The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life

Chapter 595

Chapter 595 Last Calamity (1)

It was an unusual morning.

As soon as the day dawned, people moved constantly, and the soldiers of the Korean Empire controlled ordinary citizens in perfect order.

“Citizens classified as zone A from 1 to 1000 and zone B from 1001 to 2000 are subject to protection, please move to the zone that applies to you in turn.”

“The materials will be provided inside the shelter.”

“You don’t have to rush. The time predicted by the absolutes is still one day away, and even if you are attacked right now, your defense system is perfectly prepared. Once you enter the shelter, you cannot come out until all the situations are over, so you can enter the shelter after making sure that there are no missing parts, and follow the guidance of the soldiers.”

Soldiers from all sides raised their voices.

Since it was a part that had been thoroughly trained in the meantime, confusion could not be found from those who controlled the citizens.

according to the complete manual.

Ordinary citizens were guided to shelters.

Looking at the series of situations, a soldier of the Korean Empire showed a surprised expression.

“… People can change so much. Just a few years ago, everyone was scrambling to enter the shelter, causing confusion everywhere and delaying time. Now, even in the face of a cataclysm worse than then, people are not shaken.”

“Isn’t it natural? The Kang Min-ho incident proved what kind of person His Majesty Emperor Roman Dmitry was.”

Kang Min-ho case.

The failed assassination of Jo Dong-seop gave a tremendous shock to the people behind the CCTV.

The Absolute was not God.

At the same time as revealing the truth, Roman Dmitri saved Kang Min-ho’s life in front of everyone.

The appearance at that time completely broke people’s common sense.

The absolute was not an existence that could not be dared to oppose, and above all, Roman Dmitri’s sincerity was confirmed that he would protect his own person without fail.


If you hold on and hold on.

Roman Dmitry will appear and solve all your problems.

Just as Kang Min-ho, who was about to die, survived, Roman Dmitri will never abandon people.

Hope spread.

At first, there were people who resisted the training to prepare for despair, but now they are united and gritted their teeth against Roman Dmitri.

All showed strong faith. Roman Dmitri is the only person who can solve the crisis of mankind, and he wanted to cooperate with him as much as possible to show that mankind is united.

view of the present.

It was a result of that.

People conducted preliminary training to move to the shelter, and when the day came, there was no confusion.

They were confident that they would survive. Of

course, not everyone will survive, but the future with no promise and the future with hope are different from people’s mindset.

A soldier who appeared to be a superior soldier said.

“No one in this world dares to disobey the orders of His Majesty Emperor Roman Dmitry. If there is such a person, he must be out of his mind or a minion of the Absolute. And look at that. Who would doubt Shelter’s system after seeing that kind of appearance?”

where the soldier pointed.

In their field of vision, they saw a father seeing off his daughter.

* * *

Kang Min-ho’s face was full of worries.

In the meantime, I prepared a lot of parts, but I was worried about sending my young daughter.

“It’s Minah. Don’t be too scared if you don’t have a dad, follow your uncle, eat well, play games if you’re bored, and wait for him. As long as Mina believes in Dad and waits patiently, I will definitely come back.”

“Don’t worry, Dad.”

Minah Kang smiled.

Even though she is still in her early teens, Kang Min-ah tried to smile in order to lighten Kang Min-ho’s burden.

My heart ached.

If it was a peaceful world, Kang Min-ah, who lost her only mother at an age where she would be ignorant of the world and complain, had to grow up.

In particular, Kang Min-ho’s case shocked her immensely.

The fact that Kang Min-ho almost died trying to protect her, she never tried to burden Kang Min-ho.


one and only father

I didn’t want to put myself in danger just to protect myself.

Kang Min-ho carefully checked everything about his daughter and looked at the man next to him when he said that the scheduled time had come.


“Do not worry.”

The man he called uncle was a member of the guards.

During the battle, he received an irreversible injury and asked him to take care of Kang Min-ah, who was classified as a protection target. The man readily agreed.

The reason he was still able to survive was thanks to Kang Min-ho, so he vowed to make sure that Kang Min-ah would not get hurt even if he risked his life.

It was time to leave.

But the steps did not slow down.

Kang Min-ho was sure of the victory of mankind, but he was not sure that he could return to his daughter.


I remembered the words of Roman Dmitri.

‘His Majesty the Emperor said. We cannot guarantee the lives of everyone in battle, but we will put the safety of those we want to protect at the risk of our lives as our top priority. That one fact is enough for me.’

It was the emperor’s consideration.

Roman Dmitry organized the combat troops, but those who had something to protect, such as Kang Min-ho, were placed in the appropriate positions.

It was a way to maximize combat power.

If a catastrophe is a fight that must be responded to defensively anyway, I knew where to place people to achieve maximum efficiency.

I thanked the emperor.

At least the fact that he was in a position where he could protect his daughter made Kang Min-ho less anxious.

Clash with Jo Dong-seop.

It was like then.

Kang Min-ho believed that if he risked his life and endured to the end, even if he died, Roman Dmitri would appear and solve all problems.

That one belief was enough. For a father leaving his family behind to go to war, the fact that his daughter would be safe solved many problems.

I got up from my seat.

I had to leave.

Leaving behind his crying daughter, Kang Min-ho said to the soldiers with a cold face.

“Close Area A.”


I couldn’t turn back now.

whether you survive or not.

Unless humanity wins, the door to the shelter in Area A where the daughter is staying will never be opened.

* * *

The meeting room of the Korean Empire at that time.

Leaders from all over the world gathered there.

In the situation ahead of the decisive battle with the absolute, they told each other their preparations with a spleen expression.

“The United States ended all exercises as of midnight yesterday. We are currently deploying troops to major bases, and inspections of large-scale portals and emergency portals have all been completed.”

“China is also in the final stages of finishing. We are in a state where we can go to war right away, and we are checking the portal to make sure there are no problems. Other than that, nothing special.”

“Italy is… … .”

Nothing special.

the last 49 days.

Led by Roman Dmitri, the world prepared for the final showdown.

The simulation training was conducted countless times, so the situation of reaching the D-day felt unrealistic. I believed in myself.

In the meantime, humanity has endured the pain of vomiting blood with broken limbs, and blushing to not allow even a single variable.

The Absolute will surely present a powerful disaster that has never been experienced before, but this time, even mankind did not intend to resign.

It was the last.

perish or survive.

There were no halfway options.

Roman Dmitry sent a signal to Kim Pan-seok to see the leaders expressing their strong will.

“From now on, I will tell you about my plans for the future. The magic experiment to summon Dmitri has been completed to the final stage. If the cataclysm breaks out as planned, there is a plan to summon Dmitri immediately using the dimensional rift, but the problem is that it takes about 4 hours to secure the dimensional passage. The point of this war is in those 4 hours. If the Absolutes want to see a headcount advantage, we’ll have to hold out as long as we can and buy time until we can summon Dmitri. And the moment the dimensions are connected, humanity will attempt a full-scale counterattack.”

It was something I already knew.

The plan was reviewed again, and the leaders of each country expressed their will by nodding their heads.

It was really last.

A chilly feeling lingered.

Today might be the last time I’m alive like this, but I didn’t want to show a weak side unlike the catastrophes I’ve experienced so far.

This is the day when the suffering of mankind will come to an end. This time, we pledged to set aside the national interests of each country and move towards one goal as one human being.

said Roman Dmitry.

“Keep everyone in mind. Even if the plan proceeds differently than expected, even if unexpected variables cause many problems.”

this place now.

Roman Dmitry’s role was clear.

“Never waver in your belief in yourself. No matter what the process is, the outcome will always be victorious.”

That was it.

I didn’t need to say more because I was fully prepared.

* * *

The seat where everyone retreated.

Left alone, Roman Dmitry looked out the window with an unusual face.

‘If even the absolutes are defeated in this fight, can I really say that I exist as a human?’

life in the past.

There were many twists and turns.

When he was the heavenly demon, Baek Joong-hyeok, he experienced fables, but refused the call of heaven because he wanted to die as a human being.

But life after that was never normal.

Possessed by Roman Dmitri’s body, and in the process of achieving his reign again, he captured the malice of the transcendent being called the Demon King.

I couldn’t back off.

reign or defeat.

Roman Dmitry drew his sword.

It was not like him to ignore the enemy in front of him even though he knew that it was beyond human limits.

killed the devil

The world has returned to peace.

Now, he wanted to live like a human being, but in exchange for crossing the dimensional boundary, he had to face another ordeal.

what was the problem If I had accepted Fable Deungseon meekly at first, I would not have faced so many problems.

Every time I wanted to exist as a human being, I did not accept the Mandate of Heaven and faced a situation where I had to transcend human limitations with problems that others would not even worry about.

It was the same this time too.

Only when they do not exist as humans will the absolutes comparable to gods be dealt with and mankind will regain peace.

Even when you reject the fable deungseon.

Even now.

You can’t be sure of the future.

However, in a situation where he made a decision, he had no intention of questioning his choice.

‘must do it.’


will knock them down

Eliminate them and you will surely get your life back.

It was the irony of life.

The life of struggling to gain something even though it transcended the limits of human beings could also be said to be a life worthy of human beings.

always longed for

to exist as a human being.

to live as a human being.

Suddenly, I thought that I wanted to see the people of Dmitri who looked at me as a human being.

“… It’s a miserable life.”

final showdown.

If even this problem was solved, there was a fact that I wanted to confirm.

I put off thinking.

In the endless flow of time, Roman Dmitri calmly calmed down and waited for the right moment.

the sun was down

The world is dyed in darkness.

When the clock pointed to 11:50.


I finally got up from my seat.

* * *

When I left the door, Kim Jun-hyeok was waiting for me.

I moved according to his guidance and eventually arrived at a place.

“We have finished pre-setting. If you speak through the microphone, everything you say will be heard around the world.”

“Good job.”


took a step

stand in front of the microphone

Then I started spitting out the words that I had organized in my head.

“There is something I want to say to everyone ahead of the final battle. The disaster that mankind had to endure was not the will of mankind. The absolute suddenly appeared and gave trials, and mankind had to endure a situation where many people died and were sacrificed in order to survive. The future that I decided upon ascending to the position of emperor myself is not a utopia-like world in which no one gets hurt or dies. At least, I hoped to create a human-like world where people live as human beings and take responsibility for the results.”


It was also my wish.

The leader projected his will, and people hoped that the world that Roman Dmitry was talking about would unfold.

“As long as I exist as the emperor, there will be no turning away from reality intoxicated with petty power. We prepared for the final showdown like tenacity for 49 days, and through this process, I hoped that mankind would at least meet the chaos in the inevitable reality. We are all ready to give our lives. Countless lives will perish, but remember one fact.”


It was a word to people and a promise to myself.

“After all the dark clouds of disaster have passed, we will surely face a new future.”


Communication was cut off.

Just in time, the clock pointed to 12 o’clock.

The time has come.

When the time predicted by the Absolute arrived, a tremendous roar shook the world as if it had waited.



over the sky.

Dark clouds rolled in.

I couldn’t turn back now.

The fate of mankind will be decided on the day the dark clouds clear.

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