The God Of Power

Chapter 95 - 95

Chapter 95: Chapter 95

Meanwhile in the Demon Goddess Realm

Ayame Akatsuki slumped in her seat. The normally radiant quality of her pearl-white skin had dimmed, leaving it pallid and almost lifeless. Her crimson hair, usually ablaze with vitality, hung dull, the vibrant red muted to a lifeless brown. This was not the Ayame everyone knew. A hollowness had settled in her, a stark contrast to the vibrant woman she usually was. Why?

The answer was clear: Noboru. Noboru Chikara, her love. Unlike others, Ayame wasn't born of flesh or Omni Energy. The Golden Being, a powerful entity, had not created her. She was Noboru's creation, a being forged from his loneliness during his imprisonment, born ages ago. She was bound to him, not just in life – she could survive his death, but the separation would leave her in this very same lifeless state. What she craved, the essence that fueled her existence, was his love. She was the Abstract Concept Of Loving And Being Loved By Noboru! She Cannot exist with Loving Noboru and neither can she exist without him loving her.

This unyielding devotion was a double-edged sword. Her very being, her soul, every fiber of her existence, rejected any connection, Any Man, Any Woman, Any Non-Binary, Any being but Noboru's. It was a curse, a reflection of his own isolation. Ayame was incapable of loving another. Incapable of feeling pleasure from anyone but Noboru himself. Her body would not react to any other man; it would be as if her body's receptors would turn the ability to feel pleasure off. Her mind was incapable of keeping any other man in it apart. Only when she was plotting to kill or seek revenge would any other man be thought of, but otherwise, she only had Noboru in her mind. Her mind, body, soul, and very essence could not and would reject the idea or even any attempts at any man engraving themselves on her mind, body, soul, and very essence apart from Noboru himself. Noboru could easily give her love and affection; Ayame was made for him. She was his perfect lover, and he was hers – it was the very essence of her being a demon, a creature born from Noboru's solitude. A being made to love only Noboru, no matter what happened, support him even if it meant her own annihilation or the annihilation of everyone and everything. Infidelity wasn't just a transgression; it meant her annihilation. The concept of her – her existence, her beauty, everything – would cease to exist. The very thought of betraying Noboru was anathema to her being, a violation of her core programming.

Theirs was a bond woven from the fabric of existence, an unbreakable tie that ensured their paths would always converge, their hearts forever entwined. Yet, within this connection, there was an imbalance. Her love for him burned with an intensity that threatened to consume her.

When Noboru perished, Ayame's connection to him faltered, her omnipresent energy source beginning to wane. She felt her life force diminish; she would have faced certain death if not for a miraculous event. Noboru didn't exactly survive but managed to reincarnate himself as the offspring of the Chikara Clan. This reincarnation preserved his love for her. Subsequently, she entered a state of stasis, her body transforming into stone as she awaited Noboru's rebirth as the progeny of Chikara. Even in this petrified state of stasis, she remained impervious to the Golden Being's power. He could neither sever the bond nor alter her fundamental essence to claim her as his own. Her loyalty, her very essence, remained exclusively Noboru's. Her identity, her concept, was immutable, unalterable by anyone, including Noboru himself.

Even authors of worlds, stories couldn't write her as someone else's love interest in their fanfiction, which were alternate worlds, because all it would be the said characters dreaming of being with her. Essentially, any fanfiction written with her as someone else's love interest would end with the said main character waking up to realize it was a dream and die instantly. Even with their death, she knew it, Noboru and her connection would erase that timeline, and if it contradicted her set core principles that went against her concept, the world would instantly be erased, destroyed. Ayame was Noboru's and Noboru's alone. No writer, god, or power can change that. Plus, she would destroy those lowly, unworthy men or women who dared to dream or even think of being with her; only Noboru was worthy.

A flicker of warmth ignited within her. She could sense Noboru's energy – he was locked in a fierce battle. With it came a surge of power, a return to her former strength. Ayame Akatsuki knew this all too well. Without Noboru, she was a mere ember. Yet, she embraced this truth. He was her creator, her purpose, and her love. He was everything.

Every time Noboru brushed with death, a cold dread washed over Ayame. Flashes of a terrifying memory bombarded her: Noboru, not the current one but his past life, his life force fading with each ragged breath, a giant gaping hole in his chest with blood spewing out like a river, his black hair turning dull brown as the world around her dissolved into suffocating gray.

Back then, the moment Noboru died, she'd gone numb. Her once-luminous pearl-white skin had paled, her vibrant crimson hair turning lifeless brown. She couldn't move, couldn't scream, couldn't even blink. It was like being locked in a cold, silent tomb. That's what happened when the love that fueled her very existence flickered and died.

Thankfully, before her existence could be destroyed, Noboru's love for her, a love that transcended lifetimes, left a tiny spark behind, even after his death. It was that spark that allowed him to be reborn as Noboru Chikara, the son of Hiroshi Chikara and Amaya Chakra. And with his rebirth, her petrified state cracked, her life force, her existence, returning.

However, that wasn't all; she had a memory of another terror. While Noboru was reincarnating and she was petrified The Golden Being had seen his chance to take her from Noboru. He craved Ayame, his desire a twisted parody of Noboru's love and his own lust. He wanted her as his because she loved Noboru and he hated him. He reached out, a tendril of golden energy swirling, seeking to rewrite her essence, her concept, to steal her love for himself.

But her very being, her concept, had rebelled. Agony ripped through her, a chilling emptiness echoing within. The Golden Being couldn't break the bond, couldn't erase Noboru from her heart. Ayame, petrified but defiant, proved her undying, unchanging love, a silent scream against his will. She was beyond any manipulation of concept, love, memories, and everything that opposed her love as long as it opposed her love she would transcend even those who transcend and bend abstract concepts cannot bend or alter her. Her love transcended everything and all concepts, and with it came unrivaled power.

Now, whenever Noboru faced danger, the memory of that terrifying loss would rise again. Her body would tense, her breath hitching in her throat. Even though she was no longer a cold statue, the fear of losing him again felt as real and raw as ever. She couldn't bear the thought of that spark fading, of her love for Noboru being the only thing left, a flickering ember in the endless void.

Ayame clenched her fists, the sharp points of her nails digging into her palms. The memory of Noboru's past death fueled a surge of power within her. It wasn't just raw emotion; it was a tangible force, a manifestation of her unwavering love. In those moments, when Noboru's life hung in the balance, she transcended limitations.

She wasn't just a being born from Noboru's loneliness. She was the embodiment of his love and her love for him, a concept given form. And that love, fierce and absolute, defied all boundaries. It was a weapon sharper than any blade, a shield stronger than any fortress.

As long as she fought to protect him, her love for Noboru burned with an intensity that could shatter realities. It didn't matter the opponent. Be it a god wielding absolute power, a being existing beyond the concept of dimensions, or even a realm built upon infinite hierarchies that held hierarchies of infinity within it—it didn't matter if these hierarchies held infinite, infinite hierarchies within them or power—her love would transcend them all.

Those hierarchies, infinite and complex as they might seem, were mere cages compared to the boundless nature of her devotion. She could tear through them like tissue paper, her love a raging inferno that consumed any concept that dared to oppose it. Even the very notion of infinity, a concept that stretched on forever, held no dominion over her. Her love burned brighter, a singularity that defied all limitations. Even an absolute infinity would be unraveled before her love for Noboru.

And contradictions? They were mere whispers in the face of her absolute devotion. The idea of everything and nothing existing simultaneously—a paradox meant to break logic—was irrelevant to her. Her love existed in a space beyond such limitations, a testament to the power of a single, unwavering heart.

This power, however, came at a cost. It could only be accessed when she felt Noboru's love. At other times, it lay dormant, a sleeping giant within her. But that didn't make her any less formidable. Even using her love for Noboru granted her immense strength and abilities that would place her at least in the top 10 strongest beings in all of existence. If she were to use Noboru's love, however, there would be none apart from Noboru who could stop her. After all, the love that could shatter, surpass, and unravel everything and nothing wasn't something easily extinguished.

A flicker of determination hardened her gaze. Noboru might not be aware of the depths of her power, but that didn't matter. He was her purpose, her reason for being. And as long as he drew breath, she, Ayame Akatsuki, would stand as his unwavering guardian, a love so fierce it could defy the very fabric of existence and non-existence itself.

Ayame's eyes widened as she sensed Noboru's life force dwindling; he was in what she felt was the crimson state and in a part of existence that shouldn't exist, created by that bastard Uncle od Noboru and The Golden Being's energy. "So that's where you sent him, Nijuu... Don't worry, Noboru, I'm coming," Ayame declared with determination, her voice a fusion of rage and resolve. Her crimson red energy surged around her, but she knew she couldn't teleport directly to him—it would alert the Uncle and The Golden Being who had trapped Noboru. She would have to traverse realms with a raging scream, her speed transcending the concept boundaries of space, time and speed itself. "Just you wait, whoever you are. I will erase you from existence. How dare you touch my Noboru, my love, my life!" she yelled, her declaration echoing across the dimensions.

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