The God Of Power

Chapter 92 - 92

Chapter 92: Chapter 92

Hikari was seething, having unleashed what he believed to be an attack potent enough to obliterate Abomination from existence. However, he found himself seething with frustration as his most potent attack, the true Singularity, with one of his celestial limiters removed, was effortlessly countered by the Abomination's Purgatory Sword. The sight of Abomination standing there, calm and unscathed from what was a direct hit of Hikari's most powerful attack, was an affront to Hikari's pride and the celestial order given to him by his father, which he was sworn to fulfill. If he wanted to be redeemed for losing to this Abomination.

"You... How? How do you stand there, mocking the might of the heavens themselves?" Hikari asked, his voice trembling with a mixture of rage and disbelief, his pride wounded by Noboru's defiance.

Noboru, maintaining his composure, offered Hikari a smile, one that was both disarmingly polite and laced with sarcasm. "Oh, I'm sorry, was that supposed to be your best shot? You might want to check your celestial playbook again. It seems a bit outdated. Who knows, maybe you might have another trick or two?"

The casual dismissal of his attack stung Hikari deeply, fueling a raging storm of resentment within him. "You, an abomination, dare mock me? Your superior? Your better? You, a mere mortal? No, an abomination as declared by my father, dare challenge the edicts laid down by father. Do you even know who you challenge?" he spat out, each word dripping with venom.

Noboru leaned in and tilted his head slightly, adopting a mockingly contemplative expression. "Well, when you put it that way... Yes, I am absolutely mocking you. After all, it's not every day you get to disappoint someone who's got the whole 'divine slave' thing going for them. And as for your master... Oh, I'm sorry, I meant your father. I don't care what decrees he gives out. What he calls me. I won't bend for some pussy who can't come and face me face to face."

Hikari's aura flared with indignation and rage, the boundless battlescape level 2 around them quivering in response to his growing fury. "Your arrogance will be your undoing, Abomination. I am Hikari, Father's enforcer and the future king of the celestial heavens. My power is so much that I have to bear the seven limiters because of you. Your defiance has cost me everything. My honor, my father's praise and love. Your little stand you are making will be seen as nothing but a fleeting rebellion against your betters, against the ordained order of all existence and even non-existence."

Noboru stood there unfazed and responded with a casual shrug, showing he doesn't care or is affected by Hikari even the slightest, his voice tinged with a sarcastic tone. "Ordained order? Your father's love and praise? Sounds a bit rigid, don't you think? Besides, I've always found that rules are more like guidelines, really. And who's to say I can't rewrite them? And your father, if you need to kill to please him, then maybe you should call Heaven's version of child protection services. Don't you think?"

The back-and-forth continued, Hikari's attempts to assert his celestial superiority met with Noboru's unyielding spirit and wit, continuing to put Hikari in his place.

In a fit of frustration, Hikari prepared to unleash another attack, his figure tensing as he gathered his golden celestial Omni Energy. "I will not be belittled by a creature of your insignificance. Witness the true power of the cosmos, unbridled and unfettered!"

Noboru, observing the golden energy in Hikari's hand, couldn't help but interject with a light-hearted quip. "Oh, going for round two, are we? I hope it's more exciting than the last one. I was just getting warmed up." As he said that, he charged his own Omni Energy into his hand, forming his own in his right hand.

Hikari growled in frustration and released his energy in the form of a massive wave of golden light and holy energy that filled the boundless battlescape level 2, consuming everything in its path. Noboru himself released a giant beam of red fire energy, which collided with Hikari's attack, creating a massive explosion that shook the realm and a shockwave that knocked them both back.

The Boundless Battlescape Level 2 withstood the attack without even a dent. "It seems the level 2 is holding," Noboru said to himself as he noticed Hikari appear in front of him. "What an annoyance."

"You want to see my power, Abomination? Is that it? Well, let's see how you like this attack," Hikari stated.

Hikari's aura blazed brighter, an aura of pure energy, golden omni energy crackling around him as he charged up his attack. "Heaven's Judgment!" With those words, a massive surge of holy energy erupted from Hikari's body, engulfing the boundless battlescape level 2 in a blinding light. Noboru, with a simple wave of his hand, knocked away the golden holy omni energy that could have easily destroyed the Prison Realm, the entire Boundless Battlescape Level 1, and even a younger version of himself from before the power and abilities he learned and gained in Prison Realm.

"It seems the Celestial dog does have some bite. Too bad it's but a puppy nipping at my heel. Time to send you back to your precious heavens," Noboru declared with a smirk. His eyes flashed with a crimson light as he channeled his omni energy into his right hand. "Crimson Flames." As he said that, he released an intense torrent of burning flames from his right hand that headed straight towards Hikari. The flame collided with Hikari, sending him crashing into the boundless battlescape level 2's ground, and a huge crater formed as a result of him landing on it.

"Argghhhhh! Damn it, you abomination," Hikari groaned in pain as he struggled to get up, his celestial armor badly damaged, and was on his knees due to him taking such a powerful attack head-on.

"You dare damage this armor, Abomination?" Hikari growled as he looked at Noboru. "My father handcrafted it, and you destroyed it," he spat out, his voice dripping with hatred for Noboru.

Noboru looked uncaringly. "And? Am I meant to care about that?" he stated, making Hikari growl in anger.

"This armor is sacred, and you just desecrated it like it was nothing," he stated, his voice seething with rage.

"So what if I did?" Noboru countered, his voice holding an amused tone. "Why should I care about some armor handcrafted by a paranoid idiot who claims he's higher than me but sees me as a threat? A man I have never met before, might I add. I mean, if he was this ruler of heaven or whatever, shouldn't he be forgiving and giving out chances rather than declaring people who don't have any beef with him a

threat or an abomination? I mean, really. The man clearly needs a therapist instead of slaves."

Hikari was getting frustrated at Noboru's casualness and disregard for his father. "You are looking at things like a peasant. My father is wise and knows what he's doing," he defended his father, making Noboru look at him in amusement. "The fate and actions he chooses to take are what will keep all existences safe."

"Nice sentiment for someone under his protection who isn't seen as a threat. But I don't care for small talk, so let's just end this," Noboru said in a bored tone as he started walking towards Hikari.

"You took the words out of my mouth, Abomination! After all, why would I sully myself talking to a threat to my Father?" Hikari spat out, glaring at Noboru.

"It's time to finish you off, Abomination," Hikari yelled, his voice a harbinger of doom, as he reached for the seal of his second limiter—the second of the seven limiters that bound his true potential and power. "Behold the might of the one destined to ascend to the pinnacle of the heavens and rule after father," he proclaimed, an aura of golden Omni energy erupting from him with such intensity that it seemed to set the very essence of space aflame.

This wasn't merely a display of power; it was a declaration of his birthright of how much training he did to surpass Noboru and get his father's love that he craved, a statement etched in the annals of the cosmos itself. As Hikari, his name resonating with the light he was about to unleash, removed the seal, the boundless battlescape level 2 became a canvas for his celestial might. The golden omni energy, pure and overwhelming, cascaded across the beyond-infinite incomprehensible and unmeasurable expanse that was beyond size, a golden tide that ignited the atmosphere, transforming the air into a golden sea of fire.

"You will perish here, and in doing so, grant me the redemption of my father's love and respect," Hikari thundered, followed by his scream piercing the skies and ripping it in half as he unleashed his divine wrath upon Noboru. This was no ordinary battle; it was a spectacle of cosmic proportions, a clash that would be etched in the memory of the universe itself.

The Celestial Omni Energy, unbridled and unrestrained, tore through the fabric of existence, its fury unfathomable. Cracks emerged in the Boundless Battlescape Level 2, fissures in the very fabric of reality that, to the entities of such a transcendent plane or beyond, appeared no larger than the quantum foam. Yet, to those dwelling in lower realms, these fractures were as vast as the entirety of Boundless Battlescape Level 1, a testament to the unfathomable scale of their confrontation.

But the devastation wrought by Hikari's release of the second limiter's power did not end there. It surged through the infinite layers of Boundless Battlescape Level 2, a domain of such limitless where the layers themselves contained subatoms of Planes that transecnds infinite sets of hierarchies of realms, each containing infinite hierarchies of dimensions, which themselves home to infinite multiverses, each comprising infinite universes filled with innumerable worlds. The number of these worlds was infinite and never-ending.

Noboru observed Hikari's celestial firestorm, which he called a power-up, and let out a theatrical sigh. "My, my, little Hikari," he drawled, his voice a chilling chorus that seemed to emanate from his mouth. "Such a dazzling display! But all that light show and still nothing worth my time? Disappointing, truly."

"You dare speak to me as if I'm lesser trash, Abomination!" Hikari yelled out, his aura flaring.

Despite the raw power radiating from Hikari, a flicker of unease crossed Noboru's eyes. The sheer volume of Omni energy was impressive, undeniable. Perhaps a tad too impressive. He'd underestimated the young celestial. A mistake he wouldn't repeat to that level again.

"Redemption through your father's validation? How quaint," Noboru continued, each word dripping with mocking politeness. "Perhaps when you've finally conquered your daddy issues, you might actually pose a challenge. Until then, this little charade grows tiresome."

"How dare you! What do you know about being neglected for your older siblings? For being thought weaker than them!" Hikari roared out.

A grin stretched across Noboru's mouth, knowing he had gotten under Hikari's skin. "Though, I must admit, you've forced my hand a bit. It's been some time since I've indulged in this particular parlor trick. But for you, little Celestial, I'm willing to make an exception," Noboru says.

Noboru reached into the Omni Energy that seemed to reside within him. "Behold," he announced, a hint of genuine excitement battling the theatricality, "the true power of the Abomination!"

As he said that, he clenched his hands. "Crimson State!" Noboru yelled as...

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