The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 139: Ivan

Chapter 139: Ivan


John never imagined that Lu Chuang built a brand new base by himself, and it looked decent, it should not be that kind of bean curd project.

He thought it was true.

The new base in front of us was built by Lu Chuang himself, and there is absolutely no problem in terms of building safety.

After being shocked, John looked at the new base and became more and more excited. The environment here is much better than the abandoned bank. Although it is more troublesome to get in and out, it is better because the location is hidden enough.

Who would have guessed that there is an underground base hidden in the toilet?

You know, in order to achieve the effect of deceiving people, Lu Chuang deliberately made the toilet like a normal toilet. The toilet is real, and the shit is real, and there are basically no flaws on the surface.

All in all, John is very satisfied with this new base, which is beyond his expectation.

"Lu, you've done a great job!" John didn't hide his admiration at all.

Lu Chuang remained humble: "It's all thanks to the help of Clarice and Marcus."

"Actually, we didn't help much." Clarice said shyly.

The task Lu Chuang gave her was very simple, that is to use the portal to transport away the soil that Lu Chuang kept digging up, and Marcus's task was even simpler, standing directly on the ground as a humanoid light bulb to shine for the new base , until the new base is connected to the cable.

Looking at the empty new base, John said: "With the new base you built, we can accommodate more homeless Mutants, but it would be better if the space is bigger."

If Lu Chuang continues to expand, perhaps their place will become the largest base of the Mutant underground organization.

Lu Chuang said happily: "As long as the money is in place, you can build the entire underground into a base without any problem."

When it comes to money, John, who is a millionaire, loses his mind in an instant.

But he didn't give up his thoughts, looked at Clarice and Marcus, gritted his teeth and said, "Can we sign a few more IOUs, you can take photos as you like, and I can pose in any pose you want."

Fortunately, Lu Chuang is not drinking now, otherwise he would definitely spit it out.

Lu Chuang rolled his eyes: "Beforehand, those photos are all wearing clothes, please don't be so weird, and do you think I'm a fool, you have the ability to afford so much money?"

There was an embarrassing expression on John's face. Now he still has two huge sums of money on his body, and he has not even made up the odds.

I can't really follow what Lu Chuang said, go to the elephant country and debut as an idol.

That's the end of the topic, John dismissed the thoughts in his mind, and refocused on this new base.

After pondering for a moment, John immediately decided to move the base camp of the Mutant underground organization here.

Definitely, John wasn't stupid enough to tell everyone about it.

After all, there are some Mutants in the organization who are destined to leave, and they just use this place as a temporary residence. If one day they are accidentally captured by the Sentry Secret Service, "it is difficult to guarantee whether they will disclose the information here to the Sentry Secret Service.

John had no choice before, but now his idea is to treat this new base as a secret base, where only members of the Mutant underground organization, or Mutants who choose to stay here for a long time, live.

The abandoned bank is used as a temporary base to accommodate those Mutants who stay for a short time.

After arranging the transfer of the base camp, John found Lu Chuang again: "Lu, I have already contacted Ivan, she agreed to meet with you, the time is tomorrow, this is the location.

After receiving the note from John, Lu Chuang was overjoyed: "Well done, according to our agreement, your debt will be offset by 100,000 USD, and I will give you 50,000 USD as a personal donation.

Hearing that he got 50,000 USD, John fell into deep thought for a moment.

People will change after all.

In the past, John would keep 50,000 USD as an emergency fund.

But right now, John has only one thought on his mind.

How many meters can 50,000 USD expand their new base?

The next day, Lu Chuang came to Broadway according to the appointment location.

John, as the contact person of both sides, did not follow. Due to the transfer of the base camp, now he has a lot of things to deal with, and there is no free time at all.

Walking into an apartment, Lu Chuang found the house number on the note and knocked on the door.

"Who are you?"

Soon, a woman's voice came from inside the house.

"I'm Lu Chuang, John should have told you. Lu Chuang said in a deep voice, quite a feeling of spy underground connection.

"Hold on."

A few seconds later, the door opened slowly, and a long-haired woman in a formal suit appeared in front of Lu Chuang.

After seeing Lu Chuang, the woman's expression seemed calm: "I've been waiting for you for a long time, let's go into the room and chat."

After speaking, the woman returned to the house on her own.

Lu Chuang looked as usual, and followed the woman into the room. The light in the room was very dim, and the curtains covered most of the windows. Through the weak light, it could be seen that there was no trace of life in the house. Obviously, this house was just a a temporary point.

The woman sat down and said calmly: "I'm Ivan, I heard from John, you seem to have some questions to ask me, right?


Lu Chuang nodded, and said bluntly: "I want to ask you about the X-Men, because I heard from others that you are suffering from contact with the X-Men?"

Ivan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Oh? Who did you listen to?"

Anyway, John can be regarded as his acquaintance, Lu Chuang felt that he couldn't betray him: "It's just gossip.

Ivan stared at Lu Chuang for a while, then slowly said: "Yes, I have been in contact with the X-Men."

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