The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 100: Sneak Attack

Chapter 100: Sneak Attack

Assassin launched an attack towards the unsuspecting bodyguard, right when the attack was about to land on the body of the bodyguard, a sword came in and blocked the attack. Assassin didnt even see the sword coming, as he was focused on his target. The assassin was dumbfounded by the sudden interruption of his attack, in his head he never imagined anyone being able to block he attack, but here he was standing after a failed attempt at attacking. Although the sword only managed to redirect his attack to a different direction, he knew if he had used a little bit more force, he would have still been able to land a strike at the back of the bodyguard. From just one contact of the sword the assassin could tell whoever he was he had weak attack power.

The assassin turned his head to look at the person who blocked the attack he was shocked, the one who blocked his attack was none other than Moon Jung who was nearest to the bodyguard. Moon Jung was holding his sword with his hand, unending will was burning on his eye. You could tell from one look he wasnt afraid to fight.

Oh, look what we have here. Looks like the bird has finally left its nest. Phssssheheheheh the assassin laughed like a maniac as he said those words. From the way he laughed, he didnt seem like a normal person.

Moon Jung didnt take his word and quicky backed away. He knew the longer he stayed near this assassin, the more he would disrupt those who were fighting, putting their lives on the line. Moon Jung didnt what that to happen, and on top of that he had confidence that if he were to face the similar attack again, he might not be able to block the attack, as his physical strength was still lacking compared to these assassins. In this situation Moon Jung, just saw backing away to be the better option than to fight the man.

Wait..Wha..Thank You. The bodyguard who was being attack just a moment ago just realized just how close he came to being dead and started to panic. Before saying anything else, he showed his gratitude towards Moon Jung. He knew if not for moon Jung he would have died by now.

Moon Jung didnt reply, he just kept his eye on the assassin the whole time, he knew that just one moment of stupidness could cost him is life. Assassin saw a perfect opportunity to strike Moon Jung right now, as he was the closest to him and on top of that there were no roadblocks between the both.

Assassin pounced towards Moon Jung, after a moment of contemplation.

Oh, dont you even think of it. said the bodyguard as he blocked the way of the assassin. This time, he was in a great deal of trouble though, as he had to fight three people at the same time. The bodyguard gulped audibly as he saw three men attacking him at the same time, till now he had been defending against two people at the same time, that in itself was a very big achievement, but right now he was fighting against three, he didnt have the experience of fighting so many peoples at once, so his feet started to shake under the pressure.

Suddenly something happened that he didnt expect to happen, one more bodyguard joined with the bodyguard to block the attackers. The bodyguard was very grateful towards the other bodyguard as he had saved his life, when he charged towards the assassin he didnt know if he would survive or die. But, when one more bodyguard came to help him, he was sure he wouldnt die. Both of them fought with the assassin.

Tsk, useless piece of sh*t. Cant even kill a kid when facing just 4 people, dont you have shame. yelled the man in the white mask while looking at the situation on the ground. He was getting more frustrated as time went by, he was angry at his team for taking too long. After seeing no choice, he finally made his move.

The man in the white mask moved swiftly as he made his way towards the fight. Wielding his sword, the man in white mask dove straight at the battlefield, almost as if he was unafraid of the opponents.

Move back yelled the white masked man, he was telling his team to step back. Although they didnt know why they were instructed to move back but they still obeyed the order, seeing the assassins falling back gave the bodyguards a sense of relief but also it made them cautious of what was coming next. The bodyguards came closer to Moon Jung trying to shield him from every side, they didnt loosen up their guard.

I thought we wouldnt have to come to this stage, but your uselessness has made me use these, I just hope we dont attract any unwanted attention. Get behind me, use cloud steps and attack the enemy. You can use any skill you have got with you to attack the enemy, just make sure your skill doesnt get in the way of your allies. Said the man in the white mask, he instructed his team to use a movement skill and gave permission to use any skill they had on them.

Hearing what the white masked man said made the bodyguards uncomfortable, up until now they were having hard time defending against normal attack, but now they were going to face skills. The bodyguards just hoped that their skills were superior than that of the attacker, that was the only hope they had. There was only one hope in this kind of situation though, if they were able to escape tis place alive, they might be able to find out who these guys were that attempted assassination of moon Jung, they could identify them by the skills they use. Getting hold of skills were extremely difficult task, so what guilds would do was, they would invite hunters to join their guilds by promising to give them skills. Of course, the skills that the guild offered for free was just common level skill. The rare skills were just reserved for the elites of the guild only.

Most of the guilds that operated inside Korea had their own signature skills, so they hoped to see the assassins use their skill. That would make it easier to identify them.

The assassins used the skill that was instructed for them to use by the white masked man. After using cloud steps, the movement speed of the assassins increased by 15%, although that number sounded small, but a 15% increase in speed meant a great deal. The assassins once gain started to move forward towards the bodyguards.

Use your Shell skill yelled one of the bodyguards, after seeing that their opponents were using skill, he knew that they would not stand a chance if they defended their attacks like normal. So, he decided to use shell skill that was one of the most common skills given to the Hunter Associations members. This skill made the defence of the user grow by 5%. These kinds of defensive skills were the most sought-after skill among the hunters community.

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