The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 127: Please Respect Yourself, I Am A Decent Person

Chapter 127: Please Respect Yourself, I Am A Decent Person

In order to facilitate the next action, John briefly introduced his companion.

The Mexican with the beard is named Marcos, and his code name is Eclipse. Ability can absorb, store and release solar energy. Simply put, it is a mobile light source, which sounds useless.

It was the other two Mutants that aroused Lu Chuang's interest.

Especially the red-haired woman named Sofia, her code name is Sweet Dreamer, she possesses the ability to modify other people's memory, it is a very terrifying ability, in a sense, this ability is even better than Lorna's ability Be strong.

Modifying other people's memories, isn't this equivalent to the magical skill "Bietenjin" in Naruto?

Imagine if the Ability user modifies someone's memory to be his "097" slave, but the victim himself doesn't notice it at all, but thinks that his memory should be like this, and he is the Ability user's slave. How can Ability not make everyone feel intimidated, who can guarantee whether your current memory is true.

However, Lu Chuang guessed that Sofia's Ability should have some limitations.

If Sofia can really modify other people's memories at will, John directly asks Sofia to modify the memories of the Sentry Secret Service agents, release their companions, and it's over, and there is no need for the help of himself and Lorna.

As for the remaining strong black man, his Ability is also quite special. He can blend into the surrounding environment to achieve an effect similar to invisibility, which is the Ability that many people dream of.

"Is this all you have?" Lu Chuang asked in surprise.

He found that the abilities of these mutants were all auxiliary abilities, and the only one with combat abilities was John, a big guy with steel and iron bones.

You must know that the target of their attack later is the Sentry Secret Service. Regardless of the nature of this institution, the Sentry Secret Service is also a government department with armed forces, and all staff must be equipped with firearms.

Even for Mutants with special abilities, except for Mutants with strengthening bodies like John, the bodies of other Mutants are mostly similar to normal people, even Lorna is no exception.

People get shot and get hurt!

If a confrontation suddenly broke out between the two sides, John and his companions would basically not be able to provide much help.

John nodded helplessly: "Yes, our Mutant underground organization has been established for a relatively short period of time, and we haven't recruited many people yet, and we still need some members to stay behind. This is all the power we can use."

"I see."

While Lu Chuang was looking at John and others, the members of the Mutant underground organization were also looking at Lu Chuang. John didn't mention the one million USD to them, so they only knew that Lu Chuang was John's temporary helper. Also learned the basic information of Lu Chuang.

Marcus asked curiously: "I heard that your Ability is shapeshifting, can you show us?"


Lu Chuang shrugged indifferently.

While speaking, his image suddenly changed, and he became John's appearance worth one hundred USD again.

"My God, this is too similar..."

Marcus was a little shocked, Sofia and the black burly man also had surprised expressions on their faces, Lu Chuang's disguise was so flawless, if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, I'm afraid they would have thought that Lu Chuang was really John.

Even though John had already seen Lu Chuang's camouflage technique, he couldn't help sighing at this moment: "With Lu's cooperation, I believe we can definitely rescue Clarice."

Lu Chuang didn't change back, and asked John like this: "By the way, does the Clarice you mentioned have a title?"

John didn't know why he asked this question, but he still replied: "Her name is Blink, and Ability opens a special channel for long-distance teleportation. As long as we save her, we can use her Ability to leave here immediately."

It turned out to be flickering!

Lu Chuang said that the name sounded familiar, it turned out to be one of the characters that appeared in the X-Men movie, and the actor of that movie was a well-known domestic actress at that time, so Lu Chuang still had a deep impression of Blink of.

No wonder John dared to attack the Sentry Secret Service alone with three assistants. As long as they save Blink, with Blink's teleportation ability, it's really not difficult for them to escape safely from the encirclement of the Sentry Secret Service...

Judging from the performance of film and television works, Blink's escape ability is absolutely top-notch. She can open the space door at will to teleport anywhere. Being one of the few X-Men who survived to the end is enough to explain the problem.

It's also not known how the Sentry Secret Service people caught Blink.

"This road is the necessary route for Clarice's escort truck, and the escort convoy will arrive here soon, then it will be up to you, Lorna, to use your Ability to intercept the escort convoy.

Located on the roof of the factory, John pointed to the road outside, and said in a deep voice to Lorna.

"I see." Lorna nodded.

At this moment, the door on the roof of the factory opened suddenly, and Sofia came up and saw John and Lorna arranging actions.

Sofia leaned over to John: "John, Marcus and the others are already in place, waiting for your instructions."

Sofia is John's girlfriend, so her behavior is relatively intimate. When she talks, she almost sticks to John's body. It is a normal behavior for couples, but John in front of her said seriously: "Sofia is small 3.3 Sister, please respect yourself, I am a decent person, and your boyfriend is still watching, it is not good."

Before Sofia figured out what was going on, she saw Lorna looking at herself coldly: "If you're looking for John, he's over there."

Sofia was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look in the direction Luo pointed.

I saw another John standing on the edge of the roof, his face seemed a little green.

Originally, John was on the top of the building through his hearing, eavesdropping on the surrounding situation all the time, but when he turned his head, he saw his girlfriend pounced on another person.


She really didn't mean it, and she didn't know that Lu Chuang hadn't changed back until now. .

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