The Human Giant

Chapter 240 240: Immortal Monsters?

Leah could feel his heart thumping inside hard as if it wanted to escape his chest and run away as far away as possible from this monster. Even at the risk of having his body get eaten by this ugly monster.

Above him was a monster-like wasp nearly 12 feet tall and incredibly muscular. Its legs, which one would expect to be stick-like, were thick and seemed to be covered in muscles. 

Its wasp-like body was equally as muscular and had at least six pairs of insect wings poking out of its back that had patterns that looked like pairs of eyes. The eyes seemed so realistic that they seemed to blink whenever Leah's body moved slightly.

The monster wasp's abdomen was extremely large and was nearly three times larger than the rest of its body. With its all-black covering, three sets of curved spikes coming out of its behind, and the occasional thick blood vein wrapped around its abdomen gave the appearance that no creature in the world would want to get stabbed by this thing.

If they did, they would rather it had pierced their hearts than deal with the venom that would be forcefully pushed into their bodies. What made Leah the most uncomfortable was its compound insect eyes that had red pupils that independently moved around as if they were all separate eyeballs.


While Leah feared that his body would be eaten by this monster, Yoze was instead looking at this wasp monster with interest as it didn't appear to be a demon. With its spiritual energy outside its body and still in its initial shape meant that this wasp monster had no control over its spiritual energy.

Meaning that it wasn't a demon.

"This is the first time I'm seeing a creature that so clearly takes on the appearance of a demon but isn't. At the same time, you don't seem to be an ordinary creature either." Yoze muttered to himself.


Strangely after Yoze muttered to himself quietly, the monster wasp's blood-red pupils all immediately focused on him. What piqued Yoze's curiosity more was the fact that it tilted its head to the side as if questioning why he wasn't terrified by its presence.

He felt that he even saw the light of intelligence in its countless pairs of eyes, which made Yoze certain that this creature was nothing but ordinary. Not wanting to miss this unique chance to gain the talents of a unique creature like this monster wasp, Yoze used one of his talent marks on it.

[Name: Waz Petal]

[Age: 15 years]

[Talents: Wasp (Grade 10), Group Fighting (Grade 4), loyalty (Grade 7), Crystal Nerves (Grade 2), Dance Communication (Grade 6), Body Language communication (Grade 3), Venom injection (Grade 5)]

"This monster has crystal nerves?" Yoze said with surprise as he thought that crystal nerves were unique to humans.

However, as he thought about it more, he felt that other creatures being able to get crystal nerves wasn't surprising. It wouldn't make sense if humans were the only creatures in this world that could have additional nerves that had gained crystal-like properties.

"Since other creatures can have crystal nerves, does that mean that there are going to be some monsters that are immortal as well?"

"The chances of that are slim since even with the increased intelligence, monsters are more likely to have a harder time collecting crystals to be able to progress through their immortal cultivation." Yoze shook his head as he knew that it was going to be difficult for him to find a monster that became immortal through the same path that humans took.

He believed that since humans were able to create a path to become immortals on their own, then monsters should be able to do the same. The only difference in his mind would be that monsters would most likely try not to rely on having a constant source of crystals to cast spells.


While Yoze was silently thinking about the revelation that other creatures were able to have crystal nerves and thus develop them, the wasp monster finally became impatient and decided to go on the offensive. It immediately dived straight for Leah, hoping that it would be able to take out the easy prey first before moving on to the tougher target.

Unfortunately, just as it made a move, it felt a heavy pressure slam into it, instantly making it fall helplessly into the ground. 


The moment the wasp's heavy body touched the ground, it slammed into the ground with a heavy thud showing how heavy its body was. When the monster recovered from its fall, it quickly lifted its stingers and fired a blood-colored liquid out of them.

However, when it saw that its blood-colored venom ended up landing right in front of it, causing the grass and earth to be charred and corroded away like it was made out of paper, it knew that it had picked the wrong opponent this time.


"Are you trying to communicate with me?" Yoze said casually as he noticed that while the wasp-like monster's spiritual energy was pinned down by his Armored Elephant demon's spiritual energy, it was trying its best to wiggle its limbs and body.

The movements weren't anything special, and most people would have chalked it up to the Wasp monster's helpless attempt to escape from the fate of being killed. Yoze figured that since this Wasp monster had talents realized to communicate through the body, then it might try to communicate with him.

Interested in what the Wasp monster wanted to communicate with him, Yoze lightened up the suppression of his spiritual energy and allowed it to have more freedom in its movements. The moment he took away some of the spiritual pressure on the Wasp monster, he could tell from its body language that it was relieved.

After regaining some of its confidence back, the Wasp monster began to wiggle its body randomly as if to get used to the new feeling of having most of its spiritual energy suppressed. Once it had gotten used to having simple movements feel as if they were being weighed down by a whole hill, the Wasp Monster began its dance.

It first lifted its head and pointed its antennas into the sky before creating unique shapes that bore a slight resemblance to other wasps. After which, it quickly turned its whole body around in a circle three times before throwing itself into the air to do a combination of four backflips and three front flips before landing and looking at Yoze with expectation in its eyes.

"I don't understand," Yoze helplessly shook his head as he barely understood what the Wasp monster was trying to say.

The meaning that he could figure out was that the Wasp monster might have wanted to tell him that there were other wasp-like monsters similar to it, as for whether it wanted to intimidate him into letting it go in a threat that its companions would hunt him down, or if it was trying to betray them to get its freedom back, Yoze had no clue.

Even though he currently didn't have a clue about the deeper meaning of the Wasp monster's backflips and frontflips, Yoze knew that he could simply spend one of his talent marks to copy its talent for Dance Communications.

However, since he had already spent one of his talent marks on obtaining a grade 9 Wasp talent, he was less interested in spending his last talent mark on this Wasp monster when there was a possibility that there was a more talented monster nearby.

There was still the problem of him having to learn or derive what each of the Wasp monster's movements meant, which would be accelerated with the Dance Communication talent but wouldn't be something he could instantly learn. Instead, he preferred not having to go through all the effort of learning how to communicate with the Wasp monster if there was a better way.

After some thinking, Yoze settled on using the Beast Human body cultivation method that he had gained at the Beast Hunter Sect. While this method would most likely also take some time to form a strong connection between him and the Wasp monster, Yoze figured that the benefit of gaining a loyal monster at the same time was more useful than finding out that the Wasp monster was trying to manipulate him this entire time.

After settling on using the Beast Human body cultivation method on the Wasp monster, Yoze looked at the Wasp monster with clear expectations in his eyes, which sent a bone-chilling sensation down the Wasp monster's body.

When the Wasp monster saw Yoze begin to move towards it with his hands pointed toward it and his fingers randomly poking the air, it felt an urgent warning from its instinct to escape. Unfortunately, now that he had set his eyes on making the Wasp monster his pet, Yoze didn't plan on letting it escape.

"Even though I haven't had the time to create a better version of this yet, the Beast Human body cultivation method should help us communicate better. It just might take a few hours for us to form a connection with each other." 

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