The Immortal Genius Spearman

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

It felt light.

The sword was broken in half, so that was expected.

But that wasn’t the kind of weight Dianal was referring to.

‘What is this…?’

With the blade shortened by half, the sword’s balance was off, and it felt awkward to swing.

But more than that—

‘My body… feels at ease.’

Swinging the sword felt more natural, and maintaining his balance became easier.

Could this feeling really be just because the sword was lighter?

“Do you understand now?”


Damian spoke as he effortlessly parried Dianal’s attack.

When Dianal hesitated, Damian continued.

“You were using a weapon that was too much for you from the beginning. Not just in terms of weight, but also size.”

The sword Dianal used was roughly the length of his shoulder, including the handle.

Just a simple downward swing would cause the blade to scrape the ground.

Twisting his body to perform follow-up moves caused his balance to be disrupted.

“I understand why, but it’s a sword that doesn’t suit you. A weapon like this is more fitting for someone like Kyle.”

Kyle didn’t bother with follow-up moves.

He focused on a single, deadly strike.

If his attack failed, he’d brace himself and take the enemy’s counterattack head-on.

That’s why Kyle often paired a heavy battle axe with a shield.

Or he’d use such a greatsword while clad in heavy armor.

Listening to Damian, Dianal looked at his broken sword with a dazed expression.

‘Was the weapon I’ve been using all this time… wrong?’

He felt confused.

He even hesitated, wondering if he should accept what Damian was saying.

“For now, let’s go.”

“…Go where?”

Dianal asked, trying to sort out his jumbled thoughts.

But Damian didn’t pay it much mind.

“That thing’s useless now.”


Dianal let out a small sigh.

Damian was right. But…

‘I don’t have any money, damn it.’

He swallowed back the curse that reached his throat.

At least it was his sword that broke and not his body.

If he’d been hit by an attack like that, his own body might have been split in half.

“As an apology, I’ll buy you a new sword.”


“Of course.”

Damian grinned.

Dianal was not the type to accept debts.

‘Getting Dianal’s favor for the price of a sword…’

It was a bargain.

After all, Damian had plenty of money.

‘This guy… he’s such a good person.’

Dianal looked at Damian with grateful eyes.

Feeling awkward under the heavy gaze, Damian quickly started walking.

“Let’s go.”

Together, they headed to the forge within Erkal.

There weren’t any exceptionally high-quality swords, but the area had decent weapons given it was near a conflict zone.


Dianal examined the section with greatswords, his expression thoughtful.

He was hesitant to switch since he’d mainly used greatswords.


‘Maybe… I should try something a bit lighter?’

Thinking back, his previous sword was notably heavy.

He had been continuously training his strength just to wield it.

But then—

“Private Dianal, how about this?”


In Damian’s hands were two swords.

“What’s that?”

They were slightly shorter and narrower than typical longswords.

Slightly curved, they were sharp on only one side.

They were scimitars, often used by warriors in desert regions.


“Yes, I noticed during our sparring session that they might suit you well.”

“No way. I’ve never used something like this before, let alone dual wield.”

Dianal waved his hand dismissively.

Having never used such thin swords, he doubted they could cut through creatures like orcs.

At best, they’d barely slice through muscle.

But Damian spoke without hesitation.

“I know a swordsmanship style that would suit you, Private Dianal. You’ll pick it up quickly.”


“Yes, I’m confident you’ll be several times stronger than you are now.”

Damian finished his sentence, and Dianal’s eyes wavered.

‘Several times stronger…?’

It seemed baseless.

But why?

It didn’t feel like Damian was lying.

No, perhaps because he had seen Damian’s skills during their sparring, his words felt more trustworthy.


“If you don’t choose these swords, I won’t pay.”

“What? That’s cheating!”

“Heh, then let’s go with these.”

Damian chuckled and paid the forge master.

It cost a fair bit, but if it meant Dianal could grow stronger…

‘Let’s refine this guy first.’

If someone asked whether there was anyone he’d trust his life with, Damian could answer without hesitation.

It would be Dianal.

The memory of the last time he saw Dianal still lingered before his eyes.

A comrade and friend who died fighting for him.

There was nothing Damian wouldn’t do for him.

‘I’ll push you forward from now on, so be ready.’

But the path won’t be easy.

Damian looked at Dianal and smiled.

At that moment—


Dianal shuddered.

Why… did it feel like he was getting chills?

He couldn’t figure out the reason.

* * *

With the upcoming subjugation of the Bronselian Forest, the Adellante Temple had become increasingly busy.

The Monk Squad, which usually did not take action unless the temple was in direct danger, had started to mobilize.

“High Priest.”

“Priestess Claire, what brings you here?”

The High Priest asked as he saw Claire approach.

“Is it true that the Monk Squad will be joining the subjugation force?”

“Yes, and twenty priests will also be joining.”

A total of fifty monks and twenty priests from the temple would participate.

Surprised by the unusual numbers, Claire looked at the High Priest.

“I would like to join the subjugation force as well.”

“…You, Priestess? You must still be exhausted from the last search mission.”

“It’s the subjugation of the place I scouted myself. I must participate.”

The High Priest looked at Claire, who spoke firmly.

If that was her resolve…

“Understood. If that’s your will, I will grant permission.”

As the High Priest gave his consent, Claire bowed respectfully. And then—

“Will the Neokalitz unit be participating in the subjugation as well?”

“As far as I know, yes. No one knows the Bronselian Forest better than the Neokalitz unit.”


Claire replied.

‘…Was his name Damian?’

She recalled the boy she had met back then.

Despite his youthful appearance, his demeanor was far from that of an ordinary boy.

―Get a hold of yourself!

The way he had scolded her.

He was not just any typical boy.

Surely, he would join the subjugation force too.

‘…One week.’

According to the plan, the subjugation force would arrive in Erkal in a week.

After that, the priests and the units stationed in Erkal would join forces and head into the Bronselian Forest.

A forest tainted with magic.

Even now, the magic was expanding its territory, growing stronger with each passing moment.

Eradicating this ominous force was her duty.

Claire prayed to the gods for a successful subjugation.

* * *

Training with the unit in the morning.

And then, training with Dianal until sunset.

“Try twisting your waist a bit more as you swing. It’ll add more power.”

“Like this?”


Dianal’s sword sliced through the air, and Damian nodded.

Dianal definitely had talent.

When it came to this particular swordsmanship style, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call him a prodigy.

‘He’s growing rapidly now that he’s using a style suited to his body.’

For the first two days, wielding two swords felt incredibly awkward.

But once he got used to them, he transformed completely.

Swish! Slash! Whack!

Quick successive strikes.

His fighting style had completely changed from the single powerful strikes he had relied on before.

“Try to make your moves more fluid. You’re slowing down because you’re putting too much power into them.”

“…Got it.”

Despite Damian’s critiques, Dianal continued swinging his swords diligently.

As the training progressed, he found himself exerting more strength, just as Damian had pointed out.

His stamina was lacking.


Finishing his moves, Dianal looked at his trembling hand gripping the sword.

Holding the sword with one hand continuously required immense grip strength.

He turned his head to the side.


Kyle, wielding a massive battle axe.

On the third day, Kyle had asked to join their training.

Unlike Dianal, Kyle was a brute with near-unbreakable stamina.

‘…These new recruits are seriously something else.’

He’d heard they were from the north, but the difference was astounding.

And then—

“Kyle! Come over here.”

“Hm? What’s up?”

“Let’s have a sparring match between you and Private Dianal.”


“Yes, is there a problem?”

Damian asked.

Dianal tried to hide his trembling hand as he shook his head.

“No, it’s not that…”

Damn it, can I even fight?

He was struggling just to hold his sword, and now he had to face that beastly man…

But as a senior member, there was no backing out.

Soon, Kyle approached.

“Both of you, remember you’re using real weapons, not practice ones, so keep in mind this is a spar.”

“Got it.”


Damian glanced at Dianal and Kyle.

Both seemed exhausted from the intense training, but—

‘Fighting when you’re tired is what really counts.’

On the battlefield, victory often comes down to who can endure that final push.

Damian stepped back to observe the two.

With a bit of refinement, both could become formidable assets.

‘The real test… will come after the subjugation.’

In just a few days, the subjugation force would arrive in Erkal.

Because of the gravity of dealing with “magic,” preparations had been swift even within the kingdom.

‘Though it’s still unclear which units will be joining the subjugation force…’

Given the importance of the matter, it wouldn’t be an obscure unit.

Damian continued to watch Dianal and Kyle spar, pondering over these thoughts.

“Hm… that guy’s not bad, is he?”

The match between the two was fairly even.

Though Dianal’s attacks were more threatening.


Kyle defended with his shield and swung his battle axe aggressively.

Though it was a heavy weapon, his incredible strength made it particularly dangerous.

For the exhausted Dianal, even approaching Kyle was a challenge.

And as the spar progressed—

“Huff… huff… huff…”


Both were panting heavily, shoulders heaving.

Damian stepped in and said,

“That’s enough for now. Let’s rest until the subjugation force arrives. Keeping your condition optimal before real combat is crucial.”

“…I’m starting to forget who the senior here is.”

Dianal remarked, looking at Damian.

The way Damian spoke sounded just like a seasoned senior giving instructions.

But Damian just flashed a smile in response.

And a few days later—

The subjugation force arrived.

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