The Harem Teacher at Elreis Sorceress Academy

Book 6: Chapter 5: The Second Backdoor Staff Meeting

Book 6: Chapter 5: The Second Backdoor Staff Meeting

The next day, I was being yelled by Liesl in the headmistresss office.

I really cant believe you did that! One more step, and well both be doomed!

Thats why I said its okay already. Ive already used my spell to deceive them.

I gave another sigh at Liesls constant lecturing, then switched my eyes at the documents at hand as I let her words sink in.

What are youare you going to get a new woman again!? Even though I did all that yesterday!?

I did, huh. So, you already knew that and still played along. Some dignified knight teacher you are.

Well, it was true that the sex with Liesl had relieved some of my pent-up desire, which had built up pretty bad that day.

Still, that doesnt mean its gonna calm down now just because of having released inside her once.

It was even more so since Im the type to enjoy fucking women as both a hobby and a consolation; as many partners I do, the better my feeling is.

In the first place, theres no need to worry about having too many; after all, the academy will eventually replace hundreds of students per year.

In the case of students, there are only three years in which I can casually enjoy them if I started ensnaring when theyre still in their first years.

But as for the current third years and graduating studentswell, I dont think its a good idea to hold the students back. Its a shame, but its also not wise to be greedy.

Among my girls, the third-year students are Hannah and Inez.

Both of them are quite beautiful, and their bodies are to my liking. Its a shame that I wont be able to hold them after this year.

Well, I can still meet them in the country if I want to.

Im free to do whatever I want in the school. What makes you think Ill stop reaching out to the women here, who are already ripe and at my picking?

Sigh. It seems that my words are not more effective than a mosquito bite

Liesl spoke as if she had given up.

With this, now I can slowly select my next target.

When I was about to open the document again, someone opened the door roughly and came in.

T-Theo! This is bad!

Julia, what are you in such a hurry for?

When Julia found me, she came straight towards my seat.

Bad news, actually, mother isthe chancellor is coming back!

What? The chancellor?

It was Liesl who raised the voice of surprise, and not me.

Then, she asks Julia in a hurry.

Hasnt the chancellor been invited to a foreign country as an advisor? Why is she coming back so early?

Yes, that was indeed the story.

She must have been invited there to give advice on how to build a magic school because of her success in building this school.

And I thought that it would take several years to work from scratch.

No matter how much experience she had, he would have to be careful about doing the same thing in a different climate, customs, and traditions.

And most importantly, she cant just come and go home like this.

But she really ended it just like that! She said that shell leave the rest to the disciple she made over there, and because of that, she was able to pack up and go back surprisingly quick! Were running out of time, Theo!

In such a short span of time, she was able to develop the proper human resources for this? Wow, the chancellor is really impressive. As expected of her.

Liesl spoke, fascinated by the skills of the literal boss of her school.

But Im not interested in that.

Either way, she isnt going to be easy.

I immediately thought of several countermeasures against the chancellor.

What are you going to do, Theo? If we budged this, wed be as good as charcoal in the stake!

We? You mean youre included as well? But shes your mother, isnt she?

My mother would never forgive me. Shes very strict and probably thinks Im just a convenient apprentice rather than a daughter.

Julia spoke gloomily. While Im expecting their relationship to be wrong, considering how happy-go-lucky she was on the first time we met, but I didnt expect it to be this bad.

Shes a good teacher, but her parenting skills are close to none, huh. If she, the daughter is saying that, then there is a good chance that it is likely to be true.

After all, I only learned to play around when I was in my twenties.

no way, then Im also involved too?

Liesl asks in fear upon sensing how serious the atmosphere is. Of course, you are, doofus. This chapter is translated by neorecormon of stabbingwithasyringe translations.

Well, so far, I havent done anything to undermine the students, except for the fact of being embraced by me.

Though as her daughter, its odd for me to say this, but for my mom, this school is the second most important thing after her life. If she knew that Theo is putting hands on her students there, she wouldugh.

Even the usually optimistic Julia is terrified.

Well, what do you know? The chancellor cares more about her business than her family.

Whats more, looking at the records, she treats it more like a divine place rather than a school. Once she catches someone committing lewd acts on her campus, even if its a completely biological action like masturbating, she calls for their immediate expulsion.

No wonder Julia is so wild outside when she met me.

B-but! Even up to now, I have never been caught before, so theres still the possibility that the chancellor might not even notice.

Youre not helping here, Liesl.

Thats impossible. My mother has applied so much magic security in this school that there are literally no blind spots to her, not even an ant to crawl in. If she comes back and sees the records, shell definitely discover what weve done. Ive expected her to come years after that, which is enough time for me to erase every trace. But now

Julia plopped down on the guest seat and looked solemnly at me.

Seeing her state, Liesl also ran out of room to be calm, clinging to me to find even a sliver of hope.

Theophil, what should we do? Cant you do something about that magic? Youre a former court wizard, right?

Her impatience was growing, and she was even breaking out in a cold sweat.

I sighed and took out a handkerchief from my pocket and handed it to Liesl.

Your face is being unsightly. Here, wipe it.

S-sorry. And thank you, Theophil.

She took it and wiped the sweat off her forehead.

About that, Ive also thought of tampering the surveillance magic the chancellor has set up, even from a while back.

So, what do you think?

As it turns out, neither disarming nor altering it is practical in this situation.

I said this with some irritation.

Tell me what you mean by that.

First of all, Liesl. Do you know the Chancellors background?

She shakes her head at my question.

Well, that s typical for the likes of you normal people.

You mean mom is an abnormal person?

Not just abnormal, super freakishly abnormal. When I was still a teenager who just came out of the countryside, I joined the countrys Magic Research Society. At that time, do you know what position she has back then?

I dont know. Aside from being a famous sorceress, she hasnt told me anything.

She was the head of the court wizards back then and the first woman to be at that.

Also, the spell that was cast in the school was ingrained down to its very foundations.

While it is not impossible to break it, as all you have to do is destroy the whole school, it is nearly impossible to unlock it from the outside in a short time. Even I, a former court wizard, will take a couple of years even if I put all my effort into it.

She even perhaps put more effort into building this stuff than caring for her daughter.

But honestly, her sudden return caught me off-guard. The spell is like a puzzle, with dozens to hundreds of advanced defense formulas clumped together perfectly to create an intricate web.

Its not impossible to solve, but it takes time. Since I thought that the chancellor will be away for a long time, I didnt tamper with it much yet, which is why Im very irritated right now.

Since we have no other solutions to this, our only chance was to charge in front. Im gonna make the chancellor my target and make her acknowledge my actions herself.

I dont have the mindset to just leave the beautiful girls in front of me alone and escape as a fugitive while they get busy with the puzzle to save their lives. So I went for the quickest way.

Julia, give me all the data you can find.

Got it.

At my words, she quickly stood up and took out a stack of papers from her desk.

This is everything I know about mothers magic.

Julia handed me a document that was filled with data about the Chancellor.

Wha-! Why are these things here

Liesl couldnt help but scream at the discovery of this document.

Whats listed in these documents is a lot of information one wouldnt normally know, such as magic power levels and the magic habits of every user of magic. Subscribe to my WordPress to receive the latest updates and chapters.

Ive been planning to go to war with the chancellor sooner or later. I had Julia make it for me.

But because it is still too early, only information that is useful for combat is listed thereAre are you really going to fight mother?

Once again, Julia implores me.

Dont worry. Im not going to kill her.

Sigh, I wonder where is that confidence coming fromshes a former court wizard too, you know? Whats more, as what you have said, shes your former boss.

I know, I know. Also, she was never my boss. She has already quit her position since I became a court wizard. Im just speaking the difference between her strength and our strength.

What, youre counting on us too? Im sorry, but even with my skills, I wouldnt hold a candle on her even in a few seconds. Maybe even Liesl too.

Julia seemed to think that she would not be able to help.

But Liesl is not happy about being put together with her either.

Muu, even if my magic skills are not as good as you two, my sword skills are not as inferior to a high knight.

Indeed, Liesl is probably one of the best melee fighters in this school.

Exempting her two large weights on his chest, her strength would have increased by several percent if she had a more mobile body.

However, for me, her chest is more important than her fighting prowess.

A few seconds can determine the difference between life and death in a fight.

Hmmm, that may be true, but

Liesl said she could at least buy some time, but Julia could not shake off her uneasiness to her friend.

Okay, now that were settled, heres what well do.

I beckoned the two of them and told them the plan.

Of course, the chancellor would hear the meeting in this room soon as she returned, so I used strict soundproofing magic around us.

In order to avoid being detected by reading the movements of their mouths, I also used an invisibility spell to block their lips from view.

Why!? Are you nuts! Im against this! Is there no other way? What if it doesnt work!

But after hearing my plan, Liesl was the first one to react.

I see. This is certainly a blind spot that even the other side isnt aware of.

But Julia was in awe instead.

B-but still, I dont believe it. Isnt this against your code of hurting women?

Weve already reached this point, Liesl. Theres no turning back. also dont underestimate my mother. If she wins, we die. Well, to be honest, its quite the devilish method you got there, Theo. Even I really want to test it now.

At this point, it doesnt matter what method you use anymore, as long as it gets results. But are you really willing to do this, Julia? Your life will be at stake.

Our lives are already at stake the moment we crossed her. And mine the moment I hunted for men and going into the bars at night. Plus, Ive always wanted to see if my mother has even a sliver of care towards me.

So, you being a bad girl from the start is all about trying to catch her attention, huh.

Fufufu, well, you could say that.

The Liesl seemed to be disapproving till the end, but she has no choice but to go along.

Now, then, Madame Chancellor. Lets see how you are gonna come out of this.

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