The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 122: Unending Bats

Chapter 122: Unending Bats

-Level Up-

As soon as the corpse of the bat fell to the ground Kang-Ho heard the sweet sound of levelling up. Kang-Ho was bit surprised as it seemed he was levelling faster here inside of the red doorway, even though Kang-Ho had fought a lot of creatures before this one he believed he wasnt that much far away from levelling up but he didnt expect this creature, who was only level 100 would be able to increase his level.

With huge risks comes huge profits I guess? thought to himself as he continued to run forward along the way the winding pathway led him to. Kang-Ho ran for about 2-3 minutes but he didnt feel any signs of any other creature around, he was using his skill void walk as he ran down the path, he was trying to avoid himself from being ambushed again like the last time. Kang-Ho knew he was too careless last time which could have costed him his life if the bat was more powerful. He clearly knew that he managed to survive just because he was lucky enough.

Aster few more seconds Kang-Ho came to a stop as he had arrived at a place which seemed like it was a room the room also looked like the winding pathway he ran through just now; the only deference was this area was a little big and was square in shape whereas the path he ran through was like a tunnel. On the other end of the room, it seemed like there was a doorway which was currently closed.

While he evaluated the room Kang-Ho was hiding inside a shadow as the room was filled with the same kind of Bats that he killed few moments ago. Kang-Ho didnt want to alert them of his presence until he inspected the room entirely. Kang-Hos eyes were laid towards the doorway that was closed at the moment, his aim for now was to avoid the fight. The rooms celling was partially covered by the bats from what he could feel, Kang-Ho had a very bad feeling about this. Taking down just one bat was difficult enough for him but now he was in front of 20 if not 50 of the same bats.

A rare deep frown appeared on the face of Kang-Ho as he knew this was might become a very tough battle if he really had to kill them. Kang-Ho took off his mind from the bats and focused on the gate in front of him, the gate wasnt that far away so if Kang-Ho was to be cautious enough he might be able to reach the gate. Kang-Ho made up his mind and made a move.

Following the darkness as his path Kang-Ho swiftly but cautiously stared moving towards the gate. It wasnt really that difficult for Kang-Ho to be so swift at the same time be careful, because Kang-Ho in the past had to do the same to survive inside of the Hell. After a minute of swift movements Kang-Ho had finally reached his destination which was the gate. Kang-Ho stopped few feet away from the gate and equipped himself with his weapon and prepared himself for any situation that may arise.

haaaa Kang-Ho mentally sighed to relieve himself of any worry, he did it mentally because even if a single sound was made he would have alerted the bats of his presence. After reaching near the gate Kang-Ho didnt dare to waste any of his precious time as Kang-Ho still isnt know how long this trail was going to be so, after finding the perfect moment Kang-Ho moved towards the gate which was blocking his path.

The there was no darkness near the gate so Kang-Ho would be unable to conceal himself anymore from the radar of the bats, Kang-Ho prepared himself to face all the enemies if necessary as he used one of his hands to protect himself from ambush against the bat, while other hand was used to push the gate to see if that would open.


Kang-Ho used all of his strength to try to open the gate but it didnt budge even an inch. Kang-Ho was frustrated after realizing he would have to face the bats all at once. If Kang-Ho knew this would happen he would have used this opportunity to attack and kill one or two bats in an ambush, but now that was impossible, as the bats were not only aware of Kang-Hos presence they even started to pour towards Kang-Ho.

With quick motion Kang-Ho moved his left hand in which he had equipped his storage ring and inserted it in his pocket. With his thought Kang-Ho took all of his remaining healing potion and poison resistant potion and stored it in his pocked so that he wouldnt have to worry about drinking them while he was fighting. Instead of buying time Kang-Ho could just simply start drinking the potion as soon as he needed it. this way it would be more convenient for them to fight. Kang-Ho somehow had a feeling that he would be needing potions to support himself if he wanted to stay alive during this battle.

That one seems a bit different, it almost seems like it isnt part of them at all to be honest. Mutter Kang-Ho to himself as he saw one of the bats.

The bat that Kang-Ho was looking at was in the back, the bat remained unmoved even as Kang-Ho had infiltrated into their living space, it almost seemed as if it didnt care if Kang-Ho was here or not. But Kang-Ho could tell the bat also wanted to tear him apart but didnt want to move.

The bat had a little fat appearance unlike others that were skinny, the bat was twice the size of the others. Kang-Ho used his ability to probe the bats name.

[King Stalker Bat

Level: 110

Hp: 25,000/25,000

Extremely fragile creature with extremely fast speed. These creatures are very dangerous in a dark place, so they usually love to stay inside a cave or a..

The one that rules over the other, has the ability to control or order other bats into doing its bids, normally it is very lazy but once it secedes to move the prey is sure to die. Has superior speed and poison.]

After reading the description of the creature Kang-Ho finally came to understand what the creature was. Kang-Ho wasnt too happy about the description that came because now he had more to worry about. After reading the description Kang-Ho was sure that this bat would be more troublesome to deal with. The poison that came from normal stalker bats was potent enough for him to feel extreme pain, after reading the fact that kings poison is more potent Kang-Ho was in a loss for words.

I should have brought more of these potions. tks Kang-Ho muttered once more watching the horde of bats pouncing towards him while bearing their fangs as if they were ready to tear Kang-Ho apart.


While Kang-Ho fought inside the trail, the outside world was become more and more chaotic. Every single citizen residing inside of Busan felt the changes. There was more and more influx of hunters that came to Busan in these couple of days as if there was a huge storm brewing.

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