The Human Giant

Chapter 270 270: Bleeding Mountain

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Even though Yoze knew that vanity must have played a small role in Geo's decision to strengthen and modify his hair, he didn't feel that it was the major reason. He felt that the probability that his hair had some special function for his spells was much more likely. 

Throughout most of the entire battle, Geo relied more on his martial art skills to fight him, but for someone who had spent more time developing his skills as an immortal cultivator, he should have much more powerful spells that didn't rely on his martial arts. However, what made Yoze certain that Geo was holding back was that he didn't look like he was running out of crystal energy.

To still be able to keep his reserves of crystal energy high while fighting a strong opponent could only mean that Geo was holding back because of something. If Yoze had to guess, he felt that Geo was holding back because of the ten Shadow Lords who were still casually watching their battle. 

It wasn't only Yoze who had come to the same conclusion that Geo's hair was his secret weapon, many immortal cultivators also came to the same conclusion after considering Geo's personality and known accomplishments in the past. Even though the battle between Yoze and Geo was intense and jaw-dropping, it hadn't yet reached the level they had seen when Shadow Lords fought each other.

To be gained the title of the Eleventh Shadow Lord, there was clear evidence that Geo was capable of much more. The title of Shadow Lord meant that they were the strongest immortal cultivators in the entire Immortal Shadow Sect, with only Immortals above them.

They were completely different beasts compared to regular immortal cultivators who had also reached the peak of the Crystal Brain realm. The reason for this massive difference was quite simple; there was a massive difference in talent between ordinary people and the Shadow Lords.

For most immortal cultivators, their talents were stuck in the Pure rank. In contrast, the ten Shadow Lords' immortal cultivation talents usually reached the Earth rank. Even though there was only a single rank difference in immortal cultivation, speeds could be massive.

With this additional speed, they were almost guaranteed to become immortals. They could afford to spend more time learning more spells and developing their power. As the years passed, the gap between regular immortal cultivators and the Shadow Lords continued to expand until they were unbeatable.

With their knowledge of how powerful the Shadow Lords were, the audience of immortal cultivators knew that Geo shouldn't have pulled out his trump card yet. If he did, there was no way he could ever beat the Shadow Lords, who were much more powerful, and each held their own trump cards.

"Brother Yoze, this has been fun, and I'm excited to see what you become after a decade. I am sure you will crush the Immortal Palace Sect's Ten Kings by that time."

"At that time, come visit the Immortal Shadow Sect headquarters, and I'll show you around and give you some advice on the world of immortals. If you haven't wasted your potential, I will even consider taking you as my student to help me develop the martial art path beyond the Martial Grandmaster realm."

"Hold on, let me fix my body before we continue our battle. I don't want to waste my valuable crystal energy when I don't have to." Geo quickly paused his speech and vigorously shook his head to get rid of his burned-to-a-crisp skin.

With his fierce shaking, Geo's charred skin that stubbornly remained on his head quickly cracked and rapidly broke down into a thick cloud of black ash. It was only when the thick cloud of thick black ash began to thin and was Yoze able to see that the entirety of Geo's skull had been charred black and covered in thin cracks.

"I apologize, Yoze, for pausing our battle for so long. I believe you understand that it wouldn't look good for us if we continued to fight, and my head is just messed up."

"Just give me one more second. I need to remove the ruined bones before I can start my healing process. Feel free to start attacking me if you want, or enjoy the time to come up with another strategy to defeat me."

Realizing the extent that Yoze's attack had done to his body and the difficulty of healing his head, Geo quickly apologized for ruining the momentum of the battle. Even though he had apologized, he could see that Yoze didn't exactly think his apology was genuine, so he simply shrugged his shoulders and gently tapped his finger on his bones.

Just like with his charred skin, the charred bones quickly collapsed from the slight pressure and turned into another cloud of dust. As the cloud of dust began to clear, Yoze could see Geo's Crystal Skull shimmering with rainbow light, completely undamaged by the explosion.

"Where is his Crystal Brain?" Even though he was being provoked into fighting, Yoze didn't take the bait and instead placed half of his focus on observing Geo's body structure.

He didn't want to lose this valuable opportunity to see how he could develop his Crystal Skull and Crystal Brain in the future. He had always been curious about how Immortal Cultivators were supposed to fit both their Crystal Brain and Crystal Skull inside their bodies.

He had some ideas of how this was possible, but having noticed that Geo fixed this problem by creating his Crystal Skull underneath his regular skull, Yoze was glad he didn't have to waste his time when he reached that point in the future. After mentally noting it, Yoze focused on finding Geo's Crystal Brain.

Using his powerful eyesight, Yoze looked past the distracting rainbow lights and looked into Geo's Crystal Skull to find two abnormally small brains. Of the two brains, the smaller brain looked like a typical human brain that was bright pink and looked like jelly.

The moment Yoze saw that brain, he knew that this must have been Geo's original brain that had been compressed to the extreme, while the larger one had to be his Crystal Brain. Even though he was able to guess the method that all Immortal Cultivators used to create their Crystal Brains and was confident he could do it himself, Yoze was impressed that Geo was able to more than half the size of his brain without damaging it in the slightest.

To be capable of such a feat would require an immense understanding of the brain and a high level of control over one's own body. With such a high level of understanding of his brain, Yoze understood how Geo could artificially create an identical copy using crystal energy.

Unfortunately, before Yoze could fully appreciate Geo's brains, Geo manipulated his hair which seemed to be physically fused with his Crystal Skull, to cover it up. The moment Geo covered up his brain, Yoze frowned from disappointment as he hadn't been able to get a detailed look at Geo's Crystal Brain.

"Thank you for giving me a second; the healing process should be done in less than a second at most," Geo said in a confident tone as he lightly tapped his finger on his Crystal Skull.

Just like he promised, the moment his finger touched his Crystal Skull, a soft white light engulfed his entire head before rapidly disappearing, leaving behind an undamaged head.

"There we go; this is much more comfortable than using a spell to talk," Geo said with his smooth deep voice that hid his excitement as he looked directly into Yoze's soul.

"This battle has been dragging on for too long, so let's spectacularly end this battle. I'm unfortunately going to have to rely more on my spells to get a victory from you, but I can't afford to lose to you." 

"So, face my Bleeding Mountain spell!" As soon as Geo yelled his spell's name, his hair grew several times longer before plunging deep into every inch of the small mound.

As more of Geo's hair pierced into the mound, it quickly quadrupled in size, reaching the size of a small hill. Even before Geo completed his spell, Yoze felt his entire body begin to tingle as he felt a huge amount of danger.

It wasn't just Yoze either, as the audience of immortal cultivators' faces went pale as they felt that their lives were in grave danger. What made them more nervous was Geo's spell hadn't even been completed, yet they could feel its power.

Even the ten Shadow Lords, who were casually watching the battle between Yoze and Geo, all stood up and stared at the giant mound with stern faces. Seeing the reaction of Immortal Shadow Sect's strongest Immortal Cultivators, Yoze felt his interest peak as he knew what he was about to see would be powerful.

Just as Yoze and the crowd of immortal cultivators waited with anxiety and excitement, Geo swiftly retrieved his hair and slammed his hands on the small hill to remove his body. Without hesitation, he quickly crouched his body and used the full force of his legs to propel him into the air.

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