The Goddess is a Little Pitiful, I Invested in Her!

Chapter 66: Zhang Mengyao Facing a Life Decision!

Chapter 66: Zhang Mengyao Facing a Life Decision!

Chapter 66 Zhang Mengyao Facing a Life Decision!

In the past few days, Qi Yun always felt like someone was watching him during class. It was as if someone was staring at him with a particularly resentful gaze.

He felt a chilling sensation behind him. But when he turned around, he didnt see anyone.

Mengyao, why have you been staring at Qi Yun? Tell me you still like him?

Zhang Mengyaos best friend poked her and asked with a hint of gossip.

Zhang Mengyao shook her head, sighed, and rested her head on the desk.

I am facing a difficult life decision right now!

What decision? Asked her friend.

Between my self-esteem and happiness, I can only choose one. Zhang Mengyao replied.

Huh? Her friend looked puzzled.

Zhang Mengyao explained softly. It turned out that on Monday, she discovered a beautifully decorated shop next to their school. It was right beside Yizhong High School.

Oh, Ive seen that shop, but I havent had a chance to go. Its a milk tea shop called Snow Tea! Her friend guessed it immediately.

Snow Tea had become quite famous, but everyone thought it was expensive.

Zhang Mengyaos friend hadnt been there yet.

Yes! Thats the shop! I passed by there and bought a cup of milk tea! Zhang Mengyao held her face, revealing a smile.

From that moment, I realized all the milk tea I had drunk before was rubbish! Ive decided that Ill only drink their milk tea from now on!

Isnt that too exaggerated? So whats the problem?

But I realized that I cant drink it anymore!

Huh? Cant drink it? Did they go out of business?

No! Zhang Mengyao shook her head.

Cant you afford it? Did your family stop giving you pocket money?

Her friend was even more confused.

Zhang Mengyao belongs to a well-off family, better off than most of their classmates. Its not like she couldnt afford a cup of milk tea.

No, its not that. Do you know who owns that shop? Zhang Mengyao asked her friend.


Its Lian Qingxue and Qi Yun!

Really? Her friend exclaimed in surprise.

Opening a milk tea shop is quite novel for two classmates.

Its true. A few days ago, I went to the milk tea shop and ran into Lian Qingxue and Qi Yun. The employees there called them the boss.

Zhang Mengyaos friend looked at the backs of Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue and admired them a bit.

Its not that a milk tea shop was impressive, but for students who still relied on their families for money, earning their own money is already an excellent thing.

Are you even listening to me? Zhang Mengyao felt a little dissatisfied with her friends distraction.

Im listening, so whats the matter?

Listen, and then?

And then I cant go to buy milk tea anymore!

Huh? Why? Her friend was confused.

Do you hate Qi Yun? No, do you hate Lian Qingxue? Love rival?

No Zhang Mengyao sighed.

I gave up a long time ago, okay!

She felt helpless.

To talk about the beginning, she didnt like Lian Qingxue either. But she held on to a glimmer of hope.

After all, Qi Yun used to like her, and she even confessed to him. But in the end, Qi Yun ended up with Lian Qingxue.

Zhang Mengyao was unwilling.


Zhang Mengyao realized that besides her family background, nothing could compare to Lian Qingxue.

Comparing herself to Lian Qingxue made her desperate, and she finally gave up.

She decided to act as if these two people didnt exist in the class.

I just feel that if I go to their place to buy milk tea, its a bit awkward! Its so embarrassing! She said.

Her friend thought for a moment and understood.

If it were her, she would also avoid that shop. Nothing else, just to maintain a bit of self-esteem.

Besides, meeting Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue there would be so awkward!

Then why dont you go?

I wont go! But I realized that I have contracted lovesickness. Im not happy all day if I dont have their milk tea for a day! I dream about drinking their milk tea! I feel like my life is so difficult right now!

Zhang Mengyao had a mournful face.

So thats why youve been staring at Qi Yun like that? If it werent for him opening that shop, you wouldnt be feeling like this! Her friend comforted Zhang Mengyao.

Dont blame the milk tea shop. The milk tea shop is innocent. If Qi Yun didnt open it, it would be fine! Zhang Mengyao immediately said.

Her friend: Okay, so its confirmed. You dont love Qi Yun anymore. Youve fallen in love with the milk tea shop!

During dinner, Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue went to eat together, not in the classroom.

Suddenly, someone in the classroom said, Hey, you did well on the last test. It seems like you improved by more than ten points!

It did improve by over ten points, but didnt you notice? My ranking hasnt changed much. It seems like the grades in our class have all improved.

Yeah, now that you mention it, I thought I did really well on the last test, but when I checked, my ranking dropped by two spots!

Its all thanks to Qi Yuns teaching, right? Someone said.

Yes, ever since Qi Yun started teaching, I feel much easier while doing the problems.

Me too!

The classmates initially thought it was just their feeling, but today when they talked about it, everyone had the same feeling. This confirmed that it was indeed thanks to Qi Yun.

Do you think we should show some appreciation? Someone hesitantly said.

How should we express it? By giving gifts?

Everyone shook their heads, feeling that it would be strange to do so among classmates.

I I have an idea! Zhang Mengyao raised her hand. We can go to his milk tea shop and drink milk tea!

Zhang Mengyao felt that she was so clever!

By blending in with her classmates, she wouldnt feel awkward anymore!

Thus, Qi Yun received some terrible news.

The milk tea shop was profitable!

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