The Human Giant

Chapter 242 242: Chased By A Tiger, Rhino, And A Vengeful Ghost

"That's fine, but make a few more exits so that I can escape if someone does try to capture me or, worse, kill me," Leah asked.

"I can do that. Anything else about the interior?" 

"No, I'll figure that out on my own since I haven't figured out what I want to do yet." Leah gently shook his head before declining Yoze's offer to design his new home's interior.

Understanding where Leah was coming from, Yoze nodded his head and began to deal with the massive pile of earth that he had dug up from inside the hill. With such a large amount of earth, it would need to be spread out through a wide area to be thoroughly hidden.

Luckily, with Yoze's speed and abilities, it wasn't a problem for him to grab large sections of the pile of dirt and rocks with his blood. After grabbing the dirt and rocks, he used his incredible speed to travel through the Flower Forest and spread out the dirt and rocks he collected. 

Particularly he would dump large amounts of dirt and rocks down every valley or hole he encountered. So after only an hour, he had removed the pile of dirt the size of an entire hill from Leah's home to fertilize a large chunk of the forest.

Once he had gotten rid of the excess dirt, he went to work on creating numerous hidden traps for people trying to enter Leah's new home. As well as dug two more exits that would allow Leah to travel a large distance from his hill. 

One of the exits led to a small cave behind a waterfall near a large crystal-clear lake miles away. While the second led to the entrance of another large cavern that, from the quick look inside that Yoze performed, was nearly 100 miles long.

With numerous twists and turns that would confuse any creature that entered the cave would be unable to find its way back to the exit. This was incredibly useful for anyone trying to escape from pursuit but was also dangerous since there was a possibility that both the chasers and the runner could both become lost and die in the cave system.

To solve this issue, Yoze set up a hidden path for Leah to follow that could only be found by following the hidden bug nests that he hid behind the walls. Even though these bug nests were near impossible for most people to find, and even if they did, they wouldn't understand the hidden meaning behind them.

But people like Leah and Yoze, who had spiritual energy-sensing abilities, would be able to see the thin traces of death and life spiritual energy that would form from large amounts of death and births from the bug nests. This was something that Leah ended up helping Yoze discover due to the creation of his special paste.

During the process of creating the special paste, Leah needed to add a large number of eggs from various bugs into the paste. And due to the large number of bugs that would begin to hatch, their tiny amounts of spiritual energy would be enough for someone with low talent in spiritual sensing to be able to sense through either smell or sight.

The majority of the time, whenever Leah created this paste, he would be able to smell the refreshing smell of life and spiritual energy and know that the development of his paste had been completed. Yoze decided to use this same logic and process to develop this hidden path of life and death spiritual energy for Leah to follow.

After placing the last batch of bug nests into hidden crevices inside the cave walls, Yoze made sure that notice was missing and went back to Leah's new home to give him a detailed tour of the two hidden exits. After traveling down each hidden exit twice, Leah was able to imprint all the things he needed to keep in mind to find his way back into his brain.

"Well, that is everything. Are you sure that there is nothing else you need my help with?" Yose said with a smile, wanting to help out as much as he could.

"I'm good. As long as you take that Wasp Monster with you, I should be fine. Plus, this isn't the first time I have lived alone. I have been doing this on my own for the majority of my life." Leah said to Yoze calmly.

"I understand. I will come to visit you in a month to make sure that everything is still going well for you."

"If not, you are always free to come live with us again. We could always use your help with creating more medication." Yoze said jokingly.

After saying his last goodbye, Yoze jumped on top of the Wasp Monster and allowed it to carry him into the sky, and flew toward New Swampscott City. Even though the speed wasn't as fast as he could travel by running by himself, it was still fast enough that he predicted that they should be able to arrive just in time for the immortals to return from the third trial.

While Yoze was making his way back, five rogue immortal cultivators were running for their lives as a 20 feet tall three-Eyed Green Tiger was chasing them down. If he had been there, he would have noticed that each of these rogue cultivators displayed high talent during the first trial. Each of them displayed grade 4 crystal nerves which was the highest limit that most people could become rogue immortal cultivators.

A part of this group was the young man and woman who had drawn his attention during the weapon selection process. While the rest of the rogue immortal cultivators were running for their lives, trying not to fall behind and be ripped apart by the giant three-eyed tiger's claws. The young woman with black and white hair and the short man that had orange hair glared at the three-eyed tiger with pure anger in their eyes.

"Leo, hurry up and kill those rogue cultivators. They dare try to steal my cores and ruin my chances of becoming immortal. They only deserve death!" The young woman shouted to the orange-haired young man as she clapped her palms in front of her.


Even though she gently clapped her hands, the sound of thunder covered the entire forest, causing the three-eyed tiger eyes to daze for a few seconds. Taking advantage of the Three-Eyed Tiger's dazed state, Leo punched his chest hard and activated one of his favorite spells.

"Doom Rhino Armor!" Unable to help himself, Leo shouted out the name of his spell as thick gray armor made out of some special material covered his entire body.

When the rogue immortals who were on the run saw that both Leo and the young woman with black and white hair still had the will to try and kill them even in this dangerous situation, they felt their hearts drop.

"Damn! We are goddamn immortal cultivators. We should be smarter than to put all our lives at risk for some petty reason!" One of the elderly rogue immortals that were on the run from both the Three-Eyed Tiger and the Demon Duo couldn't help but scream at them.

Unfortunately, both Leo and the young woman with black and white hair completely ignored him as they continued to pursue them. After donning his armor, Leo's speed increased drastically as he quickly caught up with one of the slower rogue immortals.

The rogue immortal that was being caught up with couldn't help but heavily regret thinking that he had enough power to be able to survive this trial. He had only been able to form half of his Crystal Spine and was barely able to keep himself alive this whole time.

If he hadn't prepared a secret stash of crystals on his body and found a peaceful cave to absorb them, he would have already died. He shouldn't have been so greedy and should have dug himself six feet into the ground until this trial ended. 

That way, he could at least have avoided angering the Demon Duo. The two people had been able to collect ten plant cores each and were extremely likely to beat this trial if nothing went wrong.

It was already bad enough that they had offended Leo, who had made a name for himself yet, by trying to rob him of his Greatsword and thus indirectly stealing his cores. But he should have realized that the leader of their group had a death wish when he provoked the rogue immortal who had earned herself the nickname Death Sniper, Thunder God, and Vengeful Ghost through her years of being a rogue immortal cultivator.

"I shouldn't have believed this dumb old man. The title Wiseman of the South is wasted on this man." The rogue immortal looked at the old man who had shouted earlier with disgust.

Knowing that he had become a sacrifice for these two demons, the rogue immortal cultivator decided that it was now time to use his last life-saving spell. After taking a deep breath and locking onto his target, the middle age immortal cultivator stopped running, startling everyone.

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