The Hero Returns

Chapter 171

Chapter 171: Chapter 171

Often, the standard judging criteria for S-Rank was magic level, the matching magic count, plus the exacting magic control.

Of course, exceptions always existed.

There definitely existed some awakeners who hadn’t reached those standards, yet still possessed abilities no less than those of real S-Ranks.

Like Mirage Rowoon.

He satisfied the criteria for the magic level and the count, but fell short on the control part. But he still became an S-Rank through his sky-high stamina stat as well as an overwhelming defensive capability based on several skills stacked together.

Or Rex Henslot.

His agility stat was ridiculously high, but his magic count was only around sixth grade, meaning he wasn’t all that different from an A-Rank.

Even then, no one looked down on Rex Henslot. No, no one could afford to. He was faster than anyone, that’s why.

<< Magical power and stats are proportional to combat capability. >>

Magical power was more important than anything else. That didn’t mean the raw stats should be overlooked in their favor. Su-hyeun knew this fact better than anyone.

Despite that...

<< Even then, if I’m to choose, I prefer to have higher magical power. >>

That was rather obvious. No matter how strong and fast you were, how tough you had become through countless battles, or how your reflexes had reached the absolute peak, none of them mattered all that much if your magical energy level was too low.

The skills that the awakeners relied on were activated through magical energy, after all.

If one was to choose between stats and magical energy, then one would always choose the latter. And that was also why Su-hyeun had focused solely on raising the overall tier of his magical energy and the count.

That’s how he had been going, until now.

<< But that’s just not going to be enough. >>

He had been pondering this matter for the longest time. Was this really going to be enough?

The answer was always the same.

<< Not even close. >>

Indeed, it wasn’t enough at all.

In that case, there was only one remaining method to pursue.

<< Catch both rabbits, then. >>

If pursuing one rabbit wasn’t going to be enough, then all he had to do to satisfy that lack was go after the other one, too. And one of the easiest ways to increase his stats was to purchase ‘elixirs’ from the store using achievement points.

[Available achievement points : 4,985,515]

Two months.

That was how much time Su-hyeun spent on the 40th floor in order to amass achievement points. He paid no attention to day or night As long as he was able to, he spent the majority of his time moving about.

[You have entered the save point.]

[You’ll be safe from external attacks.]

Once he discovered the save point, Su-hyeun asked for the dragons’ understanding and returned to reality every ten days. He couldn’t afford to not keep an eye out in the real world outside, as the future he knew had changed significantly already. Thankfully, nothing of note had happened.

And so, another two months went by.

* * *

[Available achievement points : 8,854,455]

It was a truly enormous number of achievement points. Su-hyeun smiled in satisfaction after confirming the number.

<< I’ve amassed much more than I expected. >>

The time span of four months.

Although he felt it was rather wasteful to stay stuck in one floor for so long like that, it wasn’t as if he had nothing to show for the sacrifice, either.

<< A few of my stats have risen, and... >>

Strength 2, agility 1, stamina 1.

These were the stats Su-hyeun acquired this time around. Numerically speaking, the increase didn’t seem all that much, but it definitely wasn’t a small harvest, either.

For one thing, raising even a single stat for someone on Su-hyeun’s level wasn’t the easiest thing in the world.

[Name : Kim Su-hyeun]

[Magic count : 83]

[Magic level : 8]

[Strength : 89]

[Agility : 90]

[Stamina : 83]

[Reflex : 91]

[Skill : Leap * advanced]

[Skill : Transfiguration * advanced]

[Skill : Flame...]


[Fatigue : 41]

Yet another satisfied grin spread on Su-hyeun’s face after confirming his status.

Currently, both of his agility and reflex had broken past the 90 point mark, while strength was about to breach that number, as well. He was slightly disappointed in his stamina, but, well, it was the most unnecessary stat for Su-hyeun right now, anyway.

From the get-go, rather than fighting head-on, he preferred to fight while avoiding enemy attacks, instead. For that purpose alone, it was better to have a high agility stat.

<< It’d be wonderful if all the stats reached three figures. >>

After breaking past the 90 point mark, every single increase in the stat would be greater than the one before. The sensation one would feel after a single point rise in the stat would be incomparable to the past.

In his previous lifetime, Su-hyeun did manage to raise his reflex stat all the way to the three-figure mark.


It felt as if all of his sensory organs had reached a new peak back then. He still hadn’t forgotten that sensation, even now. Just the lone ‘Reflex’ stat was like that, so what would it be like if he could push all of his stats to three figures?

<< It’d be the best. >>

Su-hyeun looked up at the heavens.

Dark clouds were slowly rolling back. Those were the only gloomy clouds remaining in the sky. That signified the fact that most of the monsters on the ground had disappeared.

[Accomplishment rate: 99.98%]

[Will you end the trial?]

Even his accomplishment rate neared perfection.

Actually, he had reached a 99% accomplishment rate about five days ago. Currently, he was working on locating and eliminating the few remaining monsters.

Just filling up that final percentage point took him five days.

<< I didn’t think it would take this long, though. >>

The weakened monsters hid themselves far away. Some of these creatures were pretty adept at hiding, too. Without a doubt, the job of trying to fill that last 0.02% wouldn’t be easy at all. No, wait—it should be easy, but it would take a long while, instead.

“Looks like it’s about time that I say my goodbyes.”

“Your goodbyes? Are you planning to go somewhere?”

Blanc was taken aback by Su-hyeun’s sudden farewells and had to ask the question. The latter found it difficult to explain everything and could only shake his head.

Blanc looked to be at a loss, as if he didn’t wish to pry any further when the other party seemed too troubled to reply. So he said this instead. “Whatever your reason is... Do you have a place to return to?”

“Yes, I do.”

His world on the outside that hadn’t been destroyed yet. And then, the trial on the next floor.

He had many places to get to, as a matter of fact. It was just that, he had gotten tied down on this particular trial for a lot longer than expected.

Since Blanc was no longer trying to dissuade him, Su-hyeun called out to Miru, currently playing with other dragons to the side.

“Hey, Miru.”


“Come over here for a sec.”

At his beckoning, Miru quickly flew over to his position. Su-hyeun knelt down a little to match the red dragon’s eye line and asked, “What will you do? Will you come with your dad, or...”

This was the one question he agonized over and over again for the past four months or so, not knowing whether to ask or not.

“....Or, do you want to stay here?”


Miru used a very quick shake of the head to reply to his question.

“You don’t want to be here?”

Miru shook his head again.

What a vague answer that was.

“Okay, what then?”


Rather than a verbal answer, Miru began rubbing his face on Su-hyeun’s arm, indicating his desire to follow him. Still, he didn’t really seem to hate this place or anything like that.

Blanc saw Miru’s reaction and began guffawing a little. “Don’t mind us and take him with you. Most of the demonic beasts have been eliminated thanks to you two, anyway.”

“Will that be okay with you?”

“Even if it’s not, we can’t do anything to stop the child if he wishes to go with you. And if we get technical about this, it wasn’t us who raised him, either.”

Thankfully, there was no serious opposition. It’d be only for around a hundred years or so. They must’ve figured that they could concede such a little bit of time to Su-hyeun, at least.

“In that case... Thank you for everything, so far.”

“Mm? No, well... No need to thank us. It should be us thanking you, instead.”

Su-hyeun’s expression of gratitude prompted an embarrassed hand waving gesture from Blanc.

For the past four months, Su-hyeun had gone around hunting down the monsters rated as most dangerous, as marked on the map by Blanc. Thanks to that, the dragons were able to wrap up the war while avoiding too many sacrifices and had gotten this far, which wasn’t something they had initially expected.

Su-hyeun was the benefactor of these dragons, in other words.

“We entrust our future to you.”

Blanc spoke to Su-hyeun, and the latter gazed at Miru, sticking very close to him.

The future of the dragons. He meant the sole remaining red dragon, Miru.

Blanc bowed his head toward Su-hyeun. Just like him, countless other dragons also offered their goodbyes to Su-hyeun and Miru with a bow. The situation seemed similar to the past, but the meaning behind today’s action was quite different in nature.

A soft smile formed on Su-hyeun’s face. He nodded his head greatly while rubbing Miru’s head. “You don’t have to worry.”


Like a fading mirage, Su-hyeun’s figure gradually dissipated away. Same for Miru, too.

Blanc and the other dragons were utterly stunned by how quickly the figures of Su-hyeun and Miru vanished from their sight.


“But, I didn’t even sense anything?!”

Quite literally, they disappeared without a trace. As if the two had never existed in this world, to begin with.

Blanc stood there in a daze for a little while, because he thought that Su-hyeun and Miru might reappear on the exact same spot they had vanished from.

* * *

[You have reached an accomplishment rate of 99.98%.]

[You have perfectly passed the 40th floor’s trial.]

[Results are being aggregated.]

[You’ve been aggregated to the number one spot.]

[Stamina has risen by 1.]

[Acquired 2,000,000 achievement points.]

[Magic count has risen by 1.]

[Acquired the additional reward – ‘Cintamani’. The Cintamani will now belong to your divine beast.]

[Acquired the additional reward – ‘Stat point’.]

[An additional stat, excluding magical power, will rise.]

Messages continued to pop up one after the other.

As he hoped for, he was rewarded for all his hard work. Two million extra achievement points; increases in both the magic count and his stamina; and even an additional stat point plus the Cintamani, too.

<< I made a killing. >>

In all honesty, this trial was as good as completed the moment Su-hyeun acquired the Cintamani. The accomplishment rate had reached 30% and he could’ve cleared the trial right there and then.

But he chose to remain on the 40th floor and continued to hunt the monsters down. That’s how he amassed the achievement points and raised the trial’s accomplishment percentage, too.

That was probably the reason why he got the Cintamani for good.

<< Did it get recognized as an item? >>

He should confirm it later. For now, he needed to choose where he would invest his newly-acquired stat point.

<< Obviously... >>

“It’ll be ‘strength’.”

[Strength has risen by 1.]

[Strength : 90]

Vitality coursed through his body. It felt like the power he hadn’t previously enjoyed was filling him up. For sure, the difference in sensation he acutely picked up every time the first digit of a stat went up was definitely greater than all the other times.

After confirming all of his rewards, Su-hyeun took a look at the world on the 41st floor. He immediately noticed that the number of awakeners was lower than before.

There weren’t all that many people in the plaza, and, even then, most of them were natives of the place.

<< Well, it’s an unwanted section, after all. >>

There was a difference of only ‘one’ between the floor with the highest number of awakeners and a floor with the lowest number.

Those awakeners who managed to pass a tenth-numbered floor would immediately choose to head to the next floor, hoping to reach somewhere a little higher. On the other hand, those who lacked enough confidence to challenge the tenth-numbered floors would end up staying in that world.

It was the same story for Su-hyeun. He had no real reason to stay on this particular floor. If there were no other special circumstances, like how it was with Petro, he’d have immediately headed to the next floor as well. However, there was one thing he had to do in this place first.

Step, step-

Su-hyeun walked past the plaza and headed to the shopping district, where many goods, such as equipment, medicines, skills, and foodstuffs were available.

He chose the medicine shop among them and headed inside.

“Welcome, dear customer. How can I help you?”

A young man with dark skin and pointy ears welcomed him. His countenance was somewhat similar to the owner of the shop Su-hyeun met in the world on the second floor. This man also didn’t seem to be a human, but was from another race altogether.

“Do you deal in elixirs?”

“Yes, we have all kinds. Despite the shop’s appearance, we do have everything you need.”

Just like the shopkeeper had said, the shop itself was on the rather shabby side. Su-hyeun’s trust in the establishment fell by a little, but it wasn’t that uncommon for shabby little stores to deal in specialty items.

“I require elixirs to increase my strength.”

“Increasing your strength... Well, that’s far too wide a scope, so let me ask you, just how much did you find out before coming here, sir?”

This question, basically, was about how much money he had on him.

“Around ten million points.”

“Ten points? Dear customer, you can only buy some salve to apply to your injuries with that amount of....”

The shopkeeper chuckled while waving his hand dismissively, then froze. His eyes widened and he looked at Su-hyeun closely.

“By any chance, did I hear you incorrectly, sir?”

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