The God Of Power

Chapter 85:

Chapter 85: Chapter 85:

Noboru made his way back to his room, his heart still pounding with adrenaline from his victory over the dungeon. As he lay on his bed, he replayed the events in his mind, marveling at the complexity of the dungeon and the challenge it had presented. He thought about the layers upon layers of infinite sets it contained, each one representing an infinite realm in the structure of set theory, stacked one upon another like levels in a game or an MMO.

"And to think I destroyed it with a mere fraction of my power," Noboru mused with a hint of dissatisfaction. "What would have happened if I'd used my full strength? Have I gotten too strong? No, I have to avenge my home, my grandpa. This isn't enough. The power I need to gain is so much more than this. Those angels, the 7 heavenly kings that stopped my fight with Hikari... even now, I fear they can one-shot me. Despite the power I gained compared to them, I am mere cannon fodder at best," Noboru thought as he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

The Next Day:

Noboru made his way to the stands of the coliseum where his friends were waiting for him. It was the day of the tournament. He noticed Yumeko and Layla smiling at him, and Sky giving him a thumbs up.

"Good luck, Noboru-Kun," Emiko said as she blew a kiss towards Noboru.

"You can do it, Noboru-Kun. I believe in you," Layla said.

"I hope you win, Noboru," Yumeko said.

"Yeah, you can do it!" Sky yelled.

Noboru smiled and made his way to the arena. He could see a multitude of people from various regions of Terravale in the crowd. He also saw one of his opponents, Kane Kuroiwa, looking at him as if he wasn't a threat, which made Noboru raise his eyebrows. 'Wasn't he one of those who couldn't even stand in my presence after my show of power, even after their auras healed the damage done to them by the dragon?' Noboru thought as he went to the competitor's stand with Kane Kuroiwa also going there. Noboru was in thought since he arrived, the adventurers, even Hiroto who was Emiko's brother, were acting as if nothing happened and all their emotions from yesterday, the fear, was gone. As Noboru thought this, his mind flashed back to yesterday's event.


Noboru had just absorbed the dungeon core and destroyed the dungeon. The dust had covered everything, blocking the outside world from seeing what was happening. Noboru stood there, waiting for the dust to clear when suddenly a golden glow was seen. Noboru saw what it was and he was shocked.

"It's the final relic of the hero. Gaia's armor. I thought the Earth God had it but ... So that's what the hero did. He knew giving the armor to the Terravalean ruler was bad as they were already impossible to beat by the other kingdoms so he gave them the relics as deterrents to keep Terravale from ever losing it and starting a war while hiding the fourth relic in the dungeon," Noboru said to himself as he stored it in his personal dimension, which itself was akin to an ancient, labyrinthine library, sprawling and infinite, its shelves extending beyond the horizon in every direction. This personal dimension, much like an inaccessible cardinal in the realm of mathematics, was vast beyond comprehension, containing more volumes and secrets than could ever be explored or understood. Each book, a repository of a single moment, thought, or item from Noboru's life, was meticulously cataloged yet perpetually out of reach, hidden within the endless rows of shelves that weaved and wound like the roots of an age-old tree. Just as an inaccessible cardinal represents a size so large that it defies the conventional hierarchy of sizes in set theory, Noboru's personal dimension transcended the boundaries of space and time, enveloping everything yet remaining elusive, a boundless inner universe that was intimately his and his alone.

At a young age, it would have taken Noboru entering his transcendent state to make this but now he could do it in his base with not even a percentage of his power. Hell, saying it would even drain his Omni Energy reserves would be the greatest exaggeration in all of existence. He could make an infinite number of these and wouldn't even drain a percentage of this power even as a kid n his Transcendant state he could do the same.

Flashback end.

Noboru is brought out of his thoughts as Duke Of The North made his way onto the stage and started speaking.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests from all corners of Terravale, and brave adventurers who have come far and wide to prove their mettle," began the Duke of the North, his voice booming across the coliseum, commanding the attention of every soul present. The crowd fell silent, the air thick with anticipation for the commencement of the tournament that had been the talk of the realm for moons.

"Firstly, I wish to extend my deepest gratitude to all participants who dared to venture into the Dungeon of the Seven Eternities. Your courage and valor do not go unnoticed," the Duke continued, his gaze sweeping across the arena with a solemn dignity. Murmurs of approval rippled through the crowd, a shared moment of respect for those who had braved the dungeon's depths.

"However, it is with a heavy heart that I also extend my condolences to the families and friends of those brave souls who did not return. Their sacrifice in the pursuit of honor and glory will forever be etched in the annals of Terravale," the Duke added, his voice tinged with genuine sorrow that resonated with the crowd, a somber reminder of the risks these adventurers had faced.

The atmosphere, heavy with the gravity of the Duke's words, shifted as he prepared to address the heart of the gathering. "And now, to the matter at hand. This year's tournament has already proven to be unlike any other, not just in the bravery and skill displayed, but in the revelation of a power that transcends the very fabric of our understanding," the Duke said, his eyes locking onto Noboru, who stood amidst the other competitors.

The crowd buzzed with whispers and speculation, their attention riveted on Noboru, the star of the moment whose exploits in the dungeon had become the stuff of legend overnight.

"In light of this," the Duke continued, his voice rising above the murmurs, "we stand at a precipice of change, a moment that calls for adaptation and evolution in our traditions. Therefore, I announce a special event for this year's tournament finale."

The coliseum was electric with anticipation, every spectator leaning in, eager to hear the Duke's next words.

"Instead of the traditional one-on-one battles, our final event will see the combined might of our five esteemed competitors—Haruka Satou, Daichi Tanaka, Renji Mori, Hiroto Tsuchi, and Kane Kuroiwa—challenging the unparalleled strength of Noboru Chikara in a battle that will surely be remembered for ages to come."

An uproar of mixed reactions swept through the coliseum, a cacophony of excitement, disbelief, and apprehension. Noboru's friends, seated among the spectators, exchanged looks of shock and concern.

Layla gripped her seat's edge, her knuckles white, as she muttered, "This... this isn't fair. How can they

expect Noboru to face all five at once?"

Yumeko's calm demeanor was shaken as she whispered, "It's as if they're pitting the world against him. Noboru's strength may be immense, but this... this feels like a trial not just of power, but of endurance and spirit."

Sky, analytical as ever, leaned in, saying, "This changes everything. The dynamics of a group battle are entirely different. Noboru's not just facing multiple opponents; he's facing a team. This could be their way of leveling the playing field."

Emiko, her usual poise faltering, added, "But why? Why put Noboru-kun in such a position? Is it fear of his power, or is there something more at play here?"

Fire General Kai, his brow furrowed in thought, said, "It's a spectacle, no doubt, but it's also a test. The Duke and the realms want to see the extent of Noboru's power, to gauge if he's a hero or something... beyond."

Baron Akira, standing with Noboru's friends, sighed deeply, his gaze fixed on his daughter's friend in the arena. "Noboru has become the eye of a storm, a focal point for the hopes, fears, and ambitions of many. This battle will not just decide a victor; it will shape the future of Terravale."

As the Duke concluded his announcement, the coliseum buzzed with a frenzy of conversations, debates, and bets being placed. The stage was set for a finale unlike any before, a clash that would test the limits of courage, strategy, and the very essence of power itself.

Noboru, standing in the arena, felt the weight of the world's eyes upon him but was unfazed. He had seen the power of all these adventurers, and compared to him, it was nothing. 'So this was why they were acting like nothing happened yesterday. Even after seeing that, they think mere numbers can beat me.' Noboru felt annoyance fill him. These adventurers and this Duke thought mere numbers could beat him.

As the competitors took their positions and the crowd held its breath, Noboru looked to the skies, his heart steady, his mind clear. This was his moment, his trial, and he was ready. The tournament was not just a battle; it was his story, a story of strength, of friendship, and of the endless pursuit of greatness.

The coliseum fell silent, the tension palpable, as the final battle of the tournament was about to begin. Noboru, standing alone against the combined might of his adversaries, was a solitary figure of resolve and power, a warrior ready to define his legacy in the annals of Terravale.

"This should be easy," Noboru said to himself.

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