The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 127: Difficult Situation

Chapter 127: Difficult Situation

Weak F**ker, trying to back stab me. Did you really think I was an easy opponent? Grumbled the young man as he spat on a corpse, the young man was using the corpse of the man as his chair. The young man was huffing and puffing as he tried to catch his breath, it seemed like he was extremely fatigued. The young man slowly too out some bottles which looked like health potion from his own ring, if you compared the bottle the young man took out with the one Kang-Ho had others would think they are both two different things, as the one that Kang-Ho used was totally dark red which looked like blood, but the one the young man used was light red which seemed to be glowing, if one looked closely enough they would find out that there were shining particles flowing inside the liquid which made it look majestic.

As soon as the young man drank the potion all of the wounds on his body started to recover instantly and just withing a few seconds all the wounds on his body had disappeared. The young man had a very bad case of broken skull but now even if one tried to find the wound, they would be unable to do so. The man slowly inspected the wounded area and he was delighted to find out that the potion had done its job.

Good stuff, although these potions are too expensive it really is worth every penny. Muttered the young man as he looked at the empty bottle in his hand. He threw the bottle on his hand and used his hand to wipe off all the blood on his face.

If Kang-Ho was here he would have instantly recognized the man as Min Chae from Burning sword guild. They were the ones who entered the trail first and closed it off for the other hunters who wanted to enter. Kang-Ho would have also noticed that the bats he was fighting were also here but there were some differences, there were way fewer bats in this place compared to the bats he fought, the most important thing that was missing was there was no Bat king. This was the difference in difficulty inside the trial.

You thought it would be easy to get rid of me? Is this all you got? HAHAHAHAHA Min Chae started to laugh manically once he stood up, he slowly turned his head towards his men that were standing silently, Min Chae had a menacing grin on his face as he looked towards the men. Seeing the weird smile some of the men started to shiver as if inside a closed off cave suddenly a bone chilling wind blew pass them.

If you think you can take me down with cheap tricks, you have got me all wrong. Come at me with all you have got if you want to kill me or else you would end up like him. said Min Chae as he glanced at the corpse of the man who lay below him. Min Chae still had a uneasy feeling, it was as if he could still feel some menacing gazes looking towards him but he couldnt differentiate between friend from a foe.


Min Chae grew impatient after seeing that no one was showing their fangs even after his provocation, with no other option left Min Chae had to leave his back open for the hyenas hoping that they would strike when he was vulnerable, for him this was the best way to get rid of any potential threat. Min Chae knew this was a very-very risky move as this could turn fatal but unlike before this time Min Chae was mentally prepared for any type of situation, this gave Min Chae some courage. More than anything Min Chae knew that there were still some men who were loyal towards him no matter what, so he had to take out the bad apples of the group as soon as possible.

After few seconds of thinking and getting his mind together, Min Chae leaned forward and took out his axe which was lodged into the corpses head. With his weapon in hand Min Chae turned around and started walking towards the path the cave led him to.

These types of scenes took place inside many other ongoing trials inside some trials there were people fighting each other rather than the enemies inside the cave, they were trying to determine who would advance forward and who would stay behind as no one wanted to share their rewards with the other groups. Most of the trails were littered with corpses of men and women alike their blood flowing like a river. It was quite an amusing scenario as to how far can human greed take them, inside the cave it only the strongest had the right to move forward as for the weak they were there just to colour the path with glorious red for the victors.

Inside the trial of Kang-Ho as he was the only person who dared to go inside, he didnt come face to face with other people but that didnt mean that it was easier for him, but for some reason it was way difficult for Kang-Ho as he had to fight all alone inside a trial which was clearly meant to be fought with a group. This didnt slow Kang-Ho down as it didnt matter to him even if he was alone, he had survived inside of Hell all alone he had experienced way worse situation than this.

Huff, Huff Kang-Ho huffed as he had had his hands on his knees as he tried to take some breather to recover some stamina. Bats corpses littered all around him which covered all of the floor completely, it was quite a bizarre scene to be seen honestly. Looking around you could only see 2 living beings in the entire room like space, one was Kang-Ho and the other was the Bat King, whose eyes still seemed closed. It seemed like all of the bats that Kang-Ho was fighting were dead.

After finishing off the bats Kang-Ho didnt directly attack the Bat King, Kang-Ho was just too fatigued as well as injured, he had to take a breather to recover some strength, fighting in this condition might have proven fatal for him so Kang-Ho didnt risk it and tried to recover as much as he could.

Kang-Ho quickly drank some health potion and mana potion, Kang-Ho didnt have much of them left so he had to use them carefully. If Kang-Ho could decide in this situation he would have decided to recover a little more but it seemed like the Bat King had finally decided to open its eyes.


Screeched the Bat King as it couldnt find any of its kin alive. Suddenly the eyes of the bat king started giving off an awfully chilling red glow, as soon as it stopped screeching the bat King flew off towards the roof of the huge cave into the darkness, for a few seconds there was a bone chilling silence, it was almost as if the bat king had flew away. Kang-Ho never let his guard down as he knew this wouldnt just end like that, suddenly Kang-Ho heard a bone chilling noise coming from above inside the darkness, the sound reverberated because of the cave which made it more horrifying.

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