The God Of Power

Chapter 89 - 89

Chapter 89: Chapter 89

The majestic gates of Chikyu Chikara City loomed before them, a magnificent archway sculpted from the very earth itself. Vines, thick and emerald, snaked their way around the stone, their leaves shimmering with an otherworldly luminescence. As the carriage rolled to a halt, a hush fell over the companions. This was it. Noboru, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation, straightened his tunic and prepared to step into his new domain.

Sir Ethan, with a flourish, opened the carriage door, revealing a bustling scene beyond. People of all walks of life milled about, their clothes a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors. Some hurried along, their faces etched with determination, while others lingered in the shade of towering trees, continuing their conversation. Noboru caught snippets of what they were saying – a merchant haggling with a customer for his wares, a group of children giggling over a game, and finally, a few scientists were having a heated debate about the latest advancement in earth-based technology. The air itself hummed with a vibrant energy, invigorating and overwhelming in equal measure.

Noboru emerged from the carriage, blinking in the bright sunlight, and was immediately met by a delegation of city officials. One, a woman with hair like spun silver and eyes the color of rich soil, stepped forward. "Viscount Chikara," she said, her voice deep and resonant, "on behalf of the esteemed Council of Chikyu Chikara, I welcome you to your new home."

Noboru, still overwhelmed by the sheer scale of it all, offered a grateful bow. "Thank you," he stammered, "It's... an honor to be here."

The woman smiled, warmth crinkling the corners of her eyes. "Indeed, Viscount. We are all eager to see what your leadership, the man who Duke Alister of the North himself chose, will bring to our city."

A ceremony followed, steeped in the traditions of Chikyu Chikara. Noboru, feeling awkward yet strangely connected to this unfamiliar ritual, received a ceremonial stone tablet – a symbol of his authority. As he held it, a current of energy pulsed from the smooth surface, filling him with a sense of responsibility and a glimpse of the power entrusted to him.

Next came introductions. The silver-haired woman introduced herself as Elder Anya, head of the Council. The others – a stern-faced man named Councillor Kyo, responsible for the city's defenses, and a young woman, Elara, radiating youthful enthusiasm, who oversaw the city's education system – each offered their greetings and pledged their support.

Noboru was eager to learn and bombarded them with questions, learning about the intricate balance between tradition and innovation that Chikyu Chikara City embodied. He discovered the earth-based technology, powered by the life force of the land, Earth Aura itself, and learned about the ancient rituals Chikyu Chikara City folks performed, along with their deep respect for nature.

He watched, mesmerized, as a sleek ground-tram glided by, propelled by an unseen force. Its path meandered seamlessly around ancient, gnarled trees, their branches reaching towards the sky as if in conversation with the passengers within. It was a perfect embodiment of the city's philosophy – progress alongside reverence.

'It's just like the vehicle Grandpa described from his adventures," Noboru thought to himself.

Later, as they walked towards the castle, Noboru noticed Layla and Emiko flanking him. The tension between them had lessened, replaced with curiosity. "Look," Layla pointed out the network of crystalline nodes embedded in the buildings, and she informed Noboru about their advanced communication capabilities.

"That's not all," Emiko countered with a lecture on the importance of preserving the city's historical sites, trying to one-up Layla. As they vied for his attention, Noboru couldn't help but sigh. He loved both of them; they were his friends, but he had grown annoyed by their constant attempts to one-up each other for his heart. He already loved Ayame, and that was not going to change. He then shot Sky a questioning glance, who gave Noboru a reassuring nod – a silent promise to act if things got out of hand and pacify the situation.

As they approached the castle, its imposing facade rose into view. Constructed from a mosaic of stones, each with a unique texture and color, it embodied the diverse landscape of Noboru's domain. The sunlight glinted off intricate carvings that adorned the walls, depicting scenes from the city's rich history.

The grand gates, crafted from a combination of strong iron and living wood, stood open in a gesture of welcome. A gentle breeze, carrying the sweet scent of blooming wildflowers, rustled through the leaves of the trees lining the courtyard. In their branches, birds chirped a melodious tune, a harmony echoing from the city itself.

Inside, the castle was a testament to both grandeur and practicality. Spacious halls with polished marble floors were adorned with vibrant tapestries depicting scenes of nature's bounty. Yet, tucked away in corners, were smaller study rooms equipped with the latest earth-based technology.

Elder Anya led them through a labyrinthine maze of corridors, pointing out important rooms which were of different sizes of infinity– the council chamber itself was infinite inside, the library overflowing with ancient rock tablets, each scroll stored infinite information and futuristic data crystals. The shelves held an infinite amount of these crystals and tablets, and the training ground which was a ground that had many different terrains, the terrains themselves were infinite in size for the city guard. Noboru listened intently, absorbing information like a sponge.

Suddenly, Councillor Kyo, who had been silent throughout the tour, spoke up. His face, etched with worry lines, mirrored a sudden shift in the atmosphere. "Viscount Chikara," he said, his voice low, "there is something you need to know. There have been... rumors circulating lately."

Noboru's curiosity piqued. "Rumors?"

Anya sighed. "Whispers of discontent, Viscount. Some in the city are... apprehensive about an outsider taking the reins. They fear a disruption of our traditions."

Emiko, her ever-present pragmatism kicking in, chimed in, "That's understandable, wouldn't you say? Change can be unsettling."

Kyo shook his head. "It goes beyond that. There are those who believe the Duke made a mistake in choosing someone from outside our land."

Layla, usually impulsive, held her tongue this time, her brow furrowed in concern. Noboru felt a pang of unease. He had come with such hope, such eagerness to contribute, only to be met with potential resistance.

'Will this end up like the Phoenix Kingdom? Will I be rejected by this city like I was by my kingdom, my family, my own parents?" Noboru thought, trying to calm his nerves. It was not well-known, but Noboru had PTSD from being rejected. But who could blame him? He was treated like trash, beaten by the people who were meant to love and adore him in the early parts of his life. He was lucky Sky, Yumeko, and Layla accepted

him because if they rejected him, he fears he would have had severe mental trauma and would never be able to open up to anyone ever again.

"Is there anything I can do to address these concerns?" Noboru asked, his voice firm despite the rising tension, wanting to pacify the people.

Anya offered a faint smile at seeing Noboru care for the people. Normally, the nobles would have all resistances curbed and assassinate all who dared to oppose, but Noboru didn't. He wished to understand and work out the issues. "Patience, young Viscount. Earn their trust. Prove yourself a worthy leader, someone who respects our traditions but also embraces progress," Anya said.

"I will try my best to become a leader worthy of everyone's respect," Noboru said as the rest of the day was a whirlwind. Noboru met with various city officials – scholars, artisans, merchants – each eager to learn more about their new leader. He impressed some with his questions about the city's infrastructure, intrigued others with his knowledge of his world's cultures, and surprised everyone with his genuine curiosity about their lives.

Later that evening, as the setting sun painted the sky in hues of orange and purple, Noboru stood at the balcony of his chambers. The uncountably infinite-sized city stretched out before him, a sprawling tapestry of light and life. From his vantage point, he could see the bustling marketplace, the quiet gardens, the towering spires of innovation reaching towards the stars. It was a city of contrasts and possibilities, and he was now its leader.

Anya's words echoed in his mind. "Earn their trust." As he thought about the day, thinking about how some didn't want him or if it was a mistake, it really brought back memories of the Phoenix Kingdom. Noboru's breathing quickened as he gripped the bars of the balcony, almost destroying it, and backed up as he realized what he was doing and how he was losing himself to his paranoia and fear. Noboru knew Anya's words were correct, but it was a tall order to gain the respect of a country.

'It won't be as easy as the Dragon Kingdom. I saved the states that became the Dragon Kingdom from slavery and human cruelty, but here, the city's peaceful and I just walked in. They see me as someone who just came in and took away their rights to choose,' Noboru thought, feeling downcast, thinking he won't be able to earn everyone's respect like he did when he built the Dragon Kingdom by saving the countless different cities and towns that were mistreated by humans. But Noboru was determined.

"No, I won't give up," Noboru said to himself. He wouldn't let the whispers of doubt deter him. This was his chance to make a difference, to build a bridge between the past and the future, to create a brighter tomorrow for Chikyu Chikara City. But most of all, he needed to complete this story and return to his Ayame. "One that's better than the Phoenix Kingdom," Noboru said to himself.

Suddenly, a flicker of movement in the shadows across the courtyard caught his eye. A cloaked figure darted from one building to another in a suspicious manner. Noboru squinted, trying to make out their form, a shiver tracing down his spine but he was as fast as Noboru Chikara himself. 'Could it be... a spy from another kingdom? Or someone with more sinister intentions within the city itself? Or is it a person from my past from the home?' Noboru thought, as only a person from his home world could be fast enough to evade him sensing them and strong enough to send shivers down his spine.

Intrigued and slightly unnerved, Noboru decided to investigate. "Guys, I'm gonna head out for a bit," Noboru said as he excused himself.

"Okay, Noboru-Kun," Emiko said.

"See you later, Noboru," Yumeko said.

"Catch you later," Sky says.

"Go on and have some time to yourself, kid," Fire General Kai said. As Noboru Chikara slipped out of his chambers, everyone didn't suspect a thing, all but one.

'Noboru-Kun seems worried,' Layla said. She had learned to read Noboru's facial expressions; it was hard, but she got somewhat down, but this was one she never seen before, and Noboru's never been worried before, so he had got to be worried.

Making his way down a maze of corridors, Noboru tried to recall the path he'd seen the figure take. Reaching a secluded balcony overlooking a secluded courtyard, he saw the figure again.

"He seems familiar," Noboru said to himself. 'Wait a minute, is that omni energy?' Noboru asked himself.

The figure, who seemed familiar to Noboru with golden hair and omni energy, was hunched over a small, sealing array, muttering words Noboru couldn't understand. It seemed he were using the sealing array to do something from within a well – an energy filled the sky with a shimmering glow. Just as Noboru was about to reveal his presence, a voice startled him.

"What are you doing here, Noboru-kun?" Layla stood behind him, her eyes wide with surprise.

Noboru cursed silently, caught; he didn't want to alert her, and if this man was from his home world, then he was far more dangerous than anyone here, especially since the man seemed either equal or stronger than Noboru. "I... I just wanted some fresh air," he stammered, feeling a blush creep up his neck.

Layla raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. "Looking out? Come on, Noboru-kun, you can tell me."

Noboru hesitated, then decided honesty might be the best course of action. He then proceeded to recount what he had seen – the cloaked figure, the strange sealing array. Layla listened intently, her initial amusement morphing into a seriousness that mirrored his own.

"This is definitely suspicious," she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur.

Suddenly Noboru noticed it; the figure straightened and turned. In the moonlight filtering through the courtyard, Noboru caught a glimpse of his face.

"You!" Noboru's yell echoed through the silent courtyard, startling Layla out of her initial surprise. He lunged towards the balcony railing, his voice laced with a barely controlled fury, "Hikari! What the hell are you doing here? How dare you show yourself here after all you've done?"

Hikari turned slowly, the moonlight glinting off his golden hair. His face was hidden by the shadows of his hood. "So, the Abomination finally recognizes me," he said, his voice devoid of emotion but still somehow having its condescending touch to it.

Layla, witnessing the exchange, felt a shiver run down her spine. The tension crackled in the air, heavier than any she had ever experienced. She had seen anger on Noboru's face before, frustration even, but this was different. This was a raw, primal rage, a deep-seated hatred that surprised and worried her.

Noboru, his hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of the BlackStar Blade he did not have, struggled to control himself. He didn't understand why Hikari was here, what he was doing in Chikyu Chikara City, but he knew one thing – he wouldn't let him hurt anyone.

Hikari, sensing Noboru's rage felt pleasure as he spoke again, his voice a low murmur. "There are things you don't understand, Abomination. This isn't about you. It's about a greater purpose, a balance that needs to be restored and for that, you must die. You're a threat to father. You see it's either you die or you stay here."

Hikari then appeared inches away from Noboru before he could react.

'Fast' Noboru thought caught of guard but he was not the only one who was in shock.

'Impossible I never even saw him move even Noboru-Kun could not react.' Layla thought to herself.

"In your prison," Hikari whispers in Noboru's ear and vanishes back to his original position.

Noboru's anger flared momentarily, but Hikari's words planted a seed of doubt. Could there be more to this than he knew? Could Hikari hold some truth he desperately needed to hear?

Layla, observing the shift in Noboru's expression, stepped forward. "Noboru, who is this man? What's he talking about?" she asked, her voice firm despite the fear gnawing at her.

Hikari remained silent, his gaze fixed on Noboru. The sealing array he made pulsed with a strange energy, casting an unnatural glow on the scene.

The air crackled with tension, the silence broken only by the distant chirping of crickets. Noboru, torn between his emotions and a growing sense of uncertainty, knew he had a choice to make. Would he succumb to his rage and seek vengeance, or would he listen to Hikari, embrace the unknown, and risk facing the truth, no matter how painful it may be

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