has food and rest. That's going to be a key advantage in this endurance trial," he mused, impressed by Noboru's foresight.

Fire General Kai, who had seen many battles, could not help but be moved by the display. "To turn a place of death into a haven of life... Noboru's not just a warrior; he's a intelligent kniows his limits," he said, a note of respect evident in his voice unknown to him Noboru does not need these to survive it was all show to look normal and more to feel good.

"Don't forget he managed to beat the infinite horde of beasts the hero of legend ran through the Dungeon this Noboru managed to best the floor shutting it down."

The proctor, overseeing the event, could barely contain his surprise. He had expected displays of power, but Noboru's ability to create life within the dungeon was unprecedented. "This... this changes everything. He's not just surviving; he's thriving," he muttered to himself, reassessing his initial impressions of the young warrior.

Even the Duke of the North, from his vantage point, watched with a growing sense of interest. "This young man... Noboru, was it? He's far more than I anticipated. We may be witnessing the rise of a new legend," he said, his voice betraying a hint of excitement.

Baron Akira, watching the scene unfold, felt a surge of pride. "That's Noboru he's the one representing QuakeTown. He's not just fighting for victory; he's showing what it means to be in harmony with the earth. This... this is the kind of strength that can shape the future," he declared, his eyes gleaming with anticipation for what Noboru would do next.

As Noboru rested beneath the oak, the world outside watched, their breaths held in anticipation of his next move. The dungeon, a place of trials and tribulations, had become a stage for something far greater – a testament to the indomitable spirit of one who could find life in a place of death, hope in a realm of despair.

And as Noboru opened his eyes, refreshed and ready to face the next challenge, he stood not just as a competitor in a tournament but as a beacon of what it means to truly wield the power of the earth. With the support of his friends and the eyes of the world upon him, Noboru stepped forward into the next chamber, ready to etch his name into the annals of legend.

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