The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 142: Hate!

Chapter 142: Hate!

Seeing Lu Chuang revealing Lorna's identity all of a sudden, Ivan had no choice but to admit: "You are right, Lorna Dan is indeed Magneto's daughter.

"Tsk tsk, Professor X really knows how to play." Lu Chuang said with emotion.

Inviting the daughter of my old rival to my camp, this kind of coquettish operation can be imagined. If Lorna really joins the Mutant underground organization, when she meets Magneto, she might stage a fatherly love scene on the spot. The drama of female filial piety.

Professor X is such a bad old man, no wonder Magneto often falls in his hands.

Lu Chuang asked curiously: "Does Lorna know about this?"

Ivan pretended not to hear Lu Chuang's slanderous words against Professor X, and shook his head: "Lorna Dan didn't know about it, she thought she was an orphan, after her adoptive parents died

She has been living with her aunt since then, and no one has ever told Lorna Dane about her life experience.

"I see."

Lu Chuang wondered if he should tell Lorna when he went back. In fact, she has a very awesome father, and he is also a good friend of the X-Men leader. Maybe she can recognize a particularly awesome mother by the way. Although this mother's head is a bit bald.

Putting away the thoughts that started to diverge, Lu Chuang was a little puzzled: "Since Professor X and his X-Men have disappeared, why hasn't Magneto appeared? Isn't now the best time for him to do something?"

Who knows, Ivan replied: "Magneto disappeared long ago, earlier than Professor X, and his Brotherhood organization also disbanded, just like X-Men disappeared completely

No one knows why. "

Magneto and Brotherhood gone too?

Lu Chuang frowned, he felt that this incident should have something to do with the disappearance of the X-Men, but there are too few clues now, Lu Chuang can't think of any useful information for the time being.

However, Lu Chuang did not give up the investigation.

Under his constant questioning, Ivan was very cooperative, as long as it did not involve important information, she was willing to reveal the information she knew.

Half an hour later, Lu Chuang left the apartment with his notebook.

Lu Chuang looked at his game system.

[Big news - can be completed]

In the end, Lu Chuang still failed to investigate the truth behind the X-Men.

The information Ivan knows is limited, although it is not like John and the others who don't know everything, but the information she knows obviously lacks some of the most important content, such as what kind of trouble Professor X and the others encountered back then, which caused them to suddenly disappear.

Lu Chuang felt that the trouble that Professor X mentioned was definitely the key point.

As long as we figure this out, maybe we can know the truth behind the X-Men.

But Lu Chuang is not without gains, and finally Ivan told him a place where it is possible to find the X-Men's former base, and the address is located in Westchester.

However, it was getting late now, and Lu Chuang was not in a hurry to leave for Westchester immediately. He decided to take a suitable helper to take a look at it another day. This type of investigation task is too brain-intensive, and he needs tool people. ...oh no, the assistance of a helper.

As for who to ask for help, Lu Chuang already had an idea in mind.

Lu Chuang was walking on the road, flipping through the notes in his hand, trying to sort out the recorded information.

While passing through Harlem, Lu Chuang suddenly heard a loud noise. Looking up, he saw several military vehicles parked on the side of the road, and a large number of soldiers with live ammunition came out of the vehicles. What's more exaggerated is that, Lu Chuang noticed several helicopters circling overhead.

This huge amounts of formation instantly attracted passers-by to watch and take pictures.

Some people in the crowd have already recognized that this is America's military force, and everyone is only curious as to why America's army gathered here at this time.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chuang saw a captain with a hooked nose and stern eyes coming out. As for how Lu Chuang could tell that he was the captain, the reason was very simple. Among so many soldiers, he was the only one who did not wear a tactical helmet. If the lens is not at the level of the captain, it cannot be justified.

The captain ran directly to a building not far away with his gun in his hand, followed by other soldiers pouring into the building like a tide, only a part of the soldiers stood outside and waited.

Looking at the bright guns in the hands of the soldiers, the passers-by consciously stood five meters away...

Only the patrolling police officers dared to approach the past and ask what happened.

Lu Chuang pricked up his ears to listen, only to hear a soldier say: "We are arresting an international fugitive, don't hinder our work, we need to seal off this area for deployment of troops."

Hearing this, Lu Chuang raised his eyebrows.

What is the background of this fugitive, so many troops are needed to arrest him, I am afraid that the bearded man will not need such a big battle when he is alive.

"However, we didn't receive any notice in advance." The patrolman said puzzledly.

"We have obtained the relevant authorization. Don't hinder our work." The soldier's attitude was extremely tough, and his words were even more unceremonious. Without arguing with each other, pick up the walkie-talkie and call the headquarters for reinforcements.

Ignoring the patrolling police, the soldiers began to clear the surrounding crowd, even Lu Chuang, who was eating melons, was no exception.


At this moment, a gunshot suddenly sounded [the glass of that building instantly turned into silver light and scattered on the ground.

Hearing the sound of gunshots, passers-by immediately knelt down skillfully with their heads in their hands, while Lu Chuang stood there calmly. He knew it was a secret sniper shooting, and it was obvious that the army was attacking the so-called international fugitives.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for him to see a man whose whole body was tightly bound by restraint belts, and was sent out of the building by a group of 0.7 soldiers, whether it was in the open or in the dark

There are countless guns aimed at the man, as if the man is an extremely dangerous person, and he almost put a grenade in the man's mouth.

The woman beside her was crying bitterly, and she seemed to be begging an old man in military uniform, but the old man was unmoved: "Bruce Banner is a fugitive, I can't let him go, if you weren't my daughter, now You have also been handcuffed by me."

At the same time, a system prompt popped up in Lu Chuang's mind.

[Title Trigger!]

[Hunting giant beasts - can be completed]

[Unlock condition: personally kill the abominable Emil Bronski (0/1)]

[Awarded title: Super high school level wrestler].

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