The Healer Banished From The Party, In Fact, Is The Strongest

Chapter 16 - Unbelievably, Another Reunion


Morning of the next day, we immediately went to the dining room to get breakfast.

The adventurers that had an appointment with Narsena seemed to be a busy person, they didnt have time unless we went this early.

So, because we needed to hurry to the adventurer guild, we started to eat our breakfast right away.

Come to think of it, I heard quite some rackets yesterday, did something happen?

Huh? Ehhhh~? O-Onii-san hear that!?

Even though there was some slight time loss because Narsena was suddenly frozen on the spot because of my question in the middle of our breakfast, we somehow still able to leave in the early morning to head to the adventurer guild.

But, as we were closing in to the guild, I started to feel dejected.

It was early morning now, still, while this was a time where there were no adventurers around, the guilds staffs would be there.

I was concerned about the possibility of meeting the guilds staff that treated me badly.

Beside Almast, there were quite a few guilds staffs that treated me badly.

If the guilds staff currently working there was someone who treated me badly, surely they would try to ridicule me now after a long time I didnt go there.


In that case, surely trouble would occur.When I imagined that, I unconsciously let out a sigh.

Current me aside, I just realized how hard it would be to deal with those guilds staffs.

Certainly, it was also true a few days ago, but it was overshadowed by Narsenas sudden outburst toward Almast.

Right now, I had enough self-confidence to ignore any insult thrown by those guilds staffs.

However, Narsena would absolutely not just stand still if I was ridiculed by them.

And if Narsena runs away from the guild just like last time, it would be really troublesome.

Hahh~ what to do

Thinking about that easily imagined future, I was troubled at what I should do.

As I thought Onii-san If Onii-san doesnt like to go to the adventurer guild, then lets not go there unless its a real emergency.

In the meantime, Narsena whispered something to me, but I was too concentrated on the other issue that I didnt notice.

After all, it was a really big problem if Narsena rushed out from the guild again.

If Narsena got too emotional and left the guild right away, we might not able to fulfill the meeting, and Narsena wouldnt be able to report her survival to her parents home.

If so, her family might end up making Narsena quit adventuring.

I didnt know about her family, but with how a really busy adventurerimplicating a top-notch adventurerbecame a go-between of Narsena and her family, Narsena might be a daughter of a big merchant or a daughter of one of the guild executive.

And such a wealthy family should be reluctant about letting their daughter working as an adventurer who risked their lives on a daily basis.

That was why, it was understandable that Narsena was obligated to report her survival to a first-class adventurer and failed to do so would be ended up in her quit adventuring.

I want to prevent that situation no matter what.

Narsena is my important party member, moreover, my benefactor.

I dont want we become separated for such reason.

And so, I desperately thought about what to do if the guilds staff was someone who treated me badly

Ohh, were here already?

Onii-san, Im here so everything will be alright!

However, we arrived at the adventurer guild before I reached an answer.

While regretting that I couldnt come up with a good idea, I spoke to Narsena.

Narsena, if the receptionist says something that insults me, please dont mind

Narsena overreacted when someone said insulting things toward me.

It was her virtue that she was cherishing her friends, but this time, it backfired.

Even if I told her now, it didnt matter if she ended up getting emotional anyway when it mattered.

Even still, better than saying nothing, I still told her to suppress her emotion.

Just leave it to me, Onii-san! Im here after all !


But for some reason, Narsena, full of enthusiasm, went into the guild without listening to me.

Huh? No, wait! Narsena!

Seeing her, blood drained from my face.

I didnt know why Narsena was so motivated, but this became the worst development thanks to that motivation.

In this situation, I no longer worried about her action.

Please let the guilds staff that receive us one who doesnt treat me badlyI prayed to the omnipotent Creation God who gave skills to the human and followed Narsena into the guild.

Narsena-sama, and her companion, Raust-san. Please come this way.



When I saw that the receptionist was not one who treated me badly, I gave my gratitude to the Creation God.

From there, guided by the receptionist, we went to the inner part of the guild.

I had prepared myself, but nobody makes a fuss

During that time, Narsena was dissatisfied by something, while I was deeply relieved.

Even still, it had been a long time since my emotion was shaken that far.

Until now, I have tried to suppress my emotion as much as possible.

That was how I protected myself in order to spend my days in this adventurer guild.

However, these days, I felt like Ive been revealing an unbelievable amount of my emotions.

I think I care about Narsena so much I couldnt suppress my emotion.

Thinking that, I was aware once again how strongly I didnt want to be separated from Narsena.

Really, how much has she saved me?

Well, I dont mind being kept in suspense like this.

Perhaps because I was thinking about it, but despite my worry, those words escaped my mouth in a small voice.

And I who noticed that, show a bigger smile.

However, at that time, I was wrapped in my sense of relief I forgot a certain thing.

It was Narsenas adventurer acquaintance.

I didnt forget their existence, but because various things had happened, my awareness of said adventurer had become so weak

Were here.


Hmm? Ohh you finally here !?

That was why, when the receptionist opened the door, I was startled.

If I was a little calmer, I might have noticed the possibility.

Among adventurers, only so few of them could be called top-notch.

In other words, it was not strange if that person was someone I knew.

I only noticed now that I saw the lady who relaxed gracefully on the opposite end of the door.


Ohhh, isnt it Raust!

Huh? Ehhhh~!

The adventurer in the room was no other than the top-notch adventurer who became my master and trained me for a while.

Sorry, I went home from my Aunts house and, probably because of the extreme temperature different (its really hot here), I fell sick

I kinda have recovered this morning, but decided to just rest, this chapter is finished while Im resting, just slowly going on each line while I read other things, unfortunately, it kinda ended up in a cliffhanger but I should be able to finish next chapter tomorrow.

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