The Greatest Extra in history

Chapter 41: Benefactor of the world tree

Chapter 41: Benefactor of the world tree

Sword and magic blessing. The biggest factor that allowed Richard to become the main character in the novel The fallen Empire', and Raymond was now trying to take the power away from Richard.

Sylvia explained that the stone statue of Dayrian, the first Devil's Bloodline user,  was asleep in the deepest part of the boundary within the world tree's spring water.

"Should I show you right away?"

"No, there's a herb that I need before that."

He needs some preparation in order to minimize the side effects before being blessed. Raymond gave Sylvia a list of herbs he needed.

They weren't as common as the herbs, such as "Tears of the Crescent" or "Star of the Night," but fortunately, Sylvia possess them.

Raymond didn't have to make them as potions, so he just chewed it in his mouth. The taste was bitter, but it wasn't unbearable.

"Let's go."

He finished eating. With this herbs, the backlash of the blessing will decrease a lot. Raymond followed Sylvia. Soon, she opened the door to the boundary and went into it.

As they passed by the world's tree spring water and entered the forest a little deeper, he saw a sword-shaped stone statue stuck in the ground.

Raymond noticed at a glance that the statue, which was covered with intense mana, was the same as the author describe the "Sword and Magic Blessings" mentioned in the Novel.

"Gesteine, and Desia."

"I wait for the master's order."

The two escort approached and bowed their heads.

"Until the blessing is over, don't let anyone approach me."

This was the deep part of the boundary where there are few other Elfs. But just in case, it was better to be prepared on every variables he may encounter.

"Will you obey my orders?"

"The shield will always be next to your Highness, the Fifth Prince.

Upon hearing Gesteine and Desia's answers, Raymond nodded with a satisfied look and stepped toward the stone statue.

The closer he got to the stone statue, the erratic his heart beats. The reason why Richard became the main character was now in front of him.

The power left by the first Devil's Bloodline user, Dayrian, I take this.

He stopped walking and soon reached the stone statue.

I'm sorry, Richard, but this is mine.

As soon as he touched it, the stone statue poured out strong energy. The energy pouring out like a waterfall, was absorbed by Raymond's body.

"It's starting."

Raymond's eyes cooled down. The energy started reconstructing his body in order for him to use Aura and Mana at the same time.

At first he was surrounded by light, then a weak pain in the stomach began as if he had an upset stomach, however, soon the pain spread to his heart.

At the same time, he felt his veins widening and pain came like hundreds of needles were poking his heart.

"Argh!"~~~Read this on

As the pain spread throughout his body, Raymond stumbled with a short moan. Unlike the noble name of, "Sword and Magic Blessings" it was actually a reconstruction of his whole body in order to let nana and aura flow without any conflict, so the pain was severe.

"Your Highness, the Fifth Prince!"

"Don't come near him!"

Gesteine was surprised by Raymond's pained appearance and tried to come near him, however, Desia blocked him. As a wizard on the verge of being at the same level of the tower Master, she noticed what was happening in Raymond's body.

She squinted her eyes and looked at the change' that took place in Raymond's body.

The reconstruction of his body also gave her great enlightenment.

She even thought that if she analyzed this a little more when she had time, she might be able to cross the wall that was tightly blocking her.


The pain got worse and worse, making it difficult to stand on two feet. Raymond stumbles and collapsed helplessly.

Gesteine wanted to run and support him right away, however, he had no choice but to endure it desperately as he heard from Desia why he should not intervene now.


He collapsed and vomited blood. His body was currently experiencing an extreme pain that his intestines were messed up and vomited blood.

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Even knowing the plot, taking the necessary herbs to suppress the pain in advance, the pain was still unbearable. He thought, How on earth Richard survived this pain even without taking the herbs?'

It seemed that winning the title of the main character was not just because he was loved by the author.

"Dame Desia. How long do we have to wait?"

Gesteine couldn't stand the frustration and asked anxiously. Three hours have already passed. Unlike Desia and Sylvia, who was waiting calmly, Gesteine was restless.

When Raymond complained of extreme pain, he overreacted unlike the usual.

"I don't know either."

"What are you sure about?"

"I have one. If the commander got closer to the Fifth Prince it'll bother him."

In response to Desia's answer, Gesteine bit his lips with an unsatisfied face. Seeing that, Desia thought it was fortunate that Lisefield wasn't here.

Even Gesteine, who is quiet and usually refrains from expressing his emotions, was like this. Thinking about the fussy blue tower master, his reaction may be worst, right?

Just imagining it makes her want to sigh.

"We have no choice but to wait now."

All they can do now is to wait.

* * *

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On the first day, he suffered from pain all day long. As time went by, the pain got worse and his whole body did not stop twisting.

On the second day, his bidy reconstruction was ongoing and there was no end in sight. Although he read the novel, he realized that the theory and practice were different.

On the third day, his could not scream in pain anymore. He could only breathe heavily.

Gesteine continued to bit his lips anxious, and Desia looked around nervously.

Sylvia brought them meal, but the loyal escorts stood next to Raymond neither eating nor drinking anything.

And as time passed, the morning of the fourth day after Raymond's blessing started, Sylvia, who had been staying with them, suddenly turned pale and went out of the deep boundary.

She returned after about 30 minutes and delivered some news to Gesteine and Desia.

"We have to run away right now."

She delivered the news with a pale face. However, Desia and Gesteine did not budge.

"We are the Fifth Prince men, we don't run away."

"I'll be by his side to the end too."

Sylvia could only bit her lips at the sincere appearance of the two. She realized that persuasion didn't work for them.

She disappeared again, leaving the one armed knight and the Wizard protecting Raymond. How much time has passed?


Raymond regained consciousness. In extreme pain, he twisted and vomited dozens or hundreds of times to the point where his bones were dislocated, but now he felt refreshed as if he was born again.

"Give it to me!"

"Your Highness!"

Gesteine and Desia, who noticed that the reconstruction was over, came over him running. They thought Raymond would be exhausted and tried to support him, but they didn't have to.

Raymond refused their touch and stood at once.

His whole body was full of energy. He didn't sleep a wink in pain for four days, but he felt refreshed as if he had a good night's sleep.

"Lord, we have to get out of here quickly."

The blessing just ended. What did he mean? When Raymond seemed to ask for an explanation, Desia opened her mouth in time.

"The village is being attacked."

"What's the size of your enemy?"

"It's estimated to be mercenaries and the scale is more than 300."

An ordinary mercenary of 300, the Elf Patrol of the Platier Elven Tribe could handle them. However, they are those who breached through the boundaries. It may have weakened, but it was still the boundary of the world tree. Having it breached it means that they aren't ordinary.

"First, let's go out of the deep boundary."

In order to get out of the village of the Platier Elven Tribe, they had to come out of the deep boundary where the World Tree's Spring Water reside.

"I'll take the lead."

"I'll leave it up to you, Gesteine."

Gesteine, who pulled out a sword, took the lead. As soon as they got out of the deep boundary, the scenery tht they was the village on fire and the elves being taken somewhere by the mercenaries' rough hands.

Some were being severely beaten. They haven't noticed their side yet.

They could run away now, but Raymond look at Gestein's back for a moment. The sword he is holding in his right hand was shaking slightly.

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It seems that there he was in a deep conflict between the knight's pledge not to tolerate injustice and the commander's pledge to defend the lord at the risk of his life.

"Lord, I'll lead you on a safe path"

He soon made his decision, but Raymond smiled and shook his head.

"Raise my flag here."

"My lord, there are 300 enemies"

Revealing a flag means participating'.

"But surely the number would have decreased due to the engagement bu the Elf Patrol of the Platier Elven Tribe."

"Your Highness, it's too dangerous."

"It was said that a High-ranking knight of the Pilias Empire could face hundred of men, was that wrong?"

He can't lose Sylvia like this. Raymond lightly stimulated Gesteine's pride and he soon strengthened his resolution.

"If it's dangerous, we are going to step down."

At Gesteine's words, Raymond nodded.

"When that happens, I'll follow the words of the Commander."

As Raymond smirked as he finished speaking, Gesteine sighed briefly and put the flagpole on the floor and spread the flag.

Only then did the mercenaries' eyes begun to noticed them.

"That looks like the flag of the imperial family."

"What should we do?

No matter how reckless the mercenaries were, facing the imperial family was a terror.

Except for the sobbing and groaning here and there, isn't like the time stopped?

"Where is the Lord?"

"If the Lord is not here, can't we kill him?"

Leader, what should we do?

The Lord could not be seen around, so the mercenary captain could not easily make a decision. It was because he thought all of this might be a trap.

While his worries deepened, there were people who moved first.

They hid in the dark and pulled out sharp daggers, looking at their appearance they weren't mercenaries. Those who belong to the black shadow and walk on the dark path, Assassins.


Desia reached forward.

The blue mana shield prevented the shower of daggers from piercing them. At the same time, Raymond reached out his hands and chanted a spell.

"Ice Spears!"

Ice Spears poured down from the sky. In front of the powerful power of High-ranking magic, more than ten mercenaries collapsed without even resisting.

"Who is attacking?"

The mercenary captain asked, but of course, no one answered.

It was the immediate subordinates of the Second Prince, not his men, who started attacking.

~~~Read this on

But now that things have gone wrong, they had no choice but to kill Fifth Prince to survive.


The mercenaries all turned toward Raymond. Those who moved first were the equestrian mercenary.

A twenty-year-old mercenary, waiting near the mercenary captain, pointed at Raymond.

"Where is she aiming at?"

Mana's flow was felt from the back. Desia started another Magic Spell.

At the same time, as the mercenary equestrian squad speeded up, the completed magic fell over their heads. The attack of sharp ice debris caused horses to collapse and horse-riding soldiers to fall.

"There's a wizard!"

"At least two!"

The mercenaries were busy, but Raymond didn't just sit still.

"The Platier Elven Tribe's Elf patrols gather under this flag!"

This ignited resistance. Elf patrols who were resisting nearby gathered near them. The number was not large, but it was enough to go against the remaining mercenaries.

"There's not a lot of people! Men, charge!"

The equestrian squad was wiped out, but the number of mercenaries was still large. Among them, there were archers, and very few were intermediate or low-level knights, there were also wizards.


Arrows poured from the sky and the magic attack done by the mercenary wizards penetrated the air.

Desia unfolded the Mana Shield, and the elf patrol team, which regrouped under the flag of the Fifth Prince, also fired arrows nonstop.

There were not many mercenaries left in engagement with the Elf patrol. With the magic of Raymond and Desia, their numbers declined rapidly.

However, since this was not the end, a new group emerged when the mercenaries were nearly wiped out.

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