The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 117: Nick Fury

Chapter 117: Nick Fury

S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, Triskelion Building.

Phil Coulson walked into the director's office with a document and found Nick Fury sitting at his desk, staring at the map on the wall silently, as if thinking about some important issue.

In this regard, Phil Coulson said that he has long been used to it, and he can often see such pictures.

If you want to say that S.H.I.E.L.D and Nick Fury have been in contact with the agent for the longest time, he can definitely be at the top.

Before Nick Fury became SHIELD Director, Phil Coulson knew Nick Fury, and then Nick Fury became SHIELD Director, he promoted him to become a high level agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

It was also from the moment Nick Fury became director, Phil Coulson often saw Nick Fury looking at this map posted on the wall of the office.

Phil Coulson came to the desk of "957" in the office, when Nick Fury also noticed Phil Coulson's arrival, and turned his gaze from the map to Phil Coulson.

"Sir, here are the relevant data and test results of the panacea."

Nick Fury took the file from Phil Coulson and looked down at it.

While Nick Fury was viewing the report, Phil Coulson continued: "According to the observation records of patient No. 1, after taking a certain amount of panacea, the toxins in the patient's body were significantly reduced, but this process was relatively slow."

"However, after the patient took the remaining panacea, all the toxins in the body quickly disappeared, and the damage in the body began to slowly repair. So far, no adverse reactions have been found, and further observation is needed."

Nick Fury said in a deep voice, "Is there any possibility of duplicating this panacea?"

In fact, it was Nick Fury who arranged the trade between Phil Coulson and Lu Chuang.

After learning that Lu Chuang possessed a miraculous elixir, Nick Fury began to pay attention to this matter, and immediately ordered his right-hand man Phil Coulson to try to contact Lu Chuang, and it would be best to get a sample of that elixir.

Phil Coulson shook his head: "About this may sound a bit unbelievable, but according to the test results, the composition of that bottle of elixir is basically the same as that of a bottle of mineral water."

Hearing these words, Nick Fury couldn't help raising his head: "Are you sure?"

"This is the final result of our researchers after many tests, and the possibility of error is very low.

Phil Coulson said: "Even if we replicated the ingredients, it is very likely that we will only get a bottle of ordinary mineral water in the end, but it may be difficult to replicate the same effect."

If he hadn't seen the effect of the panacea with his own eyes, Phil Coulson would have suspected that Lu Chuang had fooled himself and sold himself a bottle of ordinary mineral water as the panacea.

Nick Fury narrowed his one-eyed slightly. His years of working as an agent made him keenly aware of the weirdness, and then he asked: "Phil Coulson, have you come into contact with that Asian man, did you find anything?"

Phil Coulson said: "This person is very mysterious and very skilled. Even the Romanov agent is not an opponent. Although the other party has exposed a lot of information about himself, we have also verified this information later, and it is all unverifiable. False information, including that face."

"According to our system matching, the place where the Asian face first appeared was Monaco. Considering the other party's previous record of pretending to be a Romanov agent, I think the other party's face is probably also a disguise."

Nick Fury stretched out his fingers and tapped the table. This was his habitual thinking action. After a long time, he said, "Do you think this person poses a threat?"

Phil Coulson frowned and thought: "At present, his main goal seems to be for the steel armor. The reason is unknown, but from the analysis of his behavior, I don't think he has...well, it should be said that he doesn't have much malice."

Phil Coulson thought of Lu Chuang's bad taste, but he really couldn't say that the other party was completely harmless.

After pondering for a moment, Nick Fury suddenly stopped his finger movements, and said, "Since this is the case, you will be in charge of contacting him in the future, and tell him that S.H.I.E.L.D is willing to trade with him and order two hundred bottles of elixir, but... Fees need to be renegotiated."

It is no exaggeration to say that the panacea can save a person's life at a critical moment, especially for agents who complete dangerous tasks, this panacea is undoubtedly their life...

For this panacea, Nick Fury will not let go.

Nick Fury said: "Tell that person that the price of a bottle of 200,000 USD is too expensive, and we can't afford such a large amount of money. If he wants to cooperate for a long time, he must show a little sincerity. You are still in charge of this aspect." Negotiate, try to lower the price to a suitable range, remember, this is a secret mission and cannot be disclosed to anyone.


Phil Coulson sighed inwardly, he knew he was busy again.

The two chatted a few more words, and Phil Coulson, who took over the new task, quickly left the office. Nick Fury did not relax, but immediately drew up a budget allocation agreement for S.H.I.E.L.D.

After all, S.H.I.E.L.D is not a self-produced department.

All the funds of S.H.I.E.L.D are actually allocated through the World Security Council.

The World Security Council has the right to supervise S.H.I.E.L.D, and must also abide by the corresponding obligations. Every time there is a new project, Nick Fury has to draft an agreement and submit it to the World Security Council.

Therefore, Nick Fury is very proficient in this work, and he drew up the budget appropriation agreement in a few clicks.

As for the amount, naturally, the more you write, the better. It is not easy to allocate funds every time. Nick Fury will not let go of such a good opportunity. 5.0

Definitely, Nick Fury didn't want these funds into his own pocket, just recently he was short of funds to build a new safe house.

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, he is always facing various dangers. Nick Fury's persecution paranoia can be said to be terminally ill. He always feels that someone is going to hurt him, and he hardly trusts anyone. Doubt, almost even doubt yourself.

So Nick Fury built himself some safe houses, just in case.

Nick Fury looked at the map on the wall again, his expression lost in thought.

"Where should the safe house be built this time?"

"The area of this America map seems to be almost full. Do you want to start developing to the whole world?"

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